
What canopies for a J5

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A 176 R will not fill the free bag, so there will be NO tension on the safety stow which holds the free bag closed. These are not compatible!

The Cirrus will probably fit, since it's only a 5 cell. But which one is properly sized for you? Pick the PROPER reserve size, pick the main your ready for, then pick the container to fit both. Buying the container first is backwards.

Also, I used to jump a Cirrus main. This will be unlike any other canopy you've probably jumped. While it used to out fly a Fury, it was difficult to land. I always stood up but it was removed from the main market because it had a reputation of being very hard land and stand up.

Something is wrong if you have a Cirrus reserve and are considering a 176. Either the Cirrus is too big or the 176 will be too small. Hopefully it's the later.

But you expect to put the 176 in the same container as the Cirrus.

The Sabre 190 will be small but might work. I think I have a customer with that main in a J-5.

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Terry Urban

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Ok, right now i have a old Talon with a Rascal 235 main and the Cirrus 240 reserve. none of it is right for me. I weigh about 190 lbs. The container doesnt fit my body and is very uncomfortable. It is also not free fly safe.

I bought the J5 because it fits me and the price was great. i have jumped rental gear with a 210 ZP main and will try to borrow or demo a 210 for a while until im really ready for the 190.

I relly want to get a PD reserve but i may have to stick with the Cirrus for a little while longer for economic reasons. Does that expain the situation better? Ben

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I'm looking at a J5 with a Sabre 2 190 main and a raven 218 reserve. (It currently has a Spectre 210 as the main but he's seeing our rigger about replacing it with a new 190)

The website says ZP - 240 on the sizing chart. Isn't ZP just zero proxterity? What's the lower limit for a main in the J5? Would it take 170 or is 190 already pushing it?

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Has anyone ever got a 240 ZP into a J5 d-bag? Had an older Tri 220 that was a PITA to get in and closed, and tried to get a Sabre 2 230 in there once and wasn't happening. The Tri fit fine into the container, and I think the Sabre 2 would have as well, but I couldn't get the middle grommet very close to the ret. band on the Tri, and nowhere close on the Sabre 2 when I got it in the bag.

Same thing with the reserve. I've had to massage the PDR 218 into there a bit to get it in there well. Really should get one of the Optimum reserves. Would make that pack much more fun.

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Would the sabre2 190 be OK safety wise? Wouldn't be to loose? Our rigger has been in the game for 30years or so and I'm sure he'll let me now, I'm just curious now so I know what my options are. If a 190 is OK what would be considered 'too loose'? (insert mum jokes here). I saw a J5 with a 175 main on chutingstar.... i don't know anything about rigging but that sounds like a pretty broad range of canopy sizes..

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Would the sabre2 190 be OK safety wise? Wouldn't be to loose? Our rigger has been in the game for 30years or so and I'm sure he'll let me now, I'm just curious now so I know what my options are. If a 190 is OK what would be considered 'too loose'? (insert mum jokes here). I saw a J5 with a 175 main on chutingstar.... i don't know anything about rigging but that sounds like a pretty broad range of canopy sizes..

Just remember, safety and good looks don't always go quite hand and hand. I've seen some perfectly safe containers that looked over or under filled but they worked. Some containers lend themselves to being able to downsize more than others, but that's something that I find is very specific to each design of a container. (talking solely about mains)
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I'm jumping a J5 with a PD-218 (not an Optimum) and a Silhouette 230. The reserve is pretty tight and is the largest size allowed according to the sizing chart. The main fits without any trouble, and I'm not exactly great at packing. My fiance jumps a Silhouette 190 and I can tell just by looking at the d-bag that it would have room to wiggle in my J5.
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