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JohnMitchell 16
Yeah, but you're a bikerbabe.QuoteI *gasp* actually SIT on the toilet seat in public restrooms (if it looks clean and dry, of course) and i don't even use the paper cover thingies.

I use the paper towel on the bathroom door, and I wash my hands before I eat, but that's about it. I hate the over use of antibiotics and sanitizers. Save 'em for when you really need them.
keithbar 1
ltdiver 3
QuoteI attribute all this more to my personal laziness than any lack of fear of germs. Doing all that silly stuff takes *work*!
Work in a hospital, with alot of patients who bring in infections with them, and you'll change your tune. I've seen (and experienced) WAY too much this past year to be lazy about it. :^(
There are Super Bugs out there already, and if you're not careful they'll find a way to get ahold of even a healthy person.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon
Not to mention people never letting their kids get dirty.
I'm not saying i don't wash my hands, of course i do. I just don't go to paranoid lengths to avoid all contact with germs. If something *looks* dirty, i don't touch it.
ltdiver 3
QuoteI know Lori, the trouble is, one of the big CAUSES of the superbugs is overuse and overperscription of antibiotics and antimicrobial *stuff*.
Not to mention people never letting their kids get dirty.
I'm not saying i don't wash my hands, of course i do. I just don't go to paranoid lengths to avoid all contact with germs. If something *looks* dirty, i don't touch it.
We know the causes of the Super Bug's heritage. They're here, whether we like it or not. Now we have to defend even healthy people against them. :^( You should see all the masks, gowns, and gloves that have to be worn where I work now. Over 50% of the patients admitted to our hospital -already have- one form of Super Bug diagnosis when they roll in the door. So sad. It wasn't like that just a couple of years ago.
At least we attack the culprit and send them home 'clean' when they leave. But will they -ever- be really 'cured'? :^(
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon
QuoteQuoteI attribute all this more to my personal laziness than any lack of fear of germs. Doing all that silly stuff takes *work*!
Work in a hospital, with alot of patients who bring in infections with them, and you'll change your tune. I've seen (and experienced) WAY too much this past year to be lazy about it. :^(
There are Super Bugs out there already, and if you're not careful they'll find a way to get ahold of even a healthy person.
Done. Ever since seeing how and by whom hospitals are cleaned I feel like dying when having to even visit someone in them. The sanitation issues in hospitals are insane. Walk in with a broken arm, leave with a diagnose you did not want to have, and a rare virus to boot.
I like bikerbabes attitude. Recently watched a woman wipe her childrens hands with disinfecting wipes after playing on a playground. If I ever find the right woman to have kids with, this will be a huuuuuuge reason for some serious arguments, or vice versa...

Jump, Fall & Fly Safe! --JJ
If it looks like trouble - it probably is!
QuoteI know Lori, the trouble is, one of the big CAUSES of the superbugs is overuse and overperscription of antibiotics and antimicrobial *stuff*.
Not to mention people never letting their kids get dirty.
I'm not saying i don't wash my hands, of course i do. I just don't go to paranoid lengths to avoid all contact with germs. If something *looks* dirty, i don't touch it.
100% agree.
Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
Andy9o8 2
QuoteWork in a hospital, with alot of patients who bring in infections with them, and you'll change your tune. I've seen (and experienced) WAY too much this past year to be lazy about it. :^(QuoteI attribute all this more to my personal laziness than any lack of fear of germs. Doing all that silly stuff takes *work*!
There are Super Bugs out there already, and if you're not careful they'll find a way to get ahold of even a healthy person. ltdiver
Yes! An enabler!

BTW, we have a good friend who went into a rehab facility for an orthopedic problem; wound up contracting a MRSA infection while in there which, despite very aggressive treatment, wound up killing her at age 53.
And I repeat: of the 4 of us at home, I really do get colds a lot less than the other 3. I also get them a lot less than I myself used to. I attribute that to sensible prevention.
wolfriverjoe 1,523
And I repeat: of the 4 of us at home, I really do get colds a lot less than the other 3. I also get them a lot less than I myself used to. I attribute that to sensible prevention.
Most people get fewer colds as they age. There are several hundred variants of the rhinovirus that causes the common cold. Once you get one, you can't get it again, but each variant is different enough to keep the immunity from transferring - one of the reasons there isn't a vaccine for the cold. If you have had enough colds in your life, you won't get them very often.
One man's sensible prevention is another's paranoid delusions.
For a parent to insist on handwashing after being on playground equipment isn't too far out of line IMO. Refusing to let them play on it because of "germs" is.
"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
Andy9o8 2
QuoteOne man's sensible prevention is another's paranoid delusions.

What do you mean by that? Who's putting you up to this?
wolfriverjoe 1,523
QuoteQuoteOne man's sensible prevention is another's paranoid delusions.
What do you mean by that? Who's putting you up to this?
I'll make the (probably wrong) assumption that you are serious.

Nobody. I'm just spouting off here. Nothing better to do for another half hour (waiting for load to be ready), so I'm just PWing.

I don't think you are being anything other than a little overcautious. Others opinions may differ. (like maybe your family

BTW, what difference does it make if you use a fingertip or a knuckle to push the buttons?? You'll get the germs on your hands, just in a different spot.
"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
Hausse 0
Andy9o8 2
QuoteQuoteQuoteOne man's sensible prevention is another's paranoid delusions.
What do you mean by that? Who's putting you up to this?
You're lying!!! Why are you doing this to me??
QuoteBTW, what difference does it make if you use a fingertip or a knuckle to push the buttons?? You'll get the germs on your hands, just in a different spot.
Because cold viruses tend to be spread hand-to-surface-to-hand. The buttons on an ATM or the gas pump get touched by one person's fingertips after another, in quick succession. I handle things in my environment with my fingertips a lot more often than I do with my knuckles. So I figure, odds are I might be a bit less likely to pass something from an ATM button to myself if I push the buttons with my knuckle instead of my fingertip.
Andy9o8 2
Quote>> - I never, ever, ever touch the magazines in a doctor's waiting room.
No wonder everyone is sick. You have to be exposed to germs to get immune against them. I grew up playing with dirt. Still alive.
I've been around for 50 years. I think I've had my exposure, got my immunities. Now, if I go to a doctor's office, I just don't want to get the illness of the last patient who handled that magazine 10 minutes ago.
This, this, a thousand times THIS!
overuse of antibiotics, hyper-cleanliness, and all that craziness leads to the superbugs that are immune to anything we throw at them.
i've never done any of the things you listed. wanna know another secret? I *gasp* actually SIT on the toilet seat in public restrooms (if it looks clean and dry, of course) and i don't even use the paper cover thingies.
i don't think i own a bottle of hand sanitizer...maybe for the garage?
i'm rarely sick.
I attribute all this more to my personal laziness than any lack of fear of germs. Doing all that silly stuff takes *work*!
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