
What the Fuck? / Texting in a bar

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Why the fuck do people go pay $2.50 for a beer to sit at the bar and send text messages? WTF did people do before cell phones? I go to a party with a co-worker and everyone is on their damn cell phones sending texts.. seriously.. what the fuck...
Millions of my potential children died on your daughters' face last night.

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Why the fuck do people go pay $2.50 for a beer to sit at the bar and send text messages? WTF did people do before cell phones? I go to a party with a co-worker and everyone is on their damn cell phones sending texts.. seriously.. what the fuck...

I don't see that at the bars or parties I go to. Maybe they're just trying to look busy so you don't talk to them. :ph34r:

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Other than the fact that texting is a very inpersonal way to convey a message I really dont see the point in it at all. Its far easier to just call whomever and say what needs to be said and be done with it. However, its a lot easier to TEXT "your a shit eating cock master" to someone than say it to them. I have friends that send me text's all the time then get pissed off when I dont get the message.

On another note, I dont even know why one would want to go to a bar anyway. As you mentioned the beer cost $2.50 a piece and thats for the cheap stuff. I can drink at my appartment for around $0.60 per beer (again cheap stuff) and do pretty much anything I damn well please (within reason of course). Anywho, Im knackered with all this ranting about two of my most hated things, texting and bars, so Im off to the SC to watch Kallend piss off some Christians.:D

Muff #5048

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Ohhhh.... you've hit a nerve with me on this.....

Because they're soooooooooooooo important that they can't be incommunicado for a fucking hour to have a couple of beers.

I do not text. I refuse to text. If someone texts me, I will not text back. It takes 3 steps with one finger to dial me out of your address book. How many licks to get to the center of the freaking tootsie pop to send a paragraph text message? Yeah, tons.

Fuck texting.

Oh yeah, and to the bitch in the blue Chevy Cavileer who was texting while driving on Route 206 in Southampton Township tonight - eat a bumper you ignorant bitch! It's called stay right pass left you fucking Shoobie!

::::: breathing out :::::

Rant over. Please carry on. ;)[;)

Always be kinder than you feel.

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Ohhhh.... you've hit a nerve with me on this.....

Because they're soooooooooooooo important that they can't be incommunicado for a fucking hour to have a couple of beers.

I do not text. I refuse to text. If someone texts me, I will not text back. It takes 3 steps with one finger to dial me out of your address book. How many licks to get to the center of the freaking tootsie pop to send a paragraph text message? Yeah, tons.

Fuck texting.

Oh yeah, and to the bitch in the blue Chevy Cavileer who was texting while driving on Route 206 in Southampton Township tonight - eat a bumper you ignorant bitch! It's called stay right pass left you fucking Shoobie!

::::: breathing out :::::

Rant over. Please carry on. ;)[;)

Preach It!!!!!!;)+1+1+1+1
Muff #5048

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Texting has some benefits over calling. I can say something brief to someone when I don't want to expand on it, and when someone wants to say something to me, I can wait till it's convenient to reply. For this reason, I can understand why women would hate texting (and why I like it)...Texting reduces 3 hour phone conversations about everything under the sun to 5 or 6 important sentences, often with simple yes or no answers. :)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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$1.50 at happyhour or half off for anything B|

I just do not get the point of going to have a beer that costs $2.00 or whatever to sit on your ass and text when you can go home and do the same thing for $1.00 a beer or less. As someone pointed out that it's easier to tell someone they are a cock smith on text. Seriously it's a problem when you text someone 10 feet away from you though.

Now I get texts from people I haven't heard from in ages simply because I am on their contact list.

The standard reply is.. "who the fuck are you, do you have beer and am I going to get laid if i reply?"

Millions of my potential children died on your daughters' face last night.

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Texting has some benefits over calling. I can say something brief to someone when I don't want to expand on it, and when someone wants to say something to me, I can wait till it's convenient to reply. For this reason, I can understand why women would hate texting (and why I like it)...Texting reduces 3 hour phone conversations about everything under the sun to 5 or 6 important sentences, often with simple yes or no answers. :)

LOL - How do you text back to the 'what are you thinking' question? :D
Always be kinder than you feel.

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>$2.50?!?!?!?! where is this ultra cheap beer bar located?

$3/pint at Lost Abbey for some of the best beers in the world. Bring your own snacks and bar stools and don't get stuck to the floor, though! And keep your eye out for the forklift - Tomme is going to run someone down one of these days.

