SuFantasma 0 #26 January 11, 2009 Quote guess we'll probably see a thread later tonight how he got skulldrug for no apparent reason... And to top it all off, there are those guys who claim to be skydivers AND deep-see divers... those are real fucking winners !Y yo, pa' vivir con miedo, prefiero morir sonriendo, con el recuerdo vivo". - Ruben Blades, "Adan Garcia" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virgin-burner 1 #27 January 11, 2009 didnt i just post the other night, that i LOVE dorkzone!? answers to whinging threads like this one, are the main fucking reason.. dayum, i'm so drunk, if the shim had turned up, i would of taken him home!“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.” -Hunter S. Thompson "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
porpoishead 8 #28 January 11, 2009 Quote Quote guess we'll probably see a thread later tonight how he got skulldrug for no apparent reason... And to top it all off, there are those guys who claim to be skydivers AND deep-see divers... those are real fucking winners ! yeah you got real issues if youre trying to lay claim to that bullshit.. if you want a friend feed any animal Perry Farrell Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnMitchell 16 #29 January 11, 2009 Quote I hate skydivers that claim to be people. "Best Post of Thread Award going to . . . . Ryoder!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #30 January 11, 2009 Quote You have to sleep with at least one of the moderators What if you've slept with two of them? Does that make you a skygod? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PLFKING 4 #31 January 11, 2009 Quote What if you've slept with two of them? Does that make you a skygod? just makes you a gutterslump. Unless one was a female, then it just makes you hot. Don"When in doubt I whip it out, I got me a rock-and-roll band. It's a free-for-all." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybill 22 #32 January 12, 2009 QuoteIf you ride the Becon naked, you might be a skydiver Hi Paula, I don't know about Spaceland, but if you try that here at Raeford ya' might get shot by Gene Paul!! Best wait till he's outa' town! PS, there are many testamonies, especially after "Green light!"SCR-2034, SCS-680 III%, Deli-out Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
turtlespeed 221 #33 January 12, 2009 Quote Quote So, when is one 'officially' a skydiver? *** You have to sleep with at least one of the moderators So are you more of a skydiver if you sleep with more than one?I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ravenhk 0 #34 January 12, 2009 yeah I hate it when guys lie about how big some certain parts are. Size matters, but they need to know whaqt to do with what they have. lolpain is weakness leaving the body Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaRusic 0 #35 January 12, 2009 Quote Quote Quote So, when is one 'officially' a skydiver? *** You have to sleep with at least one of the moderators So are you more of a skydiver if you sleep with more than one? When I was on the airborne jump course, we were told the only way we would get the maroon airborne T-shirt was to either "hump it or jump it".....its funny seeing chicks around citys with no bases and seeing the t-shirt.....we know exactally where they got it hahaThe Altitude above you, the runway behind you, and the fuel not in the plane are totally worthless Dudeist Skydiver # 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tuna-Salad 0 #36 January 12, 2009 if you hate people who claim to be actual skydivers, how do you live with yourself on a daily basis?Millions of my potential children died on your daughters' face last night. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gonzalesna 0 #37 January 12, 2009 Quote yeah I hate it when guys lie about how big some certain parts are. Size matters, but they need to know whaqt to do with what they have. lol I'm hung like a horsefly...Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deibido 0 #38 January 12, 2009 Quote Not all military is the US Army, thankfully. All Special Forces are US Army, thankfully."User assumes all risk" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gonzalesna 0 #39 January 12, 2009 Quote Quote Not all military is the US Army, thankfully. All Special Forces are US Army, thankfully. Makes 'em easy to pick out and pick on.Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #40 January 12, 2009 Quote Quote Quote Not all military is the US Army, thankfully. All Special Forces are US Army, thankfully. Makes 'em easy to pick out and pick on. Reminded me of a line from "See No Evil, Hear No Evil": "I'm a trained killer" "Oh? Special Forces, eh? You know, when I was in the Corps, we ate you green beret pansies for breakfast!" Here's another conversation from that movie that really cracked me up (nothing to do with this thread): Dave: Who are you talking to? Wally: I'm talking to you, you prick. Dave: Why don't you look me in the eye and say that? Wally: I would if I could but I can't, I'm blind. Dave: You're blind? Wally: Yes I'm blind, what are you fucking deaf? Dave: Yes, I'm fucking deaf! Wally: You're really deaf? Dave: I'm really deaf. Wally: Then how do you know what I'm saying? Dave: Because I'm reading your lips now you want the job or not? "Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
buff 0 #41 January 12, 2009 I was trying to watch the playoffs the other day and this old dude sat at the bar next to me and began rollin his own smokes. I tried to ignore him but you know how it goes. Next thing you know, out of his meth-mouth looking maw is..................... I'm an EX Navy SEAL I got up, fliped him a DZ card and said, see ya out there, and watched the rest of the game at the house.It's called the Hillbilly Hop N Pop dude. If you're gonna be stupid, you better be tough. That's fucked up. Watermelons do not grow on trees! ~Skymama Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steel 0 #42 January 12, 2009 Quote Quote ..and if you start ask them more detailed questions about it, they start getting pissy.. who of you cant answer what a BOC is... On a national radio show a while ago they were discussing a military operation. Some guy called in claiming to be ex-special forces. The radio host asked him what his MOS was. The caller's response was; "We went in, got the job done, and got out." Is there anyone in the military that doesn't know what an MOS is? The caller didn't seem to know the difference between MO and MOS. To my disappointment, the radio host seemed to know the guy was fake, but didn't call him out on it. MOS Months MOS Military Occupational Specialty (US Army) MOS Metal-Oxide Semiconductor MOS Microsoft Office Specialist MoS Ministry of Sound (London Night Club) MOS Museum of Science MOS Mambo Open Source MOS Mates of State (band) MOS Mean Opinion Score MOS Man Of Steel MOS Margin of Safety MOS Medical Outcomes Study MOS Model Output Statistics MOS Moment of Silence MOS Metal-Oxide-Silicon MOS Man On the Street (type of interview) MOS Maryland Ornithological Society (Baltimore, MD) MOS Media Object Server MOS Monthly Operational Summary MOS Marine Observation Satellite MOS Maintenance Operations Squadron MOS Mother of Sorrows (New York Catholic school) MOS Made of Steel MOS Member of the Opposite Sex MOS Macintosh Operating System MOS Multi-Object Spectrograph MOS Mom Over Shoulder MOS Multi-Object Spectrometer MOS Make Out Session MOS Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom (band, German: Middle-Class Children Without Energy) MOS Member of the Service (NYPD Sworn Officer) MOS Member of Service (police) MoS Manual of Standards MOS Mic-O-Say (Honor Camping Society of the Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America) MOS Mic-O-Say (Tribe) MOS Minimum Operating Strip MOS Multi-Beam Optical Sensor MOS Margin on Services (insurance) MOS Michael O'Neal Singers (Roswell, GA) MOS Major Operating System MOS Marineoperationsschule (German Navy school) MOS Major Orthopedic Surgery MOS Military Occupation Skill MOS Michigan Orchid Society (Ann Arbor, MI) MOS Mini Operating System MOS Mode Of Shipment MOS Method Of Supply MOS Mobility Operations School MOS MIDS on Ship (Multifunctional Information Distribution System) MOS Metal Oxide Substrate MOS Material On Site MOS Mountain Ocean Sea (Japanese burger chain) MOS Massachusetts Orchid Society MOS Maintenance Out of Service MOS Military Operations Specialist (FAA) MOS Maritime Observation Satellite MOS Motion Omit Sound (TV term for silent film or tape) MOS Mute on Sound MOS Manned Orbital Station MOS Minimum Operational Sensitivity MOS Maintenance Override Switch MOS Marked Out of Stock MOS Management Operations Staff MOS Marine Occupational Standard MOS Manual Observing System MOS Military Oceanography Subcommittee MOS Malibu Orchid Society, Inc. MOS Mapping Ocean Sanctuaries (Center for Image Processing in Education) MOS Mit Out Sprechen/Sound (without speech; German/English movie term for shot without dialog) MOS Measure Of Suitability/Stability MOS Minus Optical Strip (acting) MOS Material Ordering Schedule MOS Materials Ordering System MOS Military Obligated Service MOS Modulated Orthogonal Sequence MOS Monitor Only Stations MOS Main Object Size MOS Mission Operational Specialty MOS Morph Operating System MOS Multifunctional Operator System MOS Multiplex Out of Sync (Hekimian) MOS Manually Out of Service MOS Modetti Office Services (Singapore) MOS Modular Optical Scanner MOS Mobile Office Suite MOS Master Operating System MOS Managed Objects MOS Magneto Optic Storage MOS Multiprogramming Operating System MOS Mobile Office Support MOS Management Operating System MOS Mission Operation System MOS Minimum Operating System MOS Multiuser Operating System MOS Mobile Office SystemIf I could make a wish, I think I'd pass. Can't think of anything I need No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound. Nothing to eat, no books to read. