
I lived...Whewwwww. Almost got me!!!

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Folks, Don't ever try to outrun a Tornado. It got one of my friends house barely missed mine and all I can say is Whewwww Thank you Lord. I live here in Murfreesboro, TN and it was a hairy ride Friday afternoon. Tore up most places here in Town. A young girl and her Baby were killed. The girls husband was tossed around like a rag doll broke his back and leg and he has a Concussion while still in critical care at the hospital here. I have been cleaning up with a chainsaw all Saturday afternoon and I'm give out. I am just thankful to still have my life...B|

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A few more. One thing I can say is. My community is reaching out to help all people
around here cope and rebuild. We lost in the area about 550 homes and some businesses. Some people still not accounted for. With so much damage and destruction its amazing how so many people survived through this wreckage.
The glass is half full or half empty doesn't matter. Let go and have the Lord guide your path. He will take care of it all.

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A tornado hit my hometown of Kalamazoo MI when I was 10 or 11...so that would be 1981 or 82...cant remember excatly.

It was scary, the tornado missed my neighborhood, but we walked through the hardest hit. It was devasting. Just seeing the houses torn off foundations, the way the mud splattered everything and the smallest objects became projectiles.

I saw the tornado touch down and I was frozen with fear. I was standing in front of a huge plate glass window too....wow that was not a good idea.

Im glad you are ok. My prayers are with you.
glad to be here!!

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Glad you're okay. The weather that day was crazy. There were a couple twisters that touched down north of where I live in Hopkinsville, KY that day, up in Crofton, but no one lost their life.

Hope all your clean up affairs go smoothly.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Folks, Don't ever try to outrun a Tornado. It got one of my friends house barely missed mine and all I can say is Whewwww Thank you Lord. I live here in Murfreesboro, TN and it was a hairy ride Friday afternoon. Tore up most places here in Town. A young girl and her Baby were killed. The girls husband was tossed around like a rag doll broke his back and leg and he has a Concussion while still in critical care at the hospital here. I have been cleaning up with a chainsaw all Saturday afternoon and I'm give out. I am just thankful to still have my life...B|

And I thought DUST DEVILS were a pain in the ass! WOW!!!:o
"Wanna cookie little boy?"

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On 2/5/08 an F-4 skipped along the ground for some 123 miles through Arkansas, Tennessee & Kentucky. Surprisingly it only killed a few people.

The attached pic was taken 3 months later. My best friend's house is less than a mile behind me (as the crow flies). She, her dog, her nephew & his girl friend rode it out in the closet. In the nearest large town (Clinton, Ar) no one was killed but the town's largest employer (besides WallyWorld), the boat factory, was destroyed, totaled, leveled, never to be rebuilt.

Then 2 months later another passes a half hour south of Clinton & takes out (among other things) a feed mill & a BRAND NEW church (as in opened 1 or 2 days before!).

Glad you survived & please work safely!
When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

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