
What Are Your Top Three Favorite Books?

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Three favorite books:

PW Atkins Physical Chemistry – to understand how the world works from sub-atomic to astronomical.

Jared Diamond Guns, Germs, and Steel – how human societies come into being and work, why some have power, and others don’t. (His most recent book, Collapse is on how civilizations fall apart, haven't read it yet.)

Octavio Paz Selected Poems – because sometimes poetry is more important than ‘how’ and ‘why’.

And "+2" or "+3" on Marion Zimmer Bradley's Mists of Avalon


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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  • Touching the Void - Joe Simpson. Very well written, real life drama about the climber who fell after his partner cut the rope.

  • Deep Survival - Laurence Gonzales. A MUST read.

  • A Walk in the woods - Bill Bryson. Actually I can't put down any of Bills books. They are witty and informative.

    Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
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    Okay. Sure... But how about a movie about stabbing people in the genitals? THAT would be original(I think). Numbers 25:8... look it up.:P

    I did. It says "belly", not genitals.

    But Hollywood has even done your version:

    "...the killer gets off by stabbing the genitals of his victims."

    "...speared him between the genitals"

    "strangles him to death, then dissects the body and plays with
    the entrails and severed genitals"


    I can think of better things to watch.

    It doesn't sound appealing to me either. I was just beint facetious. The KJV says "belly" but the original Hebrew would've been more accurately rendered "womb". Some translations say "genitals" some say "groin" and some attempt to spare their readers the gruesomeness of Phineas' act.

    Way off topic though... sorry about that.
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    Been a while since I read any books. Kinda hard to read a book while postwhoring on here. :D

    But here are my top three:

    The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown

    Any two of Stephen King's classic novels. Too many to choose just two.

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    The Parachute and It's Pilot - Brian Germain. Great book.

    Cars and Trucks and Things That Go - Richard Scarry. My favorite book as a kid.

    Complete Hitchhikers Guide - Douglas Adams. I was telling a friend that being forced to read so much stuff I hated in school basically turned me off of it. He gave me a copy of HHGG and basically made me promise to read 2 chapters. And when I was done to pass it on to someone else. I read that book and bought the full series in one book so gave that book to someone else. :)Even though the ending of the series sucked... [:/]

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    Joseph Heller, Catch22: Fast paced, insane, ground breaking satire. One of the great, influential novels of the 20th century. (Plus, you get to find out what a real Catch22 situation is, and why most people use it wrong:P)

    Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood: Pure brilliance. The sheer power and emotion of disaffected youth from Catcher in the Rye, married to a complex plot of real love, tenderness and loss (Plus lots of rock 'n' roll and casual sex in '60's Tokyo).

    Arthur C Clarke, Imperial Earth: Great story, great political and social vision of the future, great technological foresight from the absolute master of science-fiction.

    Yeah, it's my second three, bite me:P

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    Snow Crash - its about a hacker who rides a motercycle, carries a katana sword, and works as a pizza delivery boy for the mafia. Its just cool.

    one of my best friends from way back keeps telling me to read that one... say's it's brilliant. haven't gotten around to it yet, but I will, simply based on the fact that the author has the balls to name the main charachter "Hero Protagonist".
    "Some people follow their dreams, others hunt them down and beat them mercilessly into submission."

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    could never pick just three... depends on my mood at the time. But here's some at the top of the list, in no particular order:

    Battlefield: Earth. there's some silly stuff, but the scope of the story is brilliant... half way through you're like "what the hell is he going to do with the NEXT 400 pages?" and then he fills it up with even better stuff!

    Dune series. Herbert is unparalelled. God-Emperor of Dune is mind-blowing.

    The Right Stuff. Really cool to read about the early space program, back when things were still being done by the seat of their pants.

    Also the Hitchiker's Guide, Hyperion series, Foundation series... told you I could never limit it to 3:P.

    "Some people follow their dreams, others hunt them down and beat them mercilessly into submission."

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