
burned out

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well... looks like I have officially burned out on jumping. I jsut dont get the feeling anymore. I dont have the urge to jump. I have been in the sport for 8 years, have over 1700 jumps, and I am thinking of leaving the sport. Surely this could just be a fluke, but I am not sure.. I am even contemplating selling all of my gear to invest more in my other passion...music. just thought I would vent a little... a build up of working in the sport for over a year in combination with never being able to spend time with my wife, and a series of freak accidents has just pushed me to the point where I am not sure if I want to continue. I have already stopped working at the dz as an instructor/ vidiot.

in la la land...
this space for rent.

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It happens.

Taking time off myself, haven't found the urge to sell the gear. Heart still races when I smell Jet-A but I don't find myself rushing to the DZ.

There will be people that have a myopic view and call your a tourist or other junk. It doesn't matter - this is a sport you started doing for personal reasons and motivations. You should leave if they are non-existent.

Maybe hold off on selling gear for a couple months - see if you are really serious about moving on.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I dont even have close to the number of jumps that you do and I have toyed with this thought before...

THe advice that has been given to me and I totally agree- if you do not have that passion and drive for the sport, take some time to eval, but if you continue to have that feeling, give it up. It is too dangerous a sport to continue if you don't love it and jumping occasionally is defnitely not very safe since you go uncurrent.

Your reasons sound very legit... I stepped back becasue I had to for a little while. When I picked back up, it was a fun boogie weekend and I realized it is not yet my time to give it up, but it is most certainly a very personal decision for everyone. And also a decision that everyone needs to respect.

Good luck!!
Blue skies and SAFE landings!

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If you give up all of your time in one passion to go to another, make sure you don't turn the second passion into the same kind of burning one that will burn you out.

So don't sell your gear, but if you haven't felt like coming out in a year -- that might be the time to sell your gear.

Good luck either way -- it's been a little rough, hasn't it?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Don’t sell your gear. Take a vacation; you can always come back to the sport. I am getting ready to come off a 10 month vacation and to tell you the truth I’m kind of glad I took it. Although it was not by choice but I feel very refreshed and excited to be in the sky this coming weekend (knocking on wood)
So just take some time off. The sky will always be there, should you want to return to her.
if fun were easy it wouldn't be worth having, right?

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btw - this is also the point you will find out who your true friends in this sport are, and which ones just happen to be in your life because you visit the same DZ.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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things have been pretty rough. I agree that I shouldnt just make a rash decision that I may regret later. I also have the personality that leads me to jump from thing to thing and impulsively change my mind. I really want to make sure I am doing what I should and need to do before I just quit. I also agree with your other comment about trying not to burn myself out on something else. I have played guitar for like 15 years or so...I have gone months without playing and I have gone stretches of 2 years+ playing every single day... I doubt I will ever quit, but that is a valid point.

this space for rent.

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I was where you are, and I haven't made a jump in a year and a half, but I have yet to sell my gear and now I'm getting the bug to jump again. Actually debating on getting current when I'm out in CA next month. The biggest drawback for me is that there isn't anyplace local that I feel comfortable jumping at and I can't afford to travel like Mar does. So I may go make a few jump next month, then nothing till the wind tunnel opens up. When that happens look out cause I plan to be a full fledge tunnel rat. B|
Fly it like you stole it!

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You should talk to Chuck. He's been skydiving for 24 years and has taken several breaks. Sometimes that's what it takes.

Personally, I'm trying to stay away from the work part of skydiving until I'm burnt out on the fun stuff. I get bored quick too which is why I try to be able to everything from wingsuiting to RW to FF to camera. Keeps it interesting for me.

You've definitely got enough reasons to take a break. Don't feel bad about that. I don't think you'll ever be able to walk away completely and not come back. Either way, we'll be here.

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hey my asian brother from another mother.... sorry to hear that you're stuck in LIMBO! :| give it a trial run by taking a break. the great thing is, you can ALWAYS return to skydiving for fun/$$. it's a start just to realize the need to reevaluate!

best of luck!

see the world! http://gorocketdog.blogspot.com

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Hey Yoshi,

I am sort of in the same boat. I go to the dz and usually don't jump. Sometimes i jump only once or twice. I am looking for something to spark my interest again and make it fun. I have seen you swoop, i have seen the look on your face when you land. I know that you have had some rough times recently, and because of those i can totally understand why you don't currently have the desire to jump. Like the others said, take a break, especially from the working part and see if you feel like returning later. The gear you have and the canopy you jump will be just as sellable in a year as it is now. Good luck finding your way.B|

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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a build up of working in the sport for over a year in combination with never being able to spend time with my wife

