Thanatos340 1 #26 February 3, 2009 Quote I'm an Explorer/Negotiator...but I'm a redhead so I don't count. Nope. Not at all. Redhead voids any and all other attributes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #27 February 3, 2009 I'm a builder/negotiator and gravitate to builder/directors.TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 801 #28 February 3, 2009 Combined, would that make you an erector? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #29 February 3, 2009 You're terrible! TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hottamaly 1 #30 February 3, 2009 I'm a negotiator/explorer looking for Director/explorer. Anybody out there? Skydiving gave me a reason to live I'm not afraid of what I'll miss when I die...I'm afraid of what I'll miss as I live Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McBeth 0 #31 February 3, 2009 I'm a Director/negotiator. I have Testosterone and Estrogen... sounds scary to me! Any NEGOTIATOR/directors out there for me to be drawn to? Quote You are an analytical, focused and independent thinker with a deep interest in how the world works. You quickly grasp patterns and relationships and see the many sides of any complex issue. And when you focus on a particular business, social, personal or intellectual problem, you often come up with a novel solution. You are tough minded, skeptical and imaginative. You want to make an impact on the world. And with your aptitude for theoretical thinking, your investigative rigor, your logic and your determination, you are likely to win the honors your hard work deserves. Despite your need for independence and your resistance to any regulations or codes of conduct you find controlling, you make close friends. You like being with friends who provide stimulating conversation, as well as express their emotions and inner feelings. And you work to maintain these authentic connections. You are a complex person, outwardly assertive, logical, skeptical and focused, yet you can feel and express genuine sympathy for others. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #32 February 3, 2009 Oh, and I'm still trying to figure out what the hell finger length has to do with personality. But hey, there's no arguing with the hard sciences. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turtlespeed 220 #33 February 3, 2009 Quote Quote Quote Maybe it WAS them.... That would be incredibly weird, to say the least. No OTBH5? We, at the OTHB^5 group, can neither confirm, nor deny the presence of a number allocated to Her Hotness. Please do not pursue this line of inquiry further than you have already. It may result in injury or death. Thank you, The ManagementI'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #34 February 3, 2009 It may result in injury or death. Don't threaten me with a good time! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymama 37 #35 February 3, 2009 Actually, that's not the first reference I've seen to finger length in personality tests, do a search. That guy is General skydiving is SO going to hate that I wrote that. She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man, because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shell666 0 #36 February 3, 2009 DIRECTOR/explorer Quote You seek challenges. You are a tough-minded, independent thinker who likes to explore ideas or problems thoroughly. You focus easily. And you are systematic and exacting in pursuing your interests and goals. You are also assertive. You have a lot of energy. You think quickly, make decisions faster than most, and take an analytical approach to people, issues and ideas. You are not conventional in your attitudes or values. Autonomy is essential to you. You do not follow the rules unless the rules are logical and useful. Nor do you unreservedly respect authority. Instead, you tend to be skeptical, irreverent and pragmatic. And you are comfortable working or pursuing your hobbies alone. Yet you have a wild side. You are daring; you like novel ideas and new adventures. You are not interested in maintaining routine social engagements either, and you can't tolerate "small talk." Instead, you make a few very close friends, particularly with individuals who share your interests. You tend to naturally gravitate to NEGOTIATOR/explorers 'Shell Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BikerBabe 0 #37 February 3, 2009 another DIRECTOR/Explorer here. pretty accurate, actually.Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bolas 5 #38 February 3, 2009 Quote Quote Quote Quote Maybe it WAS them.... That would be incredibly weird, to say the least. No OTBH5? We, at the OTHB^5 group, can neither confirm, nor deny the presence of a number allocated to Her Hotness. Please do not pursue this line of inquiry further than you have already. It may result in injury or death. Thank you, The Management Dear Management, While I can understand the confusion, OTBH5 and OTHB^5 are not the same. Here is a short video of a similar incident to this. As for your threat... Sincerely, The LegendStupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
