
Church Lady Kills on Limey Idol . . .

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I felt so sorry for her because she said she's never been kissed. Someone needs to go kiss her!

I agree, awesome voice, I hope she wins. :)

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I felt so sorry for her because she said she's never been kissed. Someone needs to go kiss her!

Amazing to have never been kissed. Seeing her on stage, my honest first impression was "homely." Sorry, but that's the truth. In reality, a touch of a makeover would do wonders for her aspirations, both on the stage and in personal life. Selling yourself is sometimes all in the packaging. There's a reason I'm on the radio, not TV. :S:D

She's got a beautiful voice. I've got no musical talent, so I'm always doubly impressed by those that do. :)

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in a world where "first impressions" and what someone "looks like" seem to carry soooo much weight....
it is ALWAYS good to note....

that THAT is a shallow way to make a determination about ANYone..

It is a pleasure to see this GREAT singer honored in a way that equals her talents....

NEVER judge any book by its cover...:|

surprises , from those we least expect can deliver,,, are faaar better, than the same old same old, mediocre efforts made by those who have been deemed famous, or those who reply on past accomplishments, to make up for lack of effort in the present...

Thanks for the link nick. i especially liked all the pre- singing footage when the looks of "oh no what's this gonna be"??? were shown,, all the rolling of the eyes etc etc...
How nice that those mean thoughts, >:(>:( were proven to be unjustified...:P:P

in addition to an angels voice,,, the LADY also has a fun personality, and an engaging way about her...
She DID make that audience Rock....!!!!!!!:ph34r:B|B|;):)just as she had predicted....


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When I looked at the thread title I thought some ol' lady finally had enough of Simon Cowell and done him in!:D

Seriously, she is awesome! Reminded me of Paul Potts, the cell phone sales man two years ago, who is now an accomplished opera singer about to release his second album. Way to go Paul!B|

"I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food."

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I felt so sorry for her because she said she's never been kissed. Someone needs to go kiss her!

Amazing to have never been kissed. Seeing her on stage, my honest first impression was "homely." Sorry, but that's the truth. In reality, a touch of a makeover would do wonders for her aspirations, both on the stage and in personal life. Selling yourself is sometimes all in the packaging. There's a reason I'm on the radio, not TV. :S:D

She's got a beautiful voice. I've got no musical talent, so I'm always doubly impressed by those that do. :)

I've watched that video several times over the last few days and am still in awe!

In some ways I think that it would be better for her not to do a makeover. The world has fallen in love with her just the way she is...and in some respects I think because of the way she looks.

It sure shows you that it is good to take a chance!

All the best to Susan on her new path in life!

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Once in a while you get a story like this that makes you feel happy to be human. My wife, who cries at anything, wept profusely. I hope susan Boyle goes a long way and that she copes with her newfound fame and the ups and downs that will come with it.

By the way, there's a sound recording on the web of a recording she made ten years ago of "Cry Me a River" that is just as killer. (The record was made by various artists for a charity in Britain.)

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Once in a while you get a story like this that makes you feel happy to be human. My wife, who cries at anything, wept profusely. I hope susan Boyle goes a long way and that she copes with her newfound fame and the ups and downs that will come with it.

By the way, there's a sound recording on the web of a recording she made ten years ago of "Cry Me a River" that is just as killer. (The record was made by various artists for a charity in Britain.)

Here you go....Cry Me A River.

Sounds like it should have been in a James Bond flick.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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