
BBC News: 97-year-old barrelrolls through tandem deployment??

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I'm sitting here watching the BBC, and they just did a little diddy on a 97-year-old who just became the oldest guy to skydive in Britain. They showed the video, and I just glanced up in time to see the TM reach for the ripcord, pull, and the two practically did a half barrelroll until linestretch. Anybody else see that? Funny stuff :D
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Perfect example of the level of instructors that fill the ranks of "professional skydiving instructors.
Poor freefall control,NO handle touches,incredibly poor depolyment position.
Truly lucky this didn't turn into a malfunction.

like JP said wow


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Looks like a case of the student driving the tandem rather than the instructor. Student body position pretty much sucks and set up the whole thing: right knee way down, left arm way down. The instructor got himself in trouble by not picking up on the bad position and fixing it prior to deployment. On deployment, when the instructor brought his arms in to pull he had to totally gave up any control he may have had. When he released the drogue, the stability given by the drogue was lost. Between drogue release and line stretch, the student's body position called the shots.

Elvisio "line twist generator" Rodriguez

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