
Halloween Costume Jumpsuit

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I'm curious about jumping with a fairly baggy halloween costume that is a one-piece suit. It's a prisoner-style jumpsuit that is bright orange. It's kind of baggy (one-size fits-all type) on me since I'm smaller.

Is this safe to jump (as a student)? Also, should I rubber-band or sew elastic into the sleeves and/or cuffs so that they don't flap off my arms and legs? Any recommendations?


"Moderation in everything - even in moderation!"

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You need to see some of the old jumpsuits we used.;)

Jumpsuits at one time routinely had open cuffs on the arms and legs. What they had was webbing wrist and ankle bands with velcro sewn in at one point . This allowed the sleeves and legs to stay open but kept them from blowing up.

Size a piece of at least 1 inch but better wider webbing to you ankles and wrists and add 2 to 3 inches of velcro to close it. Then just sew to the seam of the coverall inside the wrist and leg. Fasten around said appendage and your all set.

The only issue I've had with things like this is with some pockets. Sometimes handles can get hidden. I'd sew shut any reach through pockets they might have.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Let me back up.

I seriously doubt that your instructors will let you do ANYTHING that might distract you. If it's much like the jumpsuit you wear now, they may not care. If you start wrapping rubber bands around your arms and legs, if it's twice as baggy, etc etc. I'd say keep your costume on the ground. This is no time to do anything except concentrate on the jump.

I retact all advice and say talk to your instructors. We don't know the gear, the type of training etc. etc.

DON'T go to your instructors and say "dropzone.com said I could".>:(
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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DON'T go to your instructors and say "dropzone.com said I could".>:(

Actually.. just for shits and giggles.. you should go to your instructor and tell them.. Dropzone told me I could.. and they said to ask you why Im not on a 150 yet..
and they said to ask you where my free skyhook is
and bring a camera to take a pic of AFFI's face when you tell them that..

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