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
futuredivot 0 #43 January 12, 2009 Am I the only person who answers "Cool, { I don't know when I'll ever get back in the air, but} if you see me-we'll make a jump. Be safe". and go about my merry way?You are only as strong as the prey you devour Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icon134 0 #44 January 12, 2009 Quote Quote Not all military is the US Army, thankfully. All Special Forces are US Army, thankfully. I'd be willing to bet that most people think of Special Operations Forces (SOF) when they say Special Forces. SOF includes a much larger pool of personnel, including in the Air Force for example, Pararescue Jumpers and Combat controlers... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deibido 0 #45 January 12, 2009 Quote I'd be willing to bet that most people think of Special Operations Forces (SOF) when they say Special Forces. SOF includes a much larger pool of personnel, including in the Air Force for example, Pararescue Jumpers and Combat controlers... I would be willing to bet that you are right. They, however, are very very wrong. A Long Tab is a Long Tab."User assumes all risk" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #46 January 12, 2009 just makes you a gutterslump. Unless one was a female, then it just makes you hot. What if both of them were female? And the skygod was a guy? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icon134 0 #47 January 12, 2009 Quote Quote I'd be willing to bet that most people think of Special Operations Forces (SOF) when they say Special Forces. SOF includes a much larger pool of personnel, including in the Air Force for example, Pararescue Jumpers and Combat controlers... I would be willing to bet that you are right. They, however, are very very wrong. A Long Tab is a Long Tab. I'm not suggesting they're correct... just what most people think when they say Special Forces... and considering a number of SOF personnel also support the SF personnel I don't find a whole lot of fault in it... But I digress... Personally I don't have any qualms if anyone wants to pretend to be something they aren't... (i.e. being a skydiver) as I don't have enough of an ego to be put out by their over inflated ego... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2ndgensteinke 0 #48 January 12, 2009 I love it... jeff foxworthy style "you might be skydiver if" we should start a new thread i bet some good ones would be posted... the big dirty Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #49 January 12, 2009 >i fucking hate people that claim to be skydivers. They merely amuse me. On the other hand, I was driving up to Perris to help with a military class this weekend. (I work at Tacair occasionally, so I got the call.) I stopped off at Lost Abbey to get a beer and see the usual crowd. Someone (ex-military) asked me what I was doing on the weekend, and I told them I was helping out with a military freefall class. He then proceeded to ask me a slew of questions about unit numbers, what my official status was, how many blah de blahs I had to have to be authorized to teach. I kept saying "no idea, I just teach people how to jump out of airplanes." He didn't believe me. OTOH I did get a cool coin once that, supposedly, you can slap down on a bar and all the other people from the course have to produce _their_ coin or they buy the next round. I should have tried that. Might have gotten a free beer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icon134 0 #50 January 12, 2009 Quote OTOH I did get a cool coin once that, supposedly, you can slap down on a bar and all the other people from the course have to produce _their_ coin or they buy the next round. I should have tried that. Might have gotten a free beer. Yeah... I have a few of those... If I went out more I'd probably be more likely to have it with me all the time... like I "should"... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites