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Well, this seems to be shaping up nicely with two possible candidates so far. TallGuy, VanillaSkygirl, If you are interested in joining our family of sponsored athletes I look forward to reviewing your applications and reading your essays. We have yet to locate any Little People with skydiving experience but over the years I have run into two. I met them both at Quincy. I do not know if either of those individuals is still jumping but it does give me hope of filling out our roster.

As to the nature of this team, there are many things that have been done in the past. It has reached the point that competition for a medal in the open class has become almost exclusively a professional endeavor. It has been demonstrated that you can buy the gold medal if you are willing to throw enough time and money at it. I grew up at a smaller drop zone with a rather different attitude. It just seems to me that a lot of the joy has been lost from the sport. I do not have any interest in sponsoring another of the cookie cutter teams that have no interest in being any thing but another carbon copy of Airspeed. I'm not saying that they will be standing on the top of the podium when this is all over. I don't think they'll be last. Think how fast the little guys will be able to turn in place with such a small moment of inertia. It's like a built in style tuck. I wont lie. As a sponsor I'm looking for a group that will stand out from the crowd and draw attention to me and my business. I'm also looking for people that will reflect my own values. That perhaps having fun and enjoying your journey through life is more important then clawing your way over the bodies of others to the top of that platform. And what ever form this team eventually takes, yes I am poking a finger in the eye of all the "Professional Athletes" that are determined to make their house payments from my sport.


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>I'd be happy to be a member in the freak parade.

Of course, with you they couldn't just get a widebody 182 to practice out of. You'd also have to be careful not to let your shadow fall on them during competitions, lest they become eclipsed.

On the plus side, you wouldn't even feel their burbles.

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Hmmm midgets.... Maybe Guppie01, Gia and a girl I haven't seen in 10 years or so, nicknamed "Lil Bit" from Texas. I dunno who the 4th one would be.

I'd go buy some shin guards if I were you Billy...Guppie01/Gia is gonna play hell on both of 'em! :D

Edit to add: How did your list not include a certain jackass?


LOL You boys crack me up.

Spence, and Billy - you've obviously never flown with me on my belly, I'd just bring the team down!!! ;) LOL



Edited cuz I totally messed up that post....
"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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I think I remember seeing a picture somewhere of Vinny giving TallGuy a piggy-back ride...or something like that. In any case, that pair certainly draws attention to the contrast you're talking about.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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There was a picture of a midget or dwarf doing a sitfly in Parachutist a few years ago. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, until I noticed how compact the harness was and where the hardware was in relation to each other. That dude looked shorter than 4'6".
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I'd be happy to be a member in the freak parade. As far as I know I'm the tallest (with one possible tie if he still jumps) skydiver in the continental US. Even have all my own camera gear (although minimal experience with it)

I have no issue at all with sticking out in a crowd, it's just the way it is!

So, TallGuy, how tall are you? I'm 6'8", but were I a pro basketball player, I'd be at least 6'10 since they fudge the numbers.

Attached a pic of me doing a tandem with Jen Sharp who's 5'3. She really was pretty much just along for the ride as a rig adapter with me in front.

Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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I remember talk of a 4 way team at one of the Dublin Boogies.. I think they were going to call themselves "Four Fat Fucks Falling Fast" or something like that.

I think it was Fast Eddie, Hans, Spence and someone else with Lee shooting Video.

There was something about them launching a protest before thier first jump because from 10.5 they would not possibly get 35 seconds of working time.:D:D

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Yeah you certainly threaten my airspace.

I like to tell everyone I'm 6'9" dude (insert Bill and Ted air guitar here).

Those damn pro athletes throw everyone's perceptions of height out of whack. It's fun to see how their fans vehemently defend them too. In a way I'm responsible for skewing height perceptions although I've never lied upward about my height.

Those are some fun pics.

Here's a couple of mine.
Somehow our 6'2"(give or take) regional director made it into both of em'. :|

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Ok, you can have "Tallest Skydiver" as far as I'm concerned, you got me!

Here's a funny (maybe only to tall guys) little thing. When you go to the doctors office, they stand you on the scale to weigh and measure. As soon as the nurse starts to extend the "measuring stick", I say "it doesn't go high enough", the nurse will generally give you a look like you're stupid, or totally ignore the comment. She keeps extending, then the thing comes in two, and falls off or she catches it. Now, I get to give the "look", and she says in defeat "Ok, how tall are you?" and writes down whatever she's told.

Anyway, you can be the Giant, and I'll relegate myself to the 6'8", 220 lb, little buddy sidekick roll. That's funny to me!

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread into freaky tall guy stories.

Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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