
Altimaster III galaxy acts up?

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So I did three jumps yesterday.... Jump 1... Hop-n-pop from 7K AGL (12K MSL)... Worked perfect.

The next two jumps... They were coach eval jumps, meaning I was looking at my altimiter every few seconds to remind my student to do the same... 13K AGL, 18K MSL...

The altimiter worked perfect until 1.5K where it got "stuck"... The first jump I thought I might have spun it by accident upon landing, so I reset it and told myself it was not trustworthy on the next jump and I needed to count on my eyes and audible as primary clues should I receive conflicting information... But it worked again perfectly until it got stuck at 1.5K again!

I called the manufacture, and they are going to repair it... But I have to pay for shipping back, and $50 if they deem it not a manufacturer's defect.

I have treated the unit very well, and it is only a year old... It might have taken a hit or two, I think I remember a while back it falling off a duffel bag and falling a foot or two...

Have any of you experienced this kind of failure? If so, what was the cause???

The suck part... I am going to Eloy tomorrow for a 24 jump camp and a altimiter would have been nice...>:(

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Hi Travis,

I'm sorry I didn't make myself more clear on the phone (it is Monday morning though ;)). What I tried to get across was that if there was going to be any charge at all, that we would contact you. The absolute worst case scenario for you would be a charge of $49.95 + $10 for shipping. I forgot to mention that the best case scenario would be no cost to you at all, sorry about that. I think you'll see that most people are pretty happy with our repair policy and service.

I'm also sorry, I didn't know you were going to Eloy. If you want to contact me about a loaner altimeter, I'd be more than happy to try and work something out for you.


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Hi Travis,

I'm sorry I didn't make myself more clear on the phone (it is Monday morning though ;)). What I tried to get across was that if there was going to be any charge at all, that we would contact you. The absolute worst case scenario for you would be a charge of $49.95 + $10 for shipping. I forgot to mention that the best case scenario would be no cost to you at all, sorry about that. I think you'll see that most people are pretty happy with our repair policy and service.

I'm also sorry, I didn't know you were going to Eloy. If you want to contact me about a loaner altimeter, I'd be more than happy to try and work something out for you.


You were very professional on the phone and the warranty program seems to be very good... I am sorry that I did not specify in my first post that it could be less expensive or free if you found it was a defect and not abuse.:P

Thanks for everything...

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But I have to pay for shipping back, and $50 if they deem it not a manufacturer's defect.

You admit you dropped it, and maybe banged it a couple of times, and you complain about possibly having to pay $50 for a repair?

I said: "Have any of you experienced this kind of failure? If so, what was the cause???"

I am not complaining... :P My post was "has anyone else experienced this kind of problem and what caused it"?

I am just wondering how fragile these things really are!:$ Could a short drop off the top of a duffel bag or a hit against the mockup during team practice cause it to fail??? :$ I know a lot of the guys who jump as hard or harder than myself have had good luck with the digital altimeters because there are no moving parts to get stuck... I am thinking about this as an opportunity to "upgrade" to something that might work better for my style of jumping hard, as if indeed I broke it in 11 months of use, it is likely to break again...

I have not abused it, thrown it, or let it take a big fall... From the outside it looks brand new... But I have jumped it hard... I am trying to learn the limits here, nothing more, nothing less.:$

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I had an altimaster III for years, over 2,500 jumps on it without an issue. They don't handle being dropped very well at all. Altimeters in general are fragile instruments. Once I get either a new aircraft altimeter or the one I have fixed, my test chamber will be operational and I'll be able to test them.


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I am not complaining... My post was "has anyone else experienced this kind of problem and what caused it"?

I am just wondering how fragile these things really are! Could a short drop off the top of a duffel bag or a hit against the mockup during team practice cause it to fail??? I know a lot of the guys who jump as hard or harder than myself have had good luck with the digital altimeters because there are no moving parts to get stuck...

Not an Altimaster3 but I did have this problem once, launching a 6-way tube my hand got wedged into the corner of the door hard enough to squeeze my Saphire alti and bend the metal dial at 3k. When the needle got to 3k it stuck on the bent metal.
I borrowed someone elses alti for the rest of the day and when I got home [not recommended]took mine apart, hammered flat the dial, put it back together[/not recommended] and its worked fine since then.


From the outside it looks brand new

On the outside my alti looked fine too, I had to look quite hard at it to notice the damage to the face.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I have to say, Alti-2 really is helping me out!!! Knowing my predicament (week long training camp starting tomorrow), they hooked me up with a demo/loaner for the camp while mine is repaired... Now, that is great customer service!!! Bravo!

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i have had 2 alti3's, i dropped mine and it started to jam on occasion. it was rattleing so i opened it up and found a piece of the unit had snapped off and was jamming the mechanism. once removed it stopped rattleing and works fine.

i do find it reads 500' less than other altis ( barigo and saffire) but so do everyone elses. i like mine because it has the curved backing to fit my hand like a treat. not many have this though.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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