micduran 0 #39 February 3, 2009 Director / Builder most of this is true: You are an independent thinker who builds theories and approaches problems with an analytical, exacting, systematic and resourceful mind. And with your persistence, logic and determination, you tend to find innovative solutions to complex problems. You are particularly good with technical problems, those of mechanics, engineering, math, medicine, accounting, music or other "rule based" systems. Although you enjoy being part of a stable, secure social network, you easily spend time alone, pursuing your own projects and goals at your own speed, according to your own rules. You can focus your attention to the exclusion of all around you. And you have a deep sense of autonomy. You are a private person; you contain your emotions. You are also calm, efficient, quick to make decisions and remarkably self-disciplined. Yet you have a traditional, even sentimental streak. Family is important to you and you can be very protective of those you love.Be patient with the faults of others; they have to be patient with yours. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lauraliscious 0 #40 February 4, 2009 I'm a BUILDER/director and gravitate to Builder/negotiators Most of this is true for me too, except I'm not so sure at the good leader part.... You are an executive. You are consistent, reliable, thorough and persevering. You can also be socially charming. So you are good at managing others at home and work, in your social circles, and in community projects. You are efficient too. You have high standards and take your duties seriously, focusing carefully and persistently on your assignments with sensible, concrete, tough-minded thinking and exactitude. You respect schedules, rules, routines and customs. Appropriate behavior is generally important to you. Yet you have a streak of the independent and innovative thinker. As a result, you have a good balance between conventionality and originality. You are also a good leader. You are direct, analytical, and skeptical, as well as emotionally contained and clear headed. You acquire the perks of rank more easily than most. And you handle your possessions gracefully. You also enjoy time alone, focusing deeply on your personal interests. Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEXX56 0 #41 February 4, 2009 QuoteDirector / Builder most of this is true: You are an independent thinker who builds theories and approaches problems with an analytical, exacting, systematic and resourceful mind. And with your persistence, logic and determination, you tend to find innovative solutions to complex problems. You are particularly good with technical problems, those of mechanics, engineering, math, medicine, accounting, music or other "rule based" systems. Although you enjoy being part of a stable, secure social network, you easily spend time alone, pursuing your own projects and goals at your own speed, according to your own rules. You can focus your attention to the exclusion of all around you. And you have a deep sense of autonomy. You are a private person; you contain your emotions. You are also calm, efficient, quick to make decisions and remarkably self-disciplined. Yet you have a traditional, even sentimental streak. Family is important to you and you can be very protective of those you love. exactly the same any NEGOTIATOR/builders out there? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SarahC07 0 #42 February 4, 2009 I'm a builder/director "You are an executive. You are consistent, reliable, thorough and persevering. You can also be socially charming. So you are good at managing others at home and work, in your social circles, and in community projects. You are efficient too. You have high standards and take your duties seriously, focusing carefully and persistently on your assignments with sensible, concrete, tough-minded thinking and exactitude. You respect schedules, rules, routines and customs. Appropriate behavior is generally important to you. Yet you have a streak of the independent and innovative thinker. As a result, you have a good balance between conventionality and originality. You are also a good leader. You are direct, analytical, and skeptical, as well as emotionally contained and clear headed. You acquire the perks of rank more easily than most. And you handle your possessions gracefully. You also enjoy time alone, focusing deeply on your personal interests. " ... looking for builder/negotiators.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
selbbub78 0 #43 February 4, 2009 I'm an explorer/director! Not too far off here: "You are very curious and you love adventure, either or both intellectual and physical. So when you get interested in something, you can become extremely focused on it, sometimes to the exclusion of all around you. You pursue your interests thoroughly, too, often with originality and exactitude. You are adaptable, competitive and a problem-solver, as well as skeptical, tough minded and determined. Because you have a lot of energy and tend to be enthusiastic about your theories and projects, you can be very persuasive. You are eager to make an impact on those around you, too, as well as in the wider world. You are irreverent and highly independent. So you can be oblivious to authority figures, as well as to rules, schedules and social customs. And although you enjoy people and can be charming and humorous, you are not interested in routine social engagements or anyone whom you regard as boring. Instead, you seek stimulating and focused conversations; and you are comfortable being by yourself, pursuing your own many interests. Of all twelve (primary/secondary) types, you are also the most sexual-because both dopamine and testosterone stimulate the sex drive. Novelty seeking Impulsive and spontaneous Curious Creative Flexible Open-minded Energetic Decisive Focused Analytical Logical Competitive Self disciplined Independent As an Explorer, you look out not in; you are foremost interested in the world around you. So you are attracted to a mate who is also intellectually and physically adventurous and interested in dissecting this complex, tangible universe. You particularly like imaginative and theoretical people, a "mind mate." And you like a partner who is sexual, because you regard sex as an important aspect of a relationship. You have nerves of steel and thrive on the edge. You are also decisive and direct. So you are unconsciously drawn to those who can balance out your highly independent and tough-minded spirit--those who are novelty seeking, yet compassionate, verbal, intuitive, trusting, flexible and