
London Skydivers

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yeah - I might be popping up to Sibson for a bit this weekend, so if you're going to be there we might have to try some of those funky exits we never got round to doing in Hib a while back :)
another good night, have a bit of a headache but am generally quite chipper - probably due to the long weekend ahead!! yay :)

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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Hey guys,
Anyone fancy a trip to Cark on the 18th-19th June?
I'll be driving up from Crawley (nr. Gatwick if you don't know) on the Friday afternoon/evening and returning Sunday night,
If anyone wants a lift then thats cool.

Its actually the BPA Artistic Roadshow that weekend,
Tim Porter and Rob Silver are the coaches and it costs two slots, no coaching fee.

But it would be great to get more people up there, even if you don't want Coaching.
Steve Newman from Bullet Freefly at Langar will be coming too and we could do some fun stuff, i.e Tracking, Freefly, Hybrids etc,

Why not bring your FS team and do some team training!?

Its nice to get a change of scenery once in a while, lets have a 'London Skydivers Invasion!'

So then?! Who's interested?


P.S. If you do want to learn Freefly then this really is a great opportunity to get top quality coaching from the British Champions!
Sponored by NZ Aerosports, CYPRES 2, Tonfly & L&B

Team Dirty Sanchez #232

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Next Piss-Up is Thursday 23rd June,

There may be a 50p fee to book the area, people are starting to discuss alternative venues, any ideas?

If you're not on the e-mail group you can join it!


Sponored by NZ Aerosports, CYPRES 2, Tonfly & L&B

Team Dirty Sanchez #232

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I think as its only a week away from this one (on the 23rd) we're going to stick to the Montagu Pyke as its a little late now to be making last minute changes.

If we do change the venue, this won't be until the next drinks evening at the end of July.

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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geez guys you're not doing much for my reputation here today! I'll get a nickname for being the most boring person on dz.com!

and feck off at mature, I'm only bloody 25 :P:D

ok, I have something to prove next Thursday now! watch out London! :o:ph34r:>:(

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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Hey guys,
I've heard back from the 'Sports Cafe'
They would gladly rope off an area for us and put us on the Guest list so we wouldn't have to pay anything to get in,
They usually show the 'Extreme Sports Channel' on their TV's, but they said we can bring our own Skydiving Videos and DVD's and they will gladly put them on for us.
They serve food and have great deals on drinks

What's more they won't charge us for the area or entrance! and they're open till 2am

Its at 80 Haymarket, SW1Y

Set in the heart of London's west end a two storey venue featuring 5 bars, dining areas including booths with personal mini plasma acreens, 125 TV monitors, 9 plasma screens & 4 Super screens.
On Thursday they do 2-4-1 from 3pm till 9pm on ALL DRINKS
Thursday nights is also 'Traffic' from 10pm till 3am 'Drink - Dance - Flirt'
Bottled Beer, Pint, Spirit & Mixer £1.98
Tequilla Shots 98p

Feedback time!


Sponored by NZ Aerosports, CYPRES 2, Tonfly & L&B

Team Dirty Sanchez #232

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I repeat my earlier question from the London Skydivers group... (since this duscussions seems doomed to happen in stereo! :P)

Has anyone been to this venue? Is is super loud? Or the kind of place where it is possible to hold a conversation without shouting?


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how about a pre meet, meet? anyone up for giving it a go one night next week before the other meet?

Although, it is further to walk from my house.... :S
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