
Sunglasses or proper goggles?

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Glass glasses aren't as fog resistant as plastic sunglasses and goggles are.

I always get polycarbonate lenses for my eyewear, whether it be goggles or glasses. Protecting the eyes is a very important subject to me.

I wear prescription lenses in both glasses and goggles. I carry a spare pair in my jumpsuit pocket with each dive as well. Call me extra careful, but if there were ever a time to lose a key piece of equipment it wouldn't be during a skydive. :P

More on Polycarbonate Lenses


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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In the middle of summer (i.e. the only time when treally bright sunlight is an issue in the UK) I sometimes wear my Oakleys under my fullface helmet.

Two reasons for this. Firstly, I don't like squinting into the sun. Secondly it means that I can open my visor under canopy whilst still keeping pollen (I get very bad hayfever) out of my eyes. It also means that i can walk back from the landing area with my sunglasses on.

No matter how bright the sun is or how much pollen is about I don't wear sunglasses on any jump in which someone is relying on my eye contact - specifically I would never wear them when I am coaching.

I'd stick with clear goggles for now and even later on when you have a bit more experience (especially jumping in the UK!) you'll probably still want clear goggles 90% of the time!


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