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mr2mk1g 10
So its more of a copy of the skyhook than a RWS patented thing they'll licence out?
I don't think that's quite what was said.
well if you don't have an RSL, you don't need a skyhook.
doesn't make sense mate. work it out

Practise the 6 P's!
Practise the 6 P's!
Maybe Bill should have called it RDD (Reserve Direct Deployment)....
I like that. I had been calling it a MARDe System...Main Assisted Reserve Deployment.
Everyone likes a TLA better (Three Letter Acronyms).
Use it, Skyhook it great, but a TLA is better

Gee, maybe I should come back to work for you, only a 30 year gap in my retirement plan

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519
mdrejhon 8
How about RXL? It actually sounds like a sequel to RSL.
Reserve eXpedited Line.
Reserve eXpedited Line.

I like RXL too but it sounds like a radio station
Thought of this and its stuck in my head for a few weeks now - Skyhook RDS - aka the Skyhook Reserve Deployment System?
You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

Thought of this and its stuck in my head for a few weeks now - Skyhook RDS - aka the Skyhook Reserve Deployment System?
You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.
I like RXL too but it sounds like a radio station
Thought of this and its stuck in my head for a few weeks now - Skyhook RDS - aka the Skyhook Reserve Deployment System?
Hey, he liked mine

Anyway, whatever the final letters, I think D should be one for (D)irect because it conjures up Direct Bag which is what his system is closest to (Direct Bag Static Line).
Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519
FrogNog 1
Everyone likes a TLA better (Three Letter Acronyms).
Please don't confuse acronyms with initialisms. TLA, for example, is an initialism. (Unless you go around pronouncing it "tlah".)
billbooth 10
If you combine all the brains on this forum, I bet we do know EVERYTHING. I've got a masters degree (obviously not in English) and I'd never heard the term "initialism". Makes sense though. (sentence fragment)
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