
Hangover Cure ? Got One ?

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A long walk before you go to bed (possible substitute to taking a cab). A real cold shower in the morning does wonders. Even better, if you are fortunate to live near a beach, a nice dip in the ocean, lake, river etc. is very helpful. Advil is good. Last but definitely not least: GATORADE!!!!!!!!! is great!

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I long walk before you go to bed (possible substitute to taking a cab). A real cold shower in the morning does wonders. Even better, if you are fortunate to live near a beach, a nice dip in the ocean, lake, river etc. is very helpful. Advil is good. Last but definitely not least: GATORADE!!!!!!!!! is great!

Be yourself!

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Beer before liqor, never been sicker. Liquor before beer and you're in the clear.

That hasn't really been true for me; however, whiskey and wine means that I am slam dunk hung over the next day. Possibly one of those 24hr hangovers that suck an entire weekend out of your life.
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For me the thing to remember to is not to mix. I try not to even mix my types of wine (red vs. white).....that is when I get into trouble....gets even worse if I mix wine, beer and hard liquor. I believe that this year someone gave a friend of mine powdered b-12/b-6 with 8 oz of water after we had our mini invasion and that she felt much better within an hour.:)

DPH # 2
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of course, this depends on the type of hangover. if your head is spinning like crazy, then maybe not a good idea.

I just remember one of the worst hangovers I had one morning, I felt sick to the stomach, on the whole ride to the dz with a friend of mine, the whole time I'm thinking "oh shit I don't wanna puke in this guy's car"... (good that the dz was only 30 minutes away at that time).
we get there, I go up with the plane (again, thinking "oh shit I don't wanna puke in this guy's plane")... jump out... all gone. hangover? gone. sick feeling? gone. feeling good, alert, happy, never been better.

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I also heard drinking water with a BC or Goody powder before you go to bed works. But who remembers to do that ?


Before you go to the party tent, put TWO bottles of water, FOUR advil, and a multivitamin ON YOUR PILLOW.

When you stumble back to your room/RV/tent, consume all the above.

As far as "who remembers to do that" once you try it and realize how well it works you will never forget it again.

This, and this alone, has stopped more hangovers than I could ever possibly count...

Elvisio "doesn't stop the damage to the liver though" Rodriguez

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The soup menudo is a traditional Ecuadorian & Mexican dish; a frequently spicy soup made with tripe. It is often thought of as a cure for a hangover, and is traditionally served on special occasions or with family.

Sorta works!:PB|

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Goody or BC Powder with a Red Bull.. The only one I know. Does V8 Juice really work?

There are two options:

1) Give time it's course

2) Give yourself a reason to forget time

Under option 2, getting fucked up the ass when you least expect it would help you forget about your hangover...

Just a thought! :)
Y yo, pa' vivir con miedo, prefiero morir sonriendo, con el recuerdo vivo".
- Ruben Blades, "Adan Garcia"

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If you still have alcohol in your stomach, you can eat a flour tortilla and it will soak up the rest of the alcohol in your stomach. That way you can stop feeling drunk. not sure if that stops the hangover the next day give it a shot after you are done with shots.:D-Caress

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***The soup menudo is a traditional Ecuadorian & Mexican dish; a frequently spicy soup made with tripe. It is often thought of as a cure for a hangover, and is traditionally served on special occasions or with family

They swear by this in Mexico! But I just cannot get myself to eat it... yuck

my solution is try to and drink a glass of water before bed, leave one next to the bed, and then drink water or gatorade in the morning!

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If you still have alcohol in your stomach, you can eat a flour tortilla and it will soak up the rest of the alcohol in your stomach. That way you can stop feeling drunk. not sure if that stops the hangover the next day give it a shot after you are done with shots.:D-Caress

i'm pretty sure eating to absorb any alcohol in your stomach will do little to sober you up. it may keep what's in there from absorbing into the bloodstream, but i think i heard that even that is a myth. i usually eat when i'm drunk to avoid throwing up...and to try and fend off the spins. ugh.
Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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Plenty of water and also take Emergen-C before you go to bed (if you can remember) and in the morning. You'll feel like a new person within the hour. Ladydyver, is that what your friend gave you? It's loaded with Vitamins.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
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Plenty of water and also take Emergen-C before you go to bed (if you can remember) and in the morning. You'll feel like a new person within the hour. Ladydyver, is that what your friend gave you? It's loaded with Vitamins.

Lots of water and B Group Vitamins
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