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So the paper is done!

Here is the abstract:

This research investigates the effects of high-risk propensity (as measured by the sensation seeking scale) on lifestyle variables such as substance use and abuse, number of sexual partners and driving behavior, and explores the consumption patterns exhibited by different risk propensity groups. An online survey with 340 participants was conducted; 64 low, 204 medium and 62 high sensation seekers were identified. High sensation seekers exhibited riskier behaviors across all lifestyle and consumption behaviors and led us to conclude that it is, in fact, a constant personality variable. We have not found a significant difference between age and sports activities one participates in, showing that “risk taking does not disappear, only changes form.” Our findings suggest that marketers should rely on psychographics rather than demographics when accessing and communicating to this risk-taker target segment; they can also leverage this research in new product development and in identifying cross-selling opportunities.

It will be posted soon in a pdf format, and if anybody is interested, I will post the link to the full paper.

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