
Who's single...

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Who's really single arent most people just in stages of relationships

I've been muddling around with the same chick for like eight years, and two solid attempts, were working on round three; if I could just get her to leave her fiance. Ofcourse I left it alone while I was with the ex doing the family thing, but still.

Again another good reason to be "single," people are preaty messed up. One sister not even 25 has already been divorced twice. Dont even get me started on the other one.

Or maybe I just need to meet a better class of people I dunno.

My .02
I keep telling my friends skydiving will fix all your problems, Im a fibber you just let go a minute at a time. Choose what to do with it.

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OK some of you are complaining that you are lonely-
lemme let you youngsters in on a little secret;

The internet was designed and created just for people to get busy.

Before the internet i would have to spend many hours and dollars at local bars to meet women- with little or no results.
After the internet, I got so much action from previously married single moms and the like I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my skull.

Just log on to one of the many available sites and trade some small chat with each other- You may have to drive a bit and visit some strange neighborhoods so bring a cell phone and a flare gun, but in no time you'll discover that once shy home makers and singles are there for one thing - To corner you and scratch your freakin clothes off! After walking through the door and sharing a light meal and some wine (don't be a douche-bring the wine and help cook)- within an hour you'll be getting down to some serious business and I don't mean cleaning out the garage and raking the goddamn leaves, unless thats part of your foreplay.
Be confident and for Godsakes try not to look stupid or surprised during all the action.
Also be prepared for some strange looks from the neighbors as you walk out a little dazed with your shirt all crooked.

-now get out there,we expect a detailed report so don't fuckin' dissappoint us.

In our next seminar- Gettin' busy on the cruise ship scene.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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Well lets put on the psychology hat for a minute, and do some psychobabbling- i don't think the loneliness factor is necessarily a function of relationship absence, there are plenty of people who are in a relationship of one form or another but feel totally alone. If you're lonely it may be a sign of systemic depression.In which case seeking others for sex or other forms of companionship may not help. But if a person does not suffer psychologically from loneliness and just wants some company or maybe even a fling or some hot tamale excitement just to break the unbearable monotonous drudgery of every day life there are excellent venues for hooking up,and who's to say that it wont lead to something more-Sometimes people just need some motivation to get the horse hitched up to the wagon and get the hell out of Dodge.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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Yeah some of those sites definitely need a creep filter and you have to be stealth to defend against those. But for guys there are far fewer creepy women to avoid on the web, it depends on where you look- most sites have nice girl next door types who are not criminals of some sort.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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Yeah some of those sites definitely need a creep filter and you have to be stealth to defend against those. But for guys there are far fewer creepy women to avoid on the web, it depends on where you look- most sites have nice girl next door types who are not criminals of some sort.

I'd agree that guys probably have it a lot easier than women sifting through piles of creapos posting online. Tough in a small town though! I dated a number of women I met online living in NYC, but in a town of 60,000 it's near impossible. I went on three dates with someone. The third was a big group deal and met a pile of her friends, that pretty much included 2/3 of the other people "available" in town.

Killing threads since 2004.

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i just don`t get it..think about all disgusting mails they receive:ph34r:...have mercy,B|

You call it disgusting I call it Art.

Dating in general sucks, I just need a beer drinking partner for the DZ, and all is good.
I Am Sofa King We Todd Did!!

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and the girls out there have locked themselves inside to hide.:D

Or lining up to point/laugh.... it all evens out, bro!!

Hell, out there, I still may have an advantage, even on a cold night.:ph34r::D:P

It you're seen when the temp is cold, tell them they just need to be optimistic and remember it only get bigger from here... ;)
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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yeah thats why I followed it up with " another reason to be single cause people are preaty screwed or something like that"

But wait dont I really have a chance since we have been working on this for like eight years :S I really need outta here.

I keep telling my friends skydiving will fix all your problems, Im a fibber you just let go a minute at a time. Choose what to do with it.

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Yes, I'm single but I have some prospects. ;)

Reason's I'm single?
* I want someone who will give me the benefit of the doubt. It shows they give people a fair chance. Assumptions are only okay if positive or neutral. Don't go negative without clarifying.

* I want someone that if they do have a problem with something I do they explain it to me, possibly getting louder and/or more forceful if I don't seem to "get it." 9 times out of 10 it's probably just a misunderstanding. This shows they are willing to stand up for themselves and not just "take it." I know we won't always agree, but we need to at least be able to see the others point.

Both of these I reciprocate. :)

Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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I want someone who will give me the benefit of the doubt.

Geerally doesnt that only apply if you have consciously put yourself in the position of having to be given (oops) the benefit.

Honestly your choices lead you to your point in life, if I were homeless and not a stoic, I think it would be fair that I was judged. Just a thought though.

Man I wish my lesbian roommate would stop having sex talk about a distraction. :|

She's not all that attractive buy her girl is cute.
I keep telling my friends skydiving will fix all your problems, Im a fibber you just let go a minute at a time. Choose what to do with it.

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I want someone who will give me the benefit of the doubt.

Geerally doesnt that only apply if you have consciously put yourself in the position of having to be given (oops) the benefit.

Honestly your choices lead you to your point in life, if I were homeless and not a stoic, I think it would be fair that I was judged. Just a thought though.

Why shouldn't one give everyone the benefit of the doubt? Obviously past life experiences and experiences with that person may color your initial judgement, but at least let them "defend" themselves.

Or in other words:
You don't have to trust or rely on someone but don't assume someone is an asshole, bitch, etc. Make them prove it.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Dont wanna come off as rude, but it kinda makes your life easier when you play it by the odds.

Generally speaking, a person's life has become a certain way usually because of the choices they have made. Seams (atleast to me) play by the rules and make your life very similar to the life of the person your looking for.

Not the only way but, Ive never been to vegas I want to keep the odds balanced; this has actually caused me quite a bit of trouble, but Im sure the theory is sound.

Or not, I say screw it everyone is nuts, whatever.
I keep telling my friends skydiving will fix all your problems, Im a fibber you just let go a minute at a time. Choose what to do with it.

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Dont wanna come off as rude, but it kinda makes your life easier when you play it by the odds.

I'd rather know something than just be told it. I also believe everyone deserves a chance. Especially if you're interested in them. We all make bad choices sometimes, but I'd rather know I made a bad choice than just think I did.

People eventually tend to treat you how you think they'll treat you. If you think they'll treat you like shit, your actions and decisions will reflect that feeling, and they probably will, sometimes completely unintentionally. If you give them the benefit of the doubt, they still might, but then again they might not.

It's amazing the power of perception has. People's perceptions are really their reality.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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