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>Why the fuck do people go pay $2.50 for a beer to sit at the bar and send
>text messages?

More fun than sitting on the curb and sending text messages!

Yes but not as fun as meeting new people.
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Texting has some benefits over calling. I can say something brief to someone when I don't want to expand on it, and when someone wants to say something to me, I can wait till it's convenient to reply. For this reason, I can understand why women would hate texting (and why I like it)...Texting reduces 3 hour phone conversations about everything under the sun to 5 or 6 important sentences, often with simple yes or no answers. :)

Utter BS. I have NEVER seen somone text just 2 or 3 words to someone. And why do you have 3hr phone calls? Can you not tell someone that youre finished talking to them and hang up? Again on urgency, if its urgent enough to text me RIGHT NOW then you better fucking call me RIGHT NOW because if it is truly urgent I want to hear it from you and gather details rather than recieve a text saying "car crash gtg".

Edit: Probably a crash while fucking texting.>:(>:(>:( Stupid fuckers (people driving and texting that is).
Muff #5048

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Texting has some benefits over calling. I can say something brief to someone when I don't want to expand on it, and when someone wants to say something to me, I can wait till it's convenient to reply. For this reason, I can understand why women would hate texting (and why I like it)...Texting reduces 3 hour phone conversations about everything under the sun to 5 or 6 important sentences, often with simple yes or no answers. :)

LOL - How do you text back to the 'what are you thinking' question? :D

"2 much 2 txt...will call l8er" :-|

Then say or do something mildly wrong to make them forget they asked that.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Texting has some benefits over calling. I can say something brief to someone when I don't want to expand on it, and when someone wants to say something to me, I can wait till it's convenient to reply. For this reason, I can understand why women would hate texting (and why I like it)...Texting reduces 3 hour phone conversations about everything under the sun to 5 or 6 important sentences, often with simple yes or no answers. :)

Yeah, email works for the same thing. I don't like long phone conversations either, but I've yet to find a good reason to get out my cell phone manual and figure out how to send text messages. :P (Yes, I have access to my phone in more places than I have access to email, but I just don't need to stay in contact with anyone 24/7.)

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Texting has some benefits over calling. I can say something brief to someone when I don't want to expand on it, and when someone wants to say something to me, I can wait till it's convenient to reply. For this reason, I can understand why women would hate texting (and why I like it)...Texting reduces 3 hour phone conversations about everything under the sun to 5 or 6 important sentences, often with simple yes or no answers. :)

Utter BS. I have NEVER seen somone text just 2 or 3 words to someone. And why do you have 3hr phone calls? Can you not tell someone that youre finished talking to them and hang up? Again on urgency, if its urgent enough to text me RIGHT NOW then you better fucking call me RIGHT NOW because if it is truly urgent I want to hear it from you and gather details rather than recieve a text saying "car crash gtg".

I have a couple guy friends I can talk to properly (succinctly), and I call them when I need to. I don't think there's been a woman born who can routinely carry on conversations like that without getting all butt-hurt. :S:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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only time id consider texting over calling is if the background is too loud to hear anything in.

What's the difference? rather have someone texting than hear them screaming into their phone trying to have a conversation.

Hell, sometimes those places are so loud you have to text the person next to you to have a conversation! :P

Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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I am a text monkey. My friends and I for the most part work in the medical field (Drs, nurses, such the like) and it is often not convenient for us to have full on phone conversations as we go about the day, especially trying to see patients.
Plus, most of us are used to getting text pages all the times anyway, this just lets us talk back at our own convenience.

/sends and receives 3-5000 txts a month
//loves it
///YAY Slashies!

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I hate texting. I have 4 teens that think John and I are the meanest parents in the world because we BLOCKED texting from our phone plan. No texting in or out. I can't think of one good reason why my teens need to have texting on their phones. Texting while driving, texting while in class etc. I go to their school plays and other things and the whole audience is lit up from the glow of cell phones while kids are texting. The kids have friends over and the whole time they are there they are texting other people. They sit and watch TV and all you hear is this click, click, click while they text.

I can't think of why anyone needs texting. It's just stupid. [:/]

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I hate texting. I have 4 teens that think John and I are the meanest parents in the world because we BLOCKED texting from our phone plan. No texting in or out. I can't think of one good reason why my teens need to have texting on their phones. Texting while driving, texting while in class etc. ..........

I can't think of why anyone needs texting. It's just stupid. [:/]

You guys are hereby nominated as "Parents of the Year"! :)
Always be kinder than you feel.

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