
My first 100-way!!!

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>ok, who holds this record: lowest number of jumps for first 100 way?

I think Julie Richter was sub-300 when she did her first one. She got invited on the 300-way at around the 300 jump point.

Rosa is only about 290, who can we ask to see if she's the lowest of the low:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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That's great!!! Glad it was so successful :)

"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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Congrats. Does that mean we'll see you on JFTC ;)

Hello lady...YOU are one person whom I would love to have as a mentor. I asked various people for advice here and there, throughout the camp. I made little mental notes and will continue to apply my new skills at the next camp and on my other jumps, if applicable.

Mar, I took these bigway and 100-way camps, so I could learn the skills needed for and train towards JFTC and other bigway records. My goal is JFTC 2009, and since the camps, I have more goals.

Now, that I've done these camps, I know that I am in love with bigway jumping and the amazing people that I have met from all over the world. I want to jump with everyone again and again and continue to work towards all of our goals. I am definitely applying for more camps, events and hopefully, I'll join the wonderful group of JFTC ladies next year! :)

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Now that the camp is over, don't forget to register on http://www.bigways.com for notices and on-line registration requests for future big ways.

Congrats & blues!

Thank you! Yes, yes...I will do this late tonight or tomorrow, when I get home. I was also told to submit my application for JFTC, which I have done. If there is anything else that I may have missed, please let me know, bigway organizers and fellow jumpers. I told Dan B.C. that in under 3 years, I can joing the POPS jumps, too!

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There was a Russian guy in the camp this year who just passed 150 jumps... Amazing since he did 36 of them in the Big Way camp and 100 Way Camp these last two weekends.
Its a New World.

Do you remember his name, Joe? I was trying to remember his name, so I could write about him. I was told that besides tunnel time, this guy had jumped frequently with the World Team members, who vouched for his abilities. Like everyone else, I was blown away by hearing his jump numbers, especially when I heard that I had the second lowest amount of jumps (263 prior to the camp) at almost double his amount of jumps. He was amazing!!!

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YOU are one person whom I would love to have as a mentor.

:$You don't need me when you've got Kate, Tony, Dan, and all those other wonderful LOs! Look forward to seeing you in a pink suit:)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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My Jump #288 was a successful 102-way at the P3 Bigway Camp! I love this sport! :)


I had my first 100-way and 99-way too. It was nice to see you at the Perris 100-way camp, although you were in Group 1 and I was in Group 2. :)
Welcome to the 100-way club!

I had 349 jumps when I started my first 100-way attempt. We almost nailed it on the 8th and 10th attempts, but the photo for the 10th attempt of our group looks like a perfect 100-way -- one grip missing, but actually looks like it's gripped.

I was deep diver (3rd last out), middle right trail, second weed whacker out of four layers.

Yes, there was a russian here that had only about 150+ jumps. I'm rather impressed that any sub-200 jump guy can be in a 100 way, but I guess efficient jumping (bigway discipline from Jump #1) combined with plenty of tunnel time (for red zone skills) would do the trick. I think it's possible though: I had a 30-way at jump #181 so right around then I could have probably entered the BWC and 100WC (with a good bigway coach/interpretor like I had) and succeeded, but I became uncurrent shortly after with only 50 jumps in a 12 month time period from mid 2006 to mid 2007. Now I have done 70 jumps in a 5 week period, and boosted 288 to 358 in a hurry.

I am very surprised at how many people, when they went low in the bigway camp, ended up flying unstable all over the place trying to fall slow. Due to my tunnel time, the times (out of 36 jumps) I went low, I was able to fall-slow controllably "in the tube" 90 degrees -- and I also recovered from what looked like an approx 100-foot-low floater exit and still actually beat my neighbour to slot (MakeItHappen wrote an excellent story about my recovery from a 100 foot low floater exit). That was during the 50-ways BWC weekend. The other time I went recoverably low, during the 100-way weekend, I have recovered once and docked. The only one time I went unrecoverably low (could not recover "on time") was because someone from behind me flew under me. I now have a suite of equipment (weights, and two jumpsuits - a fastfaller and a slowfaller) that will come in handy in future bigways. Many bigway camp attendees has never had tunnel time and it comes in handy more than one thinks -- especially improving the ability to "fall slow in the tube" as well as becoming more stable and funnel-resistant (to an extent). Most sub-1000 jump people of World Team caliber, have tunnel time, that also includes an RW-experienced coach that included stability training and fallrate-range-extension training. (This is stuff not normally taught by an ordinary tunnel coach!)

I still have lots to learn, but I think I now have a new goal in skydiving...

Project 500, anyone? ;)

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I told Dan B.C. that in under 3 years, I can joing the POPS jumps, too!

No way, I thought you were like 26 or something;)

She does look that young. Major hottie. :)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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