
ROOM 101

Recommended Posts

1. Caravans
2. Kevin Costner
3. Big Brother
4. Pikeys
5. Beer from Andy's fridge
6. Andy's headphones
7. Standard vehicles
8. Micky D's
9. Bras (all bras... like even Victoria Secrets bras?)
10. Knickers (even sexy black silk ones and thongs?)
11. Women with willys
12. LMWB (with pies?)
13. Variety of dildos and vibrators
14. Camera with pie smeared all over the lens
15. Andy in his crusty Grundies with no bathing for 2 weeks, a daily wank and maybe an STD. (and a pound and a half of smegg if LM is patient)
16. Rats
17. Crocagators or snakes (under discussion pending approval of UNUSED toys sent back out of room 101)
18. Intelligent laser beams
19. Contents of room 201
20. Cockroaches
21. STD's (even the one that Andy might get to go into room 101)
22. Nathan
23. Commadore 64's
24. Rap
25. Downwind landings on asphalt
26. Vacations with itineraries
27. Kbordson
28. Chocolate
29. Cellphones
30. Poodles
31. Pineapple Pizza …. Mmmm pizza
32. Edited posts
33. A book to help LMWB run her cult
34. STD Spray

Skyrad broke 32....to bad all the spanking stuffs in the room
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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1. Caravans
2. Kevin Costner
3. Big Brother
4. Pikeys
5. Beer from Andy's fridge
6. Andy's headphones
7. Standard vehicles
8. Micky D's
9. Bras (all bras... like even Victoria Secrets bras?)
10. Knickers (even sexy black silk ones and thongs?)
11. Women with willys
12. LMWB (with pies?)
13. Variety of dildos and vibrators
14. Camera with pie smeared all over the lens
15. Andy in his crusty Grundies with no bathing for 2 weeks, a daily wank and maybe an STD. (and a pound and a half of smegg if LM is patient)
16. Rats
17. Crocagators or snakes (under discussion pending approval of UNUSED toys sent back out of room 101)
18. Intelligent laser beams
19. Contents of room 201
20. Cockroaches
21. STD's (even the one that Andy might get to go into room 101)
22. Nathan
23. Commadore 64's
24. Rap
25. Downwind landings on asphalt
26. Vacations with itineraries
27. Kbordson
28. Chocolate
29. Cellphones
30. Poodles
31. Pineapple Pizza …. Mmmm pizza
32. Edited posts
33. A book to help LMWB run her cult
34. STD Spray
35. Celine Dion
36. Last Saturday
fear is the mindkill

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We can still play, you just have to put it on :|

Go back in time... to post #106 back before edits were thrown in the room and change history.

You, Powerful Andy, have the ability to change your fate and release you from such a horrid fate. No paper bag, no amount of alcohol will help that coyote ugly!!!

Do it... you know you want to....

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*pokes head in*


In Reply To

Women with willy's - well thats obvious

You need to stop giving away Scoop's secrets. He's going to be upset


Pikeys - I wanna see Scoop cry


I just remembered, you're in there with a load of beered up Pikeys! Sounds like Scoop heaven!


No such thing as clean Pikeys. (Ain't that right Scoop!)

Ever get the feeling your being picked on? Whos looking out for my interests?! Can I veto the pikeys being banished or is it too late? B| MAN DOWN

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