
Ran into another "skydiver" yesterday...

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So how often have you guys run into someone claiming to be a skydiver and then finding out their totally faking it? I've been a jumper for many years and have a lot of experience though I never try to show off and score tail by tellign the skanks I'm a badass. But this weekend I was at the bar chatting up one of the locals when a major co*kblocker ruined my night.

I was telling this chick a story about how I had saved a students life. The student was jumping an older FXC rig and on th eway up I noticed the needle was in the green zone so I had adjusted the setting to open at 2500ft). What happened was that as she exited on a 10-secodn delay at 6000 ft from our Cessna I followed her out to observe. I had told her that I would pull for her if she did not get her ripcord by 4000 ft as I am very safey consicence. She was doing well except for a couple of side spins and at 4500 feet I decided to get above her to observe her pull sequence from above where I would have a good view. As she was waving off - and burning through 4000 ft her FXC fired the reserver. No big whoop - I just rolled out of her way and dumped in place. She landed fine and I told her she had been lucky because I had fixed her AAD on the way up. Pull time is pull time whether its me or the AAD. I think she might have a thing for me now but I have a strict policy of not dating my students until they have a license. Unless their hot, then I make sure they get a license quickly.

So as I'm telling my story this dude who overhears me proceeds to tell me I was full of sh*t. He claims he is a skydiver too and that it's never cool to rely on the AAD? WTF?!! I explained that I was not relying on the AAD - I knew it would fire as I had checked it myself!! This guy was clearly a fake or at best a 1-tandem "skydiver". Anyhow it got to the point where we got into an argument and the chick I was hoping to exchange numbers (or fluids) with had second thoughts and left with this dude ina late 80's 'vette. This "skydiver" on the other hand was back with his buds talking about mind-melds, double spock, transitions, and daffies - I been jumping since 1990 and that does not sound like skydiving. So if anyone hears some sci-fi geeks at a bar trying to pick up chicks, please do me a solid and ruin their game. I am so pissed!

Nipple Boy
"Safety First! Fun Forever!"

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Not sure if you're a troll or just an old-time skydiver, but the terms you used (spock, daffies, etc) ARE terms used in today's skydiving world. Check out the world of modern freeflying and you'll understand.

btw, why would -anyone- in their right mind get ABOVE another skydiver at a known pull (or AAD) altitude? :S


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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What I really like is 179 jumps in 15 years with a 1.86:1 wing loading. Mad Skillz, I tell ya. :D

And does anybody have a clue what discipline "Sky Boxing" falls under ??

"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
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What I really like is 179 jumps in 15 years with a 1.86:1 wing loading. Mad Skillz, I tell ya. :D

Not to mention being an instructor with an "A" license.


And does anybody have a clue what discipline "Sky Boxing" falls under ??

He must be that dude in the Wally Gubbins videos that boxes the tandem drogue...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I think she might have a thing for me now but I have a strict policy of not dating my students until they have a license. Unless their hot, then I make sure they get a license quickly.

You are my hero.......

PS this is intended as SARCASM!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last [insert proper insulting word here] isn't born yet :S:S:S
“The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw
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dudeist skydiver # 19515
Buy quality and cry once!

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talking about mind-melds, double spock, transitions, and daffies

I was on some mind-melding drugs and thought about how fun it would be to transition into a daffy while sharing a double cheeseburger with Mr. Spock.

Sounds awesome, I wanna jump with that guy.
It's all fun and until someone loses an eye... then it's just a game to find the eye

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I sure hope you're back. Skydiving hasn't been the same without you :P

Wendy W.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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That is sooo rad man that you hold safety meetings at your DZ regularly. I seriously need to hit you up so I can learn how to be just in the right spot over someone when they're about to open. Priceless!!!!
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.

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"i never try to show off"
followed by...."i was telling this chick about how i had saved a students life"

hahaha....can YOU say??? 'contradiction'??

i'm thinkin' troll.... but just to amuse me,,,, could you explain just HOW you're gonna "follow her out" and THEN......

IF she doesn't pull... you're gonna pull FOR her???? FROM some place ABOVE her...

Also... IF you did recalibrate the FXC, which is a stupid idea in the first palce.... to fire at 2,500 feet.

then why the hell did it deploy her reserve AT 4 THOUSAND feet....??? AND wht didn't she Pull her MAIN????? yeah.. you're a helluvan instructor....:SB|;)

but... what the hell do i Know???

also never heard of a 10 second delay from 6 grand... hell we used to do 4way for 30 seconds,,,,, from 6 grand!!!:|:D:SB|;)

jimmy a 3914 d 12122 nscr 1817

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could you explain just HOW you're gonna "follow her out" and THEN......

IF she doesn't pull... you're gonna pull FOR her???? FROM some place ABOVE her...

I think he must be a cop in real life..
"Long arm of the law" and all that.
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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