
Asshole or not?

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I had a 600 plus mile drive home today-haven't really seen my wife in two weeks.

Less than 15 miles from home, I come to a 4 way stop. A line of cars on all sides. When I got to the 3rd position back from my stop sign, the car at the intersection eased up when it was her turn and stopped. The other cars then picked up and went in turn. Then the car just sat for several seconds until the other cars again took their turns going. I put my car in park, walked up and tapped on the window (which was about 1/2 way down) of the young lady to get her attention, stepped in to the intersection, stopped traffic and flagged her through.
Was I being helpful or being an ass?
I also helpfully suggested that she go home and review that portion of the driver's handbook.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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I had a 600 plus mile drive home today-haven't really seen my wife in two weeks.

Less than 15 miles from home, I come to a 4 way stop. A line of cars on all sides. When I got to the 3rd position back from my stop sign, the car at the intersection eased up when it was her turn and stopped. The other cars then picked up and went in turn. Then the car just sat for several seconds until the other cars again took their turns going. I put my car in park, walked up and tapped on the window (which was about 1/2 way down) of the young lady to get her attention, stepped in to the intersection, stopped traffic and flagged her through.
Was I being helpful or being an ass?
I also helpfully suggested that she go home and review that portion of the driver's handbook.

That is classic!! Thank you, you just did a good deed in my book!! ;)

Some one buy Divot a beer and some wings at Hooters...

TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Really cool man, that took nards... lots of people just go about their day getting from point A to point B and if someone falters along the way even if it is something as simple as hesitating at an intersection they are ignored. Life is tough enough and sometimes people just need a little boost- you stepped up to the plate and hit a homer for that person. I hear something like this and think-YEAH Skydiving does give people super powers!

Do I have to hand in my man card now for thinking this out loud?
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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I must admit that I was confused too when we were approaching the American intersection for the :D time. People actually STOP for you and wait their turn? Confusing and somewhat scary...

We be stupid foreigners :|

The system you got over there would never work on this side of the pond (at least the bit known as the Netherlands)... where there are no traffic lights involved it's every (wo)man for themselves - you spot a gap big enough to squeeze your car into and... you do.

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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Oh, hell no... that was a great thing you did... much more civilized then I would have been... :DB|

Even much more civilized than me! One day while driving out to work on my home street, where the speed limit is 40, which is what I was doing (I only speed on the highways). This jackass in a jeep zooms past me in a no passing zone at what I estimated to be about 70 mph, and then he gets stuck behind the car ahead of me going into a 30 mph zone with twists and turns ahead. I make a bee-line right for his ass and slam on the brakes one second before I would have rammed him.

We get to the end of the road at the US highway and I yelled as loud as I could with all the windows rolled up "YOU GODDAMNED ASSHOLE!!!!" Well what do ya know? He heard me! Put his jeep in park and clambered out, looked like some gangly punk ass teenager smoking a cigarette. I rolled my window down but didn't get out (never do that people). I heard him say something about me almost slamming his ass. I yelled "I don't care what you do on the highway but that's a neighborhood back there and you don't drive that fast there! What the fuck are you doing?" He says "cuz I'm in a hurry". "Oh really, you're in a hurry? Go ahead, get the fuck out of my sight!" I yelled. He turned back to his jeep, got in and peeled rubber out of there.

I noticed in my rear-view mirror a woman sitting in her car behind me with her eyes as big as saucers. Wonder what she thought was gonna happen?

In Divot's situation, I might have just honked the horn. I have been in that situation before. The one I remember was at a busy intersection in the city where I was on a minor road waiting for the light to change so I could get on the major road. The light does not stay green for long. In front of me was this little old lady who just sat there when the light turned green. About halfway through the green light, I honked the horn to "wake her up". All she did was be startled and look around but still didn't move a fucking inch. Then the light just turned yellow and I said "fuck it" and slammed the gas, going around her and through the intersection before the light became red. What do ya know? I saw her pull out slowly and go through the intersection AFTER the light turned red. :S
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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