Whether or not you quit jumping, or do anything else, you need to find more time - a LOT more time - for your wife. One of the reasons so many marriages get in trouble is that people forget its their primary relationship in life. Everything else should come after that. Take more time with your wife and the two of you will be amazed at all the things you can do and the ways you can change and grow. But give her your time and best of luck with whatever else you decide.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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a build up of working in the sport for over a year in combination with never being able to spend time with my wife

Whether or not you quit jumping, or do anything else, you need to find more time - a LOT more time - for your wife. One of the reasons so many marriages get in trouble is that people forget its their primary relationship in life. Everything else should come after that. Take more time with your wife and the two of you will be amazed at all the things you can do and the ways you can change and grow. But give her your time and best of luck with whatever else you decide.

Ohhh...Yoshi, listen to this guy. I likes him. I likes him a lot. :ph34r:

Seriously, maybe try to find a sport/hobby your wife loves, too? That would be more fun! A new challenge together...:)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Do what feels right to you now. It sounds like you know what you want anyway - spending more time with the wife and working on music, right?

What's the worst that can happen if you quit? Sure you might get uncurrent if you ever want to come back, you might not have any gear, but how hard is that a thing to get back again? It would be relatively easy, particularly with your level of experience.

As we all know, jumping isn't cheap, isn't particularly safe and is certainly quite an addictive habit for most of us - at some point, we might need to step away from it and do something else to regain the balance, as others have said. Don't feel down about that, celebrate the fact you will be getting satisfaction out of other aspects of life. As the other guy said, the sky isn't going anywhere anyways :)
Good luck in whatever you decide.

"Skydiving is a door"

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It's really easy to burn out, bro. I have been there and done that several times in 24 years of jumping. You don't need the old "you're a tourist till you have been jumping ten years" line do you?

Ultimately, you have to do what you want to stay happy. It truly did me good for a few years to get away from it and only make like two trips a year to the DZ. Eventually, the sport will either draw you back or it won't. It always drew me back.

If work jumps are all that was keeping you in the air, then you probably do need a break. Don't sweat it either way, bro. Seriously. It's not going to kill you to take it easy.

Via con dios,


PS: you didn't even recognize me at SkyFest, fool!:ph34r:

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I burned out after 480 jumps, and took close to a decade off. I got involved with my other hobbies, and I had a great time doing it. You know what, skydiving was still here when I decided to get back into the sport this year.

I'd suggest re-evaluating how you feel in a few weeks or months, and then deciding if you want to sell your gear.

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It's been over a year since my last jump.

A couple of years ago I broke my ass in three places, healed up, was crazy to keep skydiving, joined a team ... then woke up one morning and thought...UM NO.

I sold my gear off right away, which was the right decision for me. There's always gear for sale.

I have a feeling I'll be back, but for right now, I'm really happy nurturing a relationship with the great guy I've been dating for two years, fixing up the house I bought, and concentrating on my career.

Do what you feel. Skydiving is undeniably dangerous and expensive, and it'll always be around, and I personally don't want to get back into it until I FEEL it, yo.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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I have seen you swoop, i have seen the look on your face when you land

Agreed. Yoshi, there is something that is always burning in your eyes when you land off of an amazing jump, pull off a badass ghost-rider, or a kick ass prank! ;)....or even some badass freestyle CRW! B| Don't just throw in the towel and sell your gear just yet.. As others have said..take a year or two away from it and see if it draws you back in. But...whatever you decide to do...do it for your own true happiness. I'm sorry you have had such a rough time lately. Regardless of what you decide....keep in touch, bro.



~In case you do decide to leave the sport for good...I just have to say Thank you. Some of my most memorable jumps were with you, and I will forever be greatful! :)

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Hey Yoshi, haven't seen ya around the dz in a little bit. I guess this post explains why. sorry to hear about you geting out. i've never posted on this gay website before and screw you for making me have to. stop being a baby. you need to find something better to do with your time than sit around on this gay website. that goes for the rest of you clowns too. its is embarressing to see people actually pay attention to this crap. Especially people with more folish post than jumps. This means you, you little hotty with 1500 post and 7 stupid jumps. start jumping and stop playing your computer. that's all i got to say. yoshi, we still playing poker thursday? This is from your friends at Spaceland.

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I'm with ya Jeff, same here. Still love to rig and BASE, seems skydiving's taken a backseat though lately. Just not enough funds or interest to keep me going. But who's to say I won't go hard again... probably after I graduate and have time and money to devote.

Yoshi, do whatever to your heart's content. Nothing wrong with a break, you deserve it. Hope to still see ya around here and there and in between though :)


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