
Skiiing and Snowboarding.

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The PLF works equally well in snowboarding. It's just a little more awkward with the board attached to your feet, but it'll hopefully keep you from breaking your wrists.:D:D[/reply

In snowboarding and skiing it is called self arrest. It work no matter what level you are but the key is just not to fall...:P

After years of boarding and comps the bones I broke were my nose, ribs, and tail bone.
I have bruise, sprained, torn, hit my head a few times and hyper- extended many boby parts. It is a great sport if you do it right and don't get hurt.

I miss it....[:/]

TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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haha yeah just go for it, skiing rocks....i can board and ski but i can go a hell of a lot faster on my skis

could always try snow blades, they are fun for beginners and ya wont be stuck all day on the bunny hill

and yeah video is key.....for training purposes :ph34r:

The Altitude above you, the runway behind you, and the fuel not in the plane are totally worthless
Dudeist Skydiver # 10

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I know i'll pick ski up quicker, from the old days of.... :$

Well we wont go there, i was one of them kids with skates and wax in my pocket to grind everything i could.

Sounds like i'll have to just say fuck it and go try.

Skatings a bad ass skill! No need to be ashamed of that one. Funny thing is I hit up the skate park (on a skateboard) near here and as rusty as I am, was able to drop in and still ride one wheel over the edge. It was a bit dodgy but not bad for my out of shape uncurrent ass.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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If you snowboard, your ass is going to be so bruised it will look like Dominatrix Gone Wild.

But, a few days later, looking at all of the purple, black and blue marks, you will realize you had fun and will want to go back.

P.S. I dare ya to post bruise pictures!
Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.
--- The Dude ---

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I ski. :)
In fact I'm leaving for my skiing holidays on January 9th. This year we'll be in Austria, at the Soelden resort.

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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Who does it?! A friend says there is some place close by.

Am i going to look like a stupid cunt on first try?

Yes. Either because you'll be slamming into your front and back side (Snowboarding) or pointing a pair of skiis at each other in the infamous beginner's "Snow Plow" position while inching down the hill.

They are fun sports.

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Just go for it ...

Remember, skiing is your entry into Speed Gliding and Boarding is just plain fun, fun, fun.

P.S You're always going to look like a twat with that landing strip on your chin - Merry Christmas lad.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Gimme a break, awrite?:P

My GF has never ski'd before. 'Sides, what I like about Soelden is that they don't prepare a slope, but rather half a mountain.

More than enough room to avoid those eejits who, like in skydiving, come tumbling down the hill in all positions except the correct one. :)

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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It is kind of a weird town, I agree.. You have to look really well to find a normal pub there.

The Fire & Ice in Soelden was fun, though...
Looking down from the second story to see several skankily scantily dressed women dancing on the bar, next to this guy who was dressed up as a pirate (arr, matey!) and who was throwing (clean) underwear into the crowd..
..Me ordering a beer from a barmaid with huge.....eyes, who kept staring at me for nearly a minute, mouth hanging open, without taking the tenner out of my hand...me finally walking away with my drinks, wondering why all those girls are staring at me like that - have they never seen a guy before?...really getting uncomfortable as a guy elbows his girlfriend in the ribs to point me out...me looking down, embarrassed, only to realise that in this insanely crowded place I am wearing a T-shirt upon which the word 'skydive' is stencilled in huge letters....:$

Aber Bier und Frauen gibt es auch bei uns - Schnee nicht... :)
My friends and me really DO go on skiing holidays to ski. So keine Schnee Hasen for me.

Edited to italicise heathen foreign lingo.:P

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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haha, fucking skydiver, easy to spot in a crowd.. the most drunk and wearing a skydive t-shirt at ALL times.. tztztz! :D

und vorallem gibts nicht mal BERGE bei euch.. :P
das höchste gefälle ist wohl ein damm! :o

“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Ere! we do got hills in the southern part - mann kan einige unsere gefaelle Berge nennen wann man die auf'm Fahhrrad.. aw shucks..[:/] You'll call em mountains once you've cycled on some of them.

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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Oh shut up - my country has got its good things too. You know what, I'll post them as soon as I can think of some.
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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How can you not love Holland? Only the retarded old folks go to look at the windmills :D

Actually, nothing is more fun than strapping some retarded old fart to a windmill on a windy day...
Round and round she goes and where she'll stop nobody knows :)
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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So, Brick, when can we welcome you on the Para-Ski team? You'll get to jump a PA rig out of a helicopter, and since I've taken that up I've grown to like both, actually. Plus, where else would I get to compete in an honest-to-God World Championship? :P

OT: yes, I ski. Don't worry about looking like an idiot the first times. Everybody does. Did it bother you for your first jump? And yes, it's fun.

I am. I think.

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