
Post the most annoying little thing...

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People who chew with their mouth open. It's disgusting.

Slow walkers at stores/malls and people who don't realize there are good places and bad places to stop and chat with a friend/colleague. In the middle of a door or hallway intersection is a bad place. Basically, all people who prefer to make it inconvenient for other people to transit a particular stretch, rather than just move out of their way.

Liars. Even little "white" lies.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Annoying as hell: I will actually yell at the TV set whenever there's a news story where the "reporter" attempts to string words together that all have the same first letter, or thinks he or she is clever for strings of dumbass puns. Also, misspelling - ANY misspelling on network or cable TV makes me lose my fuckin' mind!

Love SOOOO much:

- My wife
- My ugly-ass skydiving rig
- Seeing the weekend forecast call for blue skies and low to moderate winds.
- Bodyglove underwear (You can't know until you try it.)

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Also, misspelling - ANY misspelling on network or cable TV makes me lose my fuckin' mind!

I'd just call that one a pet peeve for me, but yeah...misspellings in the corporate domain always jump out at me. Advertising, menus, etc...if you pay good money for something like that, you should at least demand a spellcheck!

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Also, misspelling - ANY misspelling on network or cable TV makes me lose my fuckin' mind!

I'd just call that one a pet peeve for me, but yeah...misspellings in the corporate domain always jump out at me. Advertising, menus, etc...if you pay good money for something like that, you should at least demand a spellcheck!


A restaurant I was in this weekend misspelled American Cheese as "Anerican Cheese".

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Annoyance - People who invade my personal space while standing in lines.

Me too.. I always leave a little space between me and the person in line in front of me, so I'm not breathing down their neck. But the cross-traffic just sees that as a break in the line and they cut across right in front of me. Kinda defeats the purpose.

Hitting every single red light when I'm en route somewhere gets on my nerves. And it happens a lot. I think its my magnetism or something.

I like beer, wine, puppy kisses, and having good friends around me.

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#4. Me Me Me people. You know the ones.. No matter what you say they have go on about how it related to them. Basic exercise for everyone. Count how many times today you say and/or write Me, Myself or I. Now tomorrow try to cut it in half. The world will be a better place if you do.


Gosh J, you could have just told ME in person that you were annoyed with me... but nooooo, now I'm all sad inside, because you don't like me


"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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Some things that annoy me-very similar to others

People who drive slow or the speed limit in the left lane-get the hell outta my way

Calling a customer service helpline with one of those automated things that can never understand what you just said!
Or the press all these buttons yadda yadda. What's wrong with speaking to a person?

And customers who can't understand a simple sale such as "ALL tops, buy one, get one 50% off"
customer- "Does that include this shirt too? Or how bout this one, it was on clearance?"
I wouldn't have told you ALL if if were just this one and that one...>:(

Spending time with my 7 month old niece
Dreaming about Mexico (and Mexicans ;):$)

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People who are: bullies, ungrateful, takers, narcissist, and other wise unpleasant people. Of course that also includes the people who will ride down the shoulder of the road and try to cut in because they could not wait.


My puppies who are ALWAYS happy to see me. The wind on my face with the music going. My family and friends who are always there for me. :)

Muff Brother # 3883, SCR # 14796 ICD # 1 - Pres.
Yeah, I noticed and I think it's funny!

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fuckin stupid ass bad drivers....>:(

You mean like those people who intentionally slow down to piss other drivers off?

Yea they annoy a lot of people, I'm with ya on that one.:ph34r:

People who whine and moan on the inherent annoy me:ph34r::ph34r:
No they dont they entertain me:P:ph34r::ph34r:

What does annoy me is those who say "I can do that" without even trying
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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I used to go to a Hardee's in town, they are closed now, they had both kinds of tea, sweat and unsweat.

The convenience store near me has a sign informing their customers that:

"All bear sales final. No refunds for bear."

I desperately want to ask them if they have any grizzly in stock and if I can get a case but they're genuinely nice people.
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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What little things annoy you on a daily basis... You know, the stuff that no-one else is bothered about?

And what little things throughout the day bring you the most joy/happiness?

A woman in work every day has to eat cereal (at mid-day) from a bone china bowl with a metal spoon. The bloody noise drives me MAD - riny dink riny dink rinky dinkr inky dink :S[:/]

Seeing the bual buals and tinsel that my step-daughter decorated my car with on the weekend. B|:)


Does she scrape the spoon on her teeth? Like chalk on a blackboard to me.
Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.
--- The Dude ---

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- People who think that being stupid is "cute".
- People who are way beyond "cute" age, but insist on it.

Like the 35yo woman who cannot run the cash register
at the thrift shop. There are 4 people in line and she
actually giggles about how confused she is.
She calls her manager to straighten it out.
Now there are 12 people in line.

- People who tell intimately personal items about their
previous weekend at a volume so that non-interested
people can also hear. "I was so drunk and woke up
on the floor next to this hot guy..."

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What little things annoy you on a daily basis... You know, the stuff that no-one else is bothered about?

And what little things throughout the day bring you the most joy/happiness?

A woman in work every day has to eat cereal (at mid-day) from a bone china bowl with a metal spoon. The bloody noise drives me MAD - riny dink riny dink rinky dinkr inky dink :S[:/]

Seeing the bual buals and tinsel that my step-daughter decorated my car with on the weekend. B|:)


Coffee slurp sound.....
Y yo, pa' vivir con miedo, prefiero morir sonriendo, con el recuerdo vivo".
- Ruben Blades, "Adan Garcia"

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People who go the speed limit in the left hand lane >:(

People who turn out in front of you on a 1 lane road with a high speed limit and don't go as fast as you were going. If you arent going to go as fast as me pull out after me you fuckers. >:(

I had something like this happen to me once, but on a 6 lane highway (3 lanes each way). I was speeding in the left lane through a highway interchange and approaching the on-ramp from the other highway. There was a line of vehicles coming out of the on-ramp, and one asshole swerved directly onto the left lane from there in front of me. All I could do was swerve to the inside emergency lane and zoom by him, rolled the window down and flipped the big F U finger. Stupid fucker! :S
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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18 wheelers who try to pass me up then slow down once they get in front of me. ;)

when I'm in a lane, and an 18 wheeler is going faster than me... that just shouldn't happen!

going slow in the fast lane.. no wait, that goes into the joy. :D

joy. blocking in a tailgater between the car in the next lane and me. then speeding up, then slowing down, enjoying watching them switch lane to lane

CLICK HERE! new blog posted 9/21/08
CSA #720

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Drivers who are in a huge hurry in traffic and ride my bumper when I am doing the speed limit in the left lane, with traffic in front of me. The dickheads think that because I actually leave a reasonable following distance, that I am going too slow. For those assholes I find a car going slow in the right lane, speed match with them for a while, then speed up and catch back up to the traffic again. Every time they try to go around me in the right lane, I close up the 4 car lengths and stuff them as best I can. Take your place in line and wait your turn, fucktards.
Stupid fuckers think that I should get out of their way so that they can close the 4 car lengths to catch up to the traffic in front of me.

The other one is SLOW mergers. You know, the ones who trundle down the freeway entrance at 35mph and blindly merge into 65mph traffic. Once they establish position, they speed up slowly.

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The sentence, "Can I ask you a question?"

WTF??? That should be, "Can I ask you TWO questions, this one and the one after it?"

Just ask the fucking question without the preliminary bullshit & save us both some time.

George Carlin!:D

I make sure I stump all the kids I work with.
If they ask that question I usually say yes and walk away.
or "you didn't leave me much of a choice now, did you?" Then I move on to help someone else.
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