
Weekend Numbers 18th /19th Oct

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3 Eight-way Cessna formation loads
3 Four-way RW's
1 Two-way night jump

Thanks to KState & SDK for bringin' the other Cessnas to the all Cessna boogie.
It's called the Hillbilly Hop N Pop dude.
If you're gonna be stupid, you better be tough.
That's fucked up. Watermelons do not grow on trees! ~Skymama

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8 - 4 way RW jumps
3 - FF jumps
1 - 8 way from 2 C182s. Nobody left linked was 6th in.
(We were the only ones to get the formation built and all 8 land on the DZ :)
1 of the RW jumps was a night jump and 1 of the FF jumps with a sunrise load.

Beer owed for another filled logbook, getting my SCR, and first time doing more RW jumps than FF jumps in a long time.

I'll +1 what Buff said the Cessna Boogie was great fun. Thanks to the KSUPC group, the ACDZ group and the SDK group.

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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:| :1 :0

waited all day for the weather to clear then got 1 fun jump tried to sit, got into position 2x but as soon as I got in, I tumbled out again lol.. someday it will work. the industrial haze was awesome!

(I.C.D#2 VP)
""I'm good with my purple penis straw" ~sky mama

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Like our other regulars that have posted here, I was enjoying our last weekend with our Caravan. Did 10 tandems and one sunset 8-way. Also had a very unpleasant reserve ride and learned that "pineapple" is not the universal safe-word it's cracked up to be...no matter how many times you yell it, it won't unfuck a canopy that's trying to kill you. :D:S:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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nada : 3 : niente

a sitdive where i kept on moving backwards that went on to shits, a try at headdown, both 2-ways, and a trackingdive where i, as the last couple of times, fucking went down like a stone. i really need to loose weight again.. :|

sometimes this sport is frustrating like hell.

been a good boy tough, still havent touched that m1.. :)

“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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I got two words for you.

Body Position

How the fuck did you get a line wrapped around your neck?

Glad you're not dead!!

Body position was not a factor. I broke 3 lines just below the cascades and the slack ends dropped onto me (felt like a slider hitting the top of my head). Canopy was behaving erratically enough that I didn't realize the broken lines were on me loosely until I chopped and the "loosely" status changed to "tightly" on their way past my neck. Between the way the main was mal-ing and the drag of the lines on me, the reserve opened with at least a dozen twists in it. The stall/surge nature of a tandem reserve with brakes stowed increased the twists to nearly the stabilizers. A stalling/surging/spinning reserve is a motherfucker to fight...every kick a quarter turn in the right direction earned me a full turn in the wrong direction on the stall/surge. I threw everything I had at it for a couple thousand feet, paused to catch my breath and try to think of any other technique I'd ever heard of, realized my bag of tricks was empty and this was likely going to end badly, and then figured I might as well keep working it into the ground. A few seconds later I finally made my first positive progress and then went shit-house crazy building on it. Ended up with a nice stand-up in the landing area, which was much better than the arrival I was beginning to believe was inevitable.

And thanks...I'm kinda glad I'm not dead too. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I got to jump with the more experienced skydiver's L.O. this weekend to see if I had what it takes. The first jump was pretty good. The rest...well...I uh have to improve on my "up" skills. At least everyone was nice about it and all offered pointers. I was super embarrassed to say the least. I do appreciate that they're giving me the opportunity of new challenges.

Poor kitties...:)

Irgity Dirgity

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I got two words for you.

Body Position

How the fuck did you get a line wrapped around your neck?

Glad you're not dead!!

Body position was not a factor. I broke 3 lines just below the cascades and the slack ends dropped onto me (felt like a slider hitting the top of my head). Canopy was behaving erratically enough that I didn't realize the broken lines were on me loosely until I chopped and the "loosely" status changed to "tightly" on their way past my neck. Between the way the main was mal-ing and the drag of the lines on me, the reserve opened with at least a dozen twists in it. The stall/surge nature of a tandem reserve with brakes stowed increased the twists to nearly the stabilizers. A stalling/surging/spinning reserve is a motherfucker to fight...every kick a quarter turn in the right direction earned me a full turn in the wrong direction on the stall/surge. I threw everything I had at it for a couple thousand feet, paused to catch my breath and try to think of any other technique I'd ever heard of, realized my bag of tricks was empty and this was likely going to end badly, and then figured I might as well keep working it into the ground. A few seconds later I finally made my first positive progress and then went shit-house crazy building on it. Ended up with a nice stand-up in the landing area, which was much better than the arrival I was beginning to believe was inevitable.

And thanks...I'm kinda glad I'm not dead too. ;)


That was some crazy shit.....heard there was a lot more crazy shit that went on after we left the dz. I think home on saturday was a good place for us to be.:S:S:S
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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