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Commercial Airplane Multiengine Land
1000 hours flight time...8 months to college graduation, and I hope there is a job to pay for my skydiving habit.
Seriously, I used to love flying ALOT...But ever since I started jumping I realized that any job I have will only pay for my skydiving....Which leads to my next question (WARNING: Off thread topic:-): How can a person live on a drop zone and make enough money to jump? Could I be employed as a jump pilot (a big DZ, I'm a pilot now at a small one and don't make enough to live) and still be able to jump? Any info will help...
Blue Skies,

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WHO? WHO? lol.....

The ex was an uncurrent private pilot with an IFR rating when I met him. I encouraged him to get current because it's the thing he truly loves to do, but we ended up jumping instead. He quit jumping after he broke his leg and is current flying airplanes now.
pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
-Gregory Benford

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I have 10 hours in a Diamond Katana - then I started jumping, then I went back to school - graduate in may and will try to get my private pilot license soon after. It's something I have to do...When I'm driving on the highway, I want to pull back on my steering wheel and take off, know what I mean?
My Uncle is a stunt pilot - flies a Decathalon - that's how all this shit started in the first place :)

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Just curious how many of you out there are pilots. I wish there was a spot on the profile for it. Anyway...my info:

ATP AMEL, BE1900, MU300, BE400, LR-JET, HS-125
Commercial ASEL
CFI - ASEL, AMEL, Instrument
5800 hours TT
5500 PIC
1000 hours as CFI, about half teaching aerobatics in Decathalon, Pitts S2B, Extra 300
Currently PIC in a Hawker 800(HS125-800) for a large fractional

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It's a good airplane for a midsize.....I'd much rather be in a Challenger or Gulfstream.. I could be flying a Challenger or Falcon as SIC, but due to my seniority I cannot hold PIC in either one yet.......so here I sit in the Hawker.. I've got about 1200 hours in it, and I'm bored out of my mind with the airplane....but it's a good, solid mid sized jet.. It's an easy 2000NM airplane, coast to coast is not a problem as long as the weather is decent and the headwinds aren't too strong.. I've kept the thing aloft for 5h45min with a high speed cruise, and 6h20min with a long range cruise....and landed with better than minimum reserves..
You ever fly one?

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Wow, sweet plane. Bet you get way up there on those long range cruises. I'm on the CL-200 Canadair Regional Jet. Love the glass. Probably not as fast as your Hawker but I AM faster than the 737 Guppies. Love going west bound out of ORD and passing them. But hey, they get paid more than me and are paid by the minute so who has the last laugh, eh?

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Wow, sweet plane. Bet you get way up there on those long range cruises. I'm on the CL-200 Canadair Regional Jet. Love the glass. Probably not as fast as your Hawker but I AM faster than the 737 Guppies.

Saying you're faster than a 737 isn't saying much.. ;) The Hawker is Vmo/Mmo limited to 335/.80.. We normally cruise around .77 to .78 at HSC, and around .74 at LRC.. For those longer flights, I take it right on up to FL390 or FL410(service ceiling).. If it's over ISA+5, I normally have to step climb.. If you climb the way the book says(250KIAS to .64), and go right up to 390 or 410 while your heavy and it's hot, you will never accelerate.......so I climb at 280-320(depending on weight/temp) to .70-.74, and level for a few minutes at 350 or 370..
What are you guys limited to in the CRJ for speed/altitude? I think the ERJ is limited to something like .77 and FL370......I think the altitude limitation is due to the 7PSI(or close to it) cabin limitation..

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Wow, I thought you were faster than us. We actually cruise at 280 or 290 all the time at .80 or .81. Vmo is 335. .85 up higher on the CRJ. I've gone to 350 only when lite and only on very long legs. DEN-SBA / DEN-EUG. We always plan the fuel at 290/280 for fuel just incase ATC doesn't let us up.

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when I stopped jumping I signed up for flight school. ASMEL, Instr, and private pilot rotorcraft, that was the most fun of all flyiing. Mostly Schweizer, (easy to fly, actually ) and 1 hour each in Bell 47 ( real easy ) and a Robinson ( watch out !!):)

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Just curious how many of you out there are pilots. I wish there was a spot on the profile for it. Anyway...my info:

Single Engine Land
Jump Pilot in Cessna 182's

Prolly should up that Dave...;)

Otter Jockey has been on your ticket for a while now!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Private SEL... I restore vintage aircraft and dabble in Experimentals. Been flying since age 8, soloed at 16, still cant get enough at 47.

Without skydivers, I'm still a pilot. Without a pilot, you guys are just pedestrians. I crack myself up.

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well some people call it a "Kite" but I fly a weight shift E-LSA. (experimental light sport aircraft.) we call them trikes, basically a hang glider with a trike and motor.

funny thing is that my instructor hates teaching GA pilots to fly a weight shift because the controls are essentially backwards. push out to go up, pull back to dive, push right to go left... He has had a few close calls, having to resort to slapping the student to let go of the controls before they went in. :o

its a very very easy aircraft to fly, no flaps, trim, pedals, just a control bar.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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About 20 hours in a diamond DA-20, about 100 in the T-6 (mostly aerobatic and instrument), and almost another 100 in the T-1 (Beech 400) nearly all instrument. No ratings yet, but we get winged on August 14th after which we can test for several ratings at once.
The best things in life are dangerous.

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Private pilot rating. 450 hours mostly Cessna 150/52 / 172 & 182s I have a SODA [Statement Of demonstrated Ability] due being deaf and left arm amputee. I also have A&P mechanics rating...

working on my commercial rating now..

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B.S in Aviation Meteorology, Florida Institute of Technology (1 year flight, 3 years non-flight due to money) :(

Currently doing my masters in Aeronautical Science, Embry Riddle. HOPEFULLY, I can resume flying and finish up my private/instrument as soon as this degree is done and paid for!

(I wish flying and skydiving were cheaper! [:/])

Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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Commercial multi engine land - limited - meaning no Instrument rating so I cannot fly passengers at night or more than 25nm (or 50 - I can't remember)

funny thing is I can fly a Twin Otter with jumpers on board, but I am not allowed to fly jumpers in a C182.....

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Just curious how many of you out there are pilots. I wish there was a spot on the profile for it. Anyway...my info:

Single Engine Land
Jump Pilot in Cessna 182's

USAF F-15C Evaluator / Instructor

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Saying you're faster than a 737 isn't saying much.. ;)

Mike - it's all a frame of reference bro. I'd be in a full-wing rock at .7 mach anything above FL280. We cruise at .95 for best mileage around FL430

It's a pain to get up there though. You silly guys and your RVSM airspace!!!!

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