
New Iphone

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Palm Pre just came out three days ago! Give it a few months and apps will start pouring in like candies!

If they don't, the Pre will be in trouble. Does Palm have developer tools, distribution, etc set up yet? Right now, they have maybe sold 200,000 phones....pretty small market compared to iPhone/Touch base of ~ 37 million and not too attractive to most developers.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I really want an iPhone, but I really don't want AT&T.

Good luck with that - IS there another carrier, Stateside, that uses GSM (required for the iphone)?


Yea but they have the G1 (i have one and like it alot) I dont see them getting the Iphone anytime soon.
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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I really want an iPhone, but I really don't want AT&T.

Good luck with that - IS there another carrier, Stateside, that uses GSM (required for the iphone)?


I'd forgotten about them.... about the only option in that case is to bite the bullet and pay the premium for an unlocked iphone...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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