emotionally expressive. You like to have good conversations on important topics; so people tend to admire you for your knowledge and innovativeness. You shy away from emotional or self-revealing conversations, however; introspection leaves you cold. Instead, you derive intimacy from doing things with friends or a partner. So you make an exciting, although at times aloof, companion.You can be highly emotionally contained, even pretending that you are fine when you are in deep psychological or physical pain. You become impatient with cautious people or wordy conversations. You can become so wrapped up in your own interests that you spend too little time with your partner. You tend to naturally gravitate to EXPLORER/negotiators. ""Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone "The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote) "The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RevJim 0 #44 February 4, 2009 Quote I'm a Director/negotiator. I have Testosterone and Estrogen... sounds scary to me! Any NEGOTIATOR/directors out there for me to be drawn to? Quote You are an analytical, focused and independent thinker with a deep interest in how the world works. You quickly grasp patterns and relationships and see the many sides of any complex issue. And when you focus on a particular business, social, personal or intellectual problem, you often come up with a novel solution. You are tough minded, skeptical and imaginative. You want to make an impact on the world. And with your aptitude for theoretical thinking, your investigative rigor, your logic and your determination, you are likely to win the honors your hard work deserves. Despite your need for independence and your resistance to any regulations or codes of conduct you find controlling, you make close friends. You like being with friends who provide stimulating conversation, as well as express their emotions and inner feelings. And you work to maintain these authentic connections. You are a complex person, outwardly assertive, logical, skeptical and focused, yet you can feel and express genuine sympathy for others. Uh huh. Quote Jim..., you are a Negotiator/director. You have a broad overview of reality. You like to tackle large, complex issues and weigh all the variables involved. And you can be innovative and bold, generating new perspectives and providing imaginative solutions to ambiguous social, political, intellectual or technical problems. You have fine tuned social skills, easily picking up the gestures, facial expressions and speech patterns of others and expressing yourself clearly and vividly. You are intuitive, too; you understand people, and genuinely sympathize with them. Because you are also flexible and cooperative, you are also good at working in teams. Yet despite your poise in social situations, you often prefer solitude or informed and detailed conversations with just one individual or a few close friends. You try to avoid routine meetings and social engagements. You prize your independence. You like to focus deeply and thoroughly on your interests. You can be exacting, tough-minded, analytical and strategic in your approach, too. You leave no stone unturned. You are idealistic and romantic. You want to bond in a spiritual sense, communicate your innermost feelings and sustain an intense and meaningful relationship. You have a rich fantasy life. And, for you, sex must be mixed with romance and meaning. When you find true love, you focus your attention on your beloved. You give thoughtful gifts, are sensitive to your mate's feelings and communicate your emotions clearly. You are capable of unconditional love. You can be irreverent about traditional marriage, however. You feel your personal commitment is the true marriage vow. In fact, you may be inclined to write your own vows and create a non-traditional wedding ceremony. You unconsciously gravitate to those who are imaginative and playful with ideas. You also like those with an unruffled calm and decisiveness, those who are ambitious, and those who can focus on their goals-individuals who complement your restless soul-searching. You seek an authentic connection with just about everyone you meet, and you want to have in-depth discussions with friends and colleagues about ideas and feelings. You do not suffer fools gladly; "small talk" leaves you cold. •Because you can see so many angles to an issue or decision, you can be indecisive. •You wrestle with the contradictory feelings of being too eager to please and being tough minded. Don't worry too much. •When you feel betrayed you can be unforgiving and hold a grudge too long. You tend to naturally gravitate to the DIRECTOR/negotiators. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DangerRoo 0 #45 February 4, 2009 Roo..., you are a Explorer/negotiator You are a highly spontaneous, inquisitive and energetic person who always likes to try new things. You find novel and unpredictable situations challenging and exciting. You particularly like discussing big ideas and having conversations about complex social, political or intellectual puzzles. And you are able to juggle a lot of projects at the same time; as a result you are sometimes a whirlwind of activity. You have a firm grip on reality and enjoy living in the present tense. But you have a keen imagination that enables you to lift off from reality to be remarkably creative. You are humorous. You are able to laugh at yourself. And you are agreeable, adaptable and changeable. You impose few limits on others and have little tolerance for fixed rules, schedules or traditions. You have a deep sense of compassion. You can show genuine insight into the needs of others; you are good at listening, talking and compromising; and you express a genuine desire to be helpful to others and to the world at large.Novelty seeking Impulsive and spontaneous Curious Creative