
I am not a plumber...

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..and should never be mistaken for one.

I am a stupid homeowner who thought his skillset was up to the challenge [:/]

On a side note...we're down to duct tape to stem the flow until a real plumber comes out tomorrow morning.

Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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..and should never be mistaken for one.

I am a stupid homeowner who thought his skillset was up to the challenge [:/]

On a side note...we're down to duct tape to stem the flow until a real plumber comes out tomorrow morning.


Good luck with the plumbing problem and I hope it all works out for you.
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Oh yeah. The wizard of home repair and maintenance decided this was the day to fix that leaky shower faucet. Long story short I managed to break the damned thing off at the junction. Of course the asshat who designed this house didn't think we'd need shutoff valves at the shower so we have no water until tomorrow morning.

Note to self: Next time just have a pro fix it.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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did you know plumbing is the highest market up trade? but, good work is not cheap, and cheap work is not good.

so, what seems to be the problem grasshopper? (BTW, i am a general contractor)

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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do what the plumber is going to do, open up the wall, cut it out, and sweat in a new stub out.

Yep....there's actually enough room cut out of the shower surround that you can get to it through there.

I was kinda hoping she was coming to fix my pipes.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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Oh yeah. The wizard of home repair and maintenance decided this was the day to fix that leaky shower faucet. Long story short I managed to break the damned thing off at the junction. Of course the asshat who designed this house didn't think we'd need shutoff valves at the shower so we have no water until tomorrow morning.

Note to self: Next time just have a pro fix it.

well for a few $$$ each,, why not have the plumber install a pair of shut-offs NOW...? can't hurt...

can you get BEHIND the wall where the shower valve is located?? inside a closet?? maybe??

can you consider CREATING an access panel on the wall behind the tub area??? cut out the wallboard, a sizeable and workable opening, and then cover the area, afterwards, with a
panel, or even a kitchen cabinet door. sized to fit...

are you working with Copper supplies??? or PVC supplies???
one key to any successful do-it-yourself home plumbing job ,, is a GOOD and HOT torch,,, whenever you are sweating copper... Mapp gas, beats the hell out of propane, and a pipe which is completely empty of water,,,, ( OPEN all the sink faucets,, downhill, from the problem area,,,) is essential...Clean and FLUX both sides of a fitting or pipe ,,and only when the area is HOT hot.... touch off the solder to it. If it's right, the solder will flow neat and quick. all the way around the spot... :) try not to over do the amount of solder.. Don't wanna load the inside of any pipe or fixture...;)

good luck


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I did the same thing. I re did my bathroom from the sheet rock up and everything was near perfect. A few days after the bathroom was done, I hear a pop and water rushing. There was water flowing thru the walls all over our hardwood floors that we put down right before doing the bathroom. So our floors were ruined..to top it off the house was going on the market the next day.:S

"Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"...

Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT

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No other access that I can see. I managed to sweat off the old junction but didn't have the skills or tools to install the new one.

And yes, there will be shutoffs installed in the basement.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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