
7 or 9 cell??

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I just made my 37th jump last week and want to start looking around for a rig, I will buy used, but as far as canopys go, what's the difference between a 7 cell and a 9 cell?? is it just the glide? which one should I probably be looking at getting?
any help would be appreciated, I'm 218 out the door, I think I want to start at a 210 or 220 sq ft main. my canopy work is good, I've been jumping a 240 sq ft for the last 14 dives only plf-ing 3 times.


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my 1.1 is a 190.. when I got to 210 they had me try a 9 cell..
when you land one it seems a little faster .. you glide accross the ground VS coming right at it..
I liked the 9 cell better..
Im on a 190 now and they seem to preform killer for my experience..
now my issue is... every canopy is a little different..
You should try as many as you can before you decide ..
our DZ has a great store with lots of canopies to try..
They wouldnt downsize me until I was able to land the canopies I was on with out PLFing.. I have not PLFed yet.... but i did a butt slide..
Im finaly starting to feel challanged (which I like).. so Im sticking at 1.1 now..
you said you were going to buy a 210 and your exit weight was 220..
Make sure you can downsize on your own time.. dont be forced into a smaller canopy until your ready..
You only have two legs.. its nice when they both work
good luck

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