Flexible Open-minded Energetic Sees the big picture Imaginative Intuitive Verbal skills Empathetic Trusting Introspective As an Explorer you like knowledge, adventure and the pleasures of the senses, and you are drawn to those who are enthusiastic, curious, creative and energetic-people like yourself. Sex is important to you, too. As a Negotiator, you have a big heart; you are flexible and sensitive to the feelings of others and you are driven to seek harmony in your social life. So you avoid conflict, as well as people who compete with you. You also avoid those who structure your time and block things from happening spontaneously. And you can feel pressured by other's needs. So you are attracted to individuals who share your "live and let live" attitude. Money is secondary to you, so you also respect individuals who can part with theirs, particularly when spending leads to adventure or improves the world. And you are drawn to people who are direct, decisive and tough minded to balance out your flexible, spontaneous, intuitive style. You are charismatic, agreeable and adaptable and you can adapt to just about any social situation, convincing others you are just like them. And with your flexibility, liberal attitude and lack of prejudice, you can find something interesting in just about anyone. But when your interest wanes, you depart; you cannot tolerate boredom.You are so mentally flexible and spontaneous that you can appear indecisive and unpredictable. Don't be impatient with cautious people or those with more rigid views of morality. Focus on one thing at a time. You tend to naturally gravitate to EXPLORER/directors. pretty accurate on most stuff (I.C.D#2 VP) ""I'm good with my purple penis straw" ~sky mama Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildfan75 1 #46 February 4, 2009 I guess I'm a Builder/Negociator. ABOUT YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE: You tend to be traditional. Home, family, job and community are all central to you. You like being firmly embedded in your social and business groups and you feel deeply responsible for just about everyone around you. You can be fiercely protective of those you love. You are skilled at managing people. You are sympathetic and cooperative; you are also hard working and display a good deal of caution and common sense. And you can be very patient. So you can complete detailed, painstaking jobs more easily than most people. You enjoy building social relationships. You have excellent verbal and people skills. You are talented at achieving solutions to complex problems so that all involved feel fulfilled. You have a hard headed too. You tend to respect rules, schedules and routines. You also see the big picture, have a fine imagination and can be remarkably intuitive. You like to play with ideas and examine the meaning of life. And because you have a genuine sense of community, you seek projects that enable you to contribute to a more stable world. IN LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS: You are relaxed and easy to be with, so you attract a range of friends and admirers. But you are picky. You are attracted to those who share your values; moral fiber in a partner is important to you. You also admire those who respect rules, schedules, and traditions. And you particularly admire those who have a sense of social responsibility--who spend their time and money on events that are charitable or strengthen family, business or the community ties. You see the big picture and see way down the road; so you like to prepare for the future. And although you enjoy people who play with ideas, your "true love" must complement you. You admire those who are direct, analytical, authentic and assertive and can enjoy your orderly and compassionate nature. RELATING TO OTHERS: You are somewhat stoical. You believe that difficulties are inevitable. With this practical attitude, coupled with your dependable, cooperative and "can-do" spirit, you often become a central and effective player in your social and business networks. You are generally calm and entertaining, too, and always dedicated and reliable. And with your imagination and people skills, just about everybody likes you. THINGS TO BE AWARE OF: You can be so modest and self effacing that some are likely to regard you as a door mat. Speak up and defend yourself. You can be overly critical of others. Your caution can jeopardize your curiosity. SPARK FACTOR: You tend to naturally gravitate to the BUILDER/directors. Anyone that knows me care to tell me how accurate that is? Hehehe...I just re-read it and this stuck out: Quote moral fiber in a partner is important to you. So long for ever dating a skydiver again Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #47 February 4, 2009 •Because you can see so many angles to an issue or decision, you can be indecisive. •You wrestle with the contradictory feelings of being too eager to please and being tough minded. Don't worry too much. •When you feel betrayed you can be unforgiving and hold a grudge too long. I other're a CHEESEHEAD! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stitch 0 #48 February 4, 2009 Messiah/Dictator / "No cookies for you"- GFD "I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65 Don't be a "Racer Hater" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RevJim 0 #49 February 4, 2009 Quote •Because you can see so many angles to an issue or decision, you can be indecisive. •You wrestle with the contradictory feelings of being too eager to please and being tough minded. Don't worry too much. •When you feel betrayed you can be unforgiving and hold a grudge too long. I other're a CHEESEHEAD! yep, pretty much. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #50 February 4, 2009 Quote Curious Creative Flexible Open-minded Energetic Excellent. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites