
Any skydiving lawyers on here?

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A couple of weekends ago a buddy that started jumping around the same time as me happened to come to my new home DZ for the season opener. It had been a few years since we saw each other so it was great to catch up and exchange no shit stories and remember our friends who arent around any more.

At some point we agreed that modern skydiving is getting boring and wanted to bring back some of that oldtime adventure. A lowpull contest was arranged. As it happens I usually jump a Specter 170 and I did not want to be sniveling through 500ft (been there done that had to throw away that pair of underwear). So to be safe (as I am a very safety consious jumper) I decided to rent student gear. My buddy still jumps a Monarch - hes really old school.

The DZO at this new place is a bit of a jagoff and a lowpull contest would really get his panties wadded up his crack. So to avoid any unpleasantness I told the student gear lady I wanted to rent a student rig because I wanted to get recurrent as this was my first weekend jumping in 6 months. So I got one of the ragged old Telesis rigs with a Maverone or whatever spankalicious canopy they use for students.

When gearing up we were both careful to turn off our AADs - no sense leaving them on. The student rig had a pin-puller FXC. I got a penny and made sure mine was off. My buddy jerked his right arm around a few times and told me he was trying to train his arm to stay off his pud - hehehe.

In the plane we could not stop grinning. It was just like the old days. We insisted on letting the freakflyers leave before us and wondered if they knew what we were doing. My buddy and I exited right after the freaks - me first and he pinned me pretty quick. It was great to get back in the air after so long. As theground got bigger, I looked at my buddy. I could tell he was getting nervous as he kept looking at the ground and then back up at me. When we passed the pussies deploying around us at 3000' I knew it was ON!

Just as I saw him start to reach for his hackey I felt the biggest fu*king jolt as my reserve deployed. The damn AOD had fu*ked up. I was at (I think) about 1400' when it went off and at abotu 1200 in the saddle. My buddy was the first down I was second.

When I checked the rig on the ground the AAD the screw had been turned off so I'm sure the thing malfunctioned. Added to that the DZO was very suspicious about why it fired. I told him I was in the saddle around 2500 and that it had misfired after I set it for 1500. Luckily we were so fast to open the wuffos on the ground didnt rat us out. We told the freakflyers we had left the Caravan before them - didn't they remember?

Anyhow this week my back has been hurting like a mofo. I think I may ahve cracked a rib and maybe even a vertebra. I want to get legal advice about getting FXC to cover my injury after the AAD fired AFTER I TURNED THE DAMN THING OFF!!! I think its understandably that AADs dont work sometimes but when you turn it off for a lowpull contest you have some expectation of performance.

If anyone knows of any lawyers who I can trust (I am willing to work with lawyers on a share of proceeds basis) please let me know.

Nipple Boy
"Safety First! Fun Forever!"

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I've never been mean to anyone here, but you know what... you make me want to vomit with your bullshit stories. >:(

Grow up!

16 jumps? No offence but you sound like a noob. The old timers here will know what a good old fashion game of chicken with the dirt feels like.
The story isnt bulls*it.

Re. growing up - any more growing up and I'll be pushing daisies.
"Safety First! Fun Forever!"

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You don't have a case. The penny adjusts deployment altitude. The on/off is the one on the side. The one that says jump or off. :S

Thanks - someone who knows how these work. I set the altitude to 0 just as a backup.

Nipple Boy
"Safety First! Fun Forever!"

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Far from a noob honey... back off.

You've typed some far fetched stories before, that is what I was referring to.

Sets a bad example for new jumpers. And, it's not impressive. Go hurt yourself without showcasing.
Be yourself!

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First - you fucked up by posting. Your case would have been a cool $2 million. But uyou ran your mouth.

Also, had you lost consciousness we could have a traumatic brain injury. So hint hint this is what you were TOLD happened, right?

Most importantly, though, you should set your sights in the rig and reserve manufacturer (they are the real cilprits), the DZO (for letting it happen) the pilot (for green lighting you) and the aircraft manufacturer (for the hell of it).

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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First - you fucked up by posting. Your case would have been a cool $2 million. But uyou ran your mouth.

Also, had you lost consciousness we could have a traumatic brain injury. So hint hint this is what you were TOLD happened, right?

Most importantly, though, you should set your sights in the rig and reserve manufacturer (they are the real cilprits), the DZO (for letting it happen) the pilot (for green lighting you) and the aircraft manufacturer (for the hell of it).

I don't think that's a good idea at all. I mean I hate frivolous lawsuits. Its pretty clear that the problem was with the AAD. Why sue the harness mfr or anyone else?

Even if it doesnt succeed I think its important to let people know that if youre gonna do a low pull contest dont trust your AAD to pull or in this case not pull your reserve.

As for posting what happened I prefer to keep it honest.

Nipple Boy
"Safety First! Fun Forever!"

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The old timers here will know what a good old fashion game of chicken with the dirt feels like.

If I were the judge hearing the case I'd throw it out...what kind of pussy uses an automatic opener anyway?! :S:ph34r:

Grow a pair and ya won't get an ouchie from a surprise opening...n00b. :D:D:D

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Grow a pair and ya won't get an ouchie from a surprise opening...n00b. :D:D:D

Theres some truth in what you say. But I guess what made it worse was I was expecting a snappy main opening when I pulled not an instant reserve spank when I was just about to declare victory.

Nipple Boy
"Safety First! Fun Forever!"

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Grow a pair and ya won't get an ouchie from a surprise opening...n00b. :D:D:D

Theres some truth in what you say. But I guess what made it worse was I was expecting a snappy main opening when I pulled not an instant reserve spank when I was just about to declare victory.

Nipple Boy

Back when men were men and parachutes weren't battery operated, victory had a bit different connotation. :ph34r:

If ya had any real balls ya would have hook knifed the reserve...done a good 3 second and gone to the main. :)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Dude - you just don't get it. I'm telling you what you need to do and you are not going for it.

The problem was an AAD and everything else that worked too well. Think of this case as being cut by a surgically sharp knife. Some argue that a sharp knife is a safe knife. HOGWASH! Knives should be engineered to cut only what we want them to cut.

Your AAD is like coffee - sure, you want it to be hot unless it spills on your snatch! The coffee is too hot.

Foreseeable - an AAD will activate. The rig manufacturer can foresee this. Why is the rig not designed to absorb some opening shock from a terminal reserve opening?

How about the reserve? Should there not be a reefing system to allow for at least 1 of snivel to gradually slow down a terminal opening and prevent recoverable injury?

I myself have always thought that bungee cords should be the lines (except for brake lines, which should be high-tension carbon fiber - sure, it's a bitch to pack, but don't learn safety by accident) in the event of a line dump or other slammer opening.

Furthermore, the leg straps should be composed of an energy absorbent substance.

Finally, all AAD's should be designed to be manually activated. In 2004 I sent a cease and desist letter to Airtec and FXC demanding that there be a manual component to its automatic activation. While neither responded, I showed a jumper at Elsinore what I wrote. She was obviously on payroll, as she told me to go fuck myself and I have not jumped since for fear of being a Hilder reenactment. "Lawrocket cratered our peas. Fuck - at least he can spot!"

This has been a crusade of mine for years. Ever Hal Jalyekakic cratered in under a two-out downplane ("squashing that budderfly") I have shouted loudly about the need to keep control of AAD's to allow them to be manually fired.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I was hoping stupid people were no longer in the sport. Obviously I was wrong

It's OK, i have a feeling natural selection will win here.
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