
Love the smell of...

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Peonies from the garden...

Fresh yeasty Bread , in the oven, baking.

heavy equipment like bulldozers, graders, Euclid Trucks, that run on deisel.....

Sweet basil, picked fresh off the plant, from the garden.

Spearmint Leaves picked fresh off the plant, from the garden.

ALL the variety of aromas, from A carnival or country fair.

The smell of a good CIGAR !!!!

Burning leaves in Autumn...
Pine trees at Christmas Time...
A turkey roasting in the oven
A Glazed ham with plenty of Cloves, just as it finishes cooking...


The haze which sometimes envelops concert venues, AND the occassional safety meeting...;)

Chanel # 5

Herbal Shampoos...


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Freshly moved lawns

....... what smells do you love.....


Cookies baking
Downey fab softner on the warm clothes just out of the dryer.
Freshly showered man in the morning
That cedar smell on clothes when they have been in a drawer for a long time.
The smell of a furnis for the first time at the start of winter.
Suntan oil/lotion

There are more but this will work for now....:)
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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A beautiful women.....yes beautiful women have an amazing sent.

Coffee.....fresh ground in a French Press

Persian Tea

Persian Kebab

The sea in the morning.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Lets see.. smell of perfume in between a womans boobies (you can tell where my mind is to day) Parachute nylon, Fresh grilled steak w/mushrooms, the boobie thing just poped into my mind againB|

Ever have a very attractive and excited girl blind fold you with her bra....oooh wow!
Why did I ever graduate from university! WHY!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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A beautiful women.....yes beautiful women have an amazing sent.

Coffee.....fresh ground in a French Press

Persian Tea

Persian Kebab

The sea in the morning.

Are you saying that not so beautiful women don't smell good??

Just bustin' your chops. :ph34r:;)
Be yourself!

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My backyard on a hot summer's night (smells like honeysuckle but I can't find the bushes.... so it must be the blueberry bushes)

My kitty's furry belly

Eternity for Men and Polo when worn by my xHusband :S

The smell of rain

The smell of baby heads :D

Many Chanel & Ralph Lauren perfumes

Wood burning fireplaces in the fall

Bonfires any time of the year


The air right before a snowstorm

This guy I used to work with... never did ask him what cologne he wore.

The smell of police cars - from the front seats. Seriously. :D

Sitting on a beach breathing in the ocean scent.

A really nice Cuban Cohiba cigar - can't remember which one though. [:/]

The smell of Jamaica when they open the cabin door of the plane... Ya mon!! B|

A bouquet of pastel colored roses

A guy right out of the shower when they're still wearing a towel and that damn watch... ;)

Leaves raked into a pile... :)
Jet-A exhaust

Always be kinder than you feel.

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wow everything listed!!

definatly I love the smell of airplanes running and my gear/canopy ... mmm wrapping up nakkid in the canopy ... oh wait sorry lost focus there, lol :P

winter in the NW!
wild flower fields
clean laundry
the boyfriends shirt
fresh cut wood
fresh cut grass
fishing on the lake
my quads, or 4 wheelers
sharpie pens (wrong/wierd I know)
the water front in seattle
warm tropical smell of puerta vallarta
baking bread
well almost all food lol

..... for got to add vskydiver's hair, its always so good to have her sit in my lap on the plane ride up!

(I.C.D#2 VP)
""I'm good with my purple penis straw" ~sky mama

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Barbero's Bakery in Trenton, NJ http://www.superpages.com/bp/Trenton-NJ/Barbero-Bakery-Inc-L0001876703.htm

I used to work a couple blocks from there in 2000/01. When they were baking & the wind was in the right direction, the neighborhood smelled heavenly. It was hard not to sneak out for a quick cannoli...

I'm working right down the street from there right now... :P:P:P

My great grandparents owned a small storefront a block south on Anderson (speaking of smells, I remember going into the chicken house in the later 50's (the chickens had been gone since just after the war) & that distinctive smell of chicken feathers & blood) & my grandfather had a shoe repair shop a block north on Anderson (it was a pizza shop last time I was there) near the Casino (you should stop for a "Casino Dog" once) for about 45 years. I also remember being at the dedication of the statue in Columbus Park about 50 years ago. :|
When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

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80/87 & 100LL

Smells just like VP 114!

I'd be sitting in the Cessna, take a deep breath & say, "Mmmmmm...! Smells like the race track."

I'd be in the pits at the drag strip, a car would start, I take deep breath & say, "Mmmmmm...! Smells like the airport."

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

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Mmmm...and Waffle House!

I GREATLY enjoy going to the "awful house"!! The people watching there is AMAZING!!

Love the smell of:

baked cookies

wet canvas - old military tents

bleach or chlorine in a swimming pool

musty old books in a quiet dark library

wet leaves

wood burning (stove, bonfire)


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