
flotation devices

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Any flotation devices that stand out for a jump near water? I was thinking about getting one of the vests sold for fishing: the ones packed up in a tight roll that auto inflates when immersed in water or manually deployed.



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The second one you linked is very popular for water jumps. I have one myself and find it to be very comfortable and unobtrusive.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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The SIM states for a B or C license a hazard is defined as anything within 50 meters of the DZ.

It goes on to mandate “all skydivers wearing a round main or reserve canopy and all solo students must wear flotation gear when the intended exit, opening, or landing point is within one mile of an open body of water (an open body of water is defined as one in which a skydiver could drown).”

Neither apply to me or the jump.

The SIM states that night, water, and demonstration jumps are to be performed only with the advice of the local USPA S&TA, Instructor Examiner, or Regional Director.

The jump is not a planned water landing, so according to the SIM the local USPA S&TA, Instructor Examiner, or Regional Director is not required to be coordinated with.

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I think there's something in the SIMS about flying around bodies of water?

Whats the SIMS? The video game?

Skydiver’s Information Manual published by USPA

Start reading:

"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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I think there's something in the SIMS about flying around bodies of water?

Whats the SIMS? The video game?

Skydiver’s Information Manual published by USPA

Start reading:


I think he was making a joke because... wait for it.

The USPA document is actually called the SIM (Skydiver's Information Manual ).

The SIMS is a simulation video game.

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Any flotation devices that stand out for a jump near water? I was thinking about getting one of the vests sold for fishing: the ones packed up in a tight roll that auto inflates when immersed in water or manually deployed.



Number 1.... think about what happens when it inflates UNDER your harness...and how much it might make your day suckl if you put it OVER things you might need to use to prevent high speed planet kissing.

Number 2.. Hey if you are unconscious.... at least your ass will be floating nice and high.

I guess I am kinda old school... but I prefer the LPU-2 that fits under your harness and the air bladders fit in your armpits and can deploy and actually keep you afloat and breathing. I have actually used them.. A LOT

LPU-2 Packed

LPU-2 Deployed

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Any flotation devices that stand out for a jump near water? I was thinking about getting one of the vests sold for fishing: the ones packed up in a tight roll that auto inflates when immersed in water or manually deployed.



Number 1.... think about what happens when it inflates UNDER your harness...and how much it might make your day suckl if you put it OVER things you might need to use to prevent high speed planet kissing.

Number 2.. Hey if you are unconscious.... at least your ass will be floating nice and high.

I guess I am kinda old school... but I prefer the LPU-2 that fits under your harness and the air bladders fit in your armpits and can deploy and actually keep you afloat and breathing. I have actually used them.. A LOT

LPU-2 Packed

LPU-2 Deployed

Isn't a jumper in the same position of the LU-2 deploys in FF? Not trying to be argumentitive - just asking serious questions.

I was thinking that the ones I linked to would fit under my jumpsuit, keeping handles contained. And with a immersion activation getting to them if injured iis taken care of. And since they inflate front and behind the neck floats a person in the best position.

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It would be VERY hard for one of the LPU-2 to deploy in freefall. The things were designed for fitting under a parachute harness, since nothing inflates between your body.. and the harness. The use of any flotation device needs to take that into account since deplying them between your body and the harness can mess you up.

Once they are packed you can and should lock the pin in place similar to how a rigger does with your reserve. The thread should be easy to break when you yank on the lanyard to deploy them.. BUT not so strong as to keep it sewn in place.

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Seems reasonable. Are there issues with buying one that is "in good condition" and then finding out they are DRMO turn-ins (unserviceable)?

What about LPU-10/P? I found this online. It looks like a newer model.


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Seems reasonable. Are there issues with buying one that is "in good condition" and then finding out they are DRMO turn-ins (unserviceable)?

What about LPU-10/P? I found this online. It looks like a newer model.


Yup that should work;)

Like I said.. I am old school. I have the old ones as well as a dozen of the army version in yellow..... mine have always worked for me.

I LOVE water jumps.. that is why I keep doing them over and over.
I do not mind big splashes when I jump the old vintage gear I have..... they are preferable to large THUDs when landing on terra-way-too-firma.

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Seems reasonable. Are there issues with buying one that is "in good condition" and then finding out they are DRMO turn-ins (unserviceable)?

What about LPU-10/P? I found this online. It looks like a newer model.


Yup that should work;)

Like I said.. I am old school. I have the old ones as well as a dozen of the army version in yellow..... mine have always worked for me.

I LOVE water jumps.. that is why I keep doing them over and over.

Wanna sell one of the Army ones? I need one for a D-Day memorial jump that has water nearby - and I'm in the Army. :)

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I was thinking that the ones I linked to would fit under my jumpsuit

How will you activate something that is inside your jumpsuit?

It could be manually activated by unzipping a jumpsuit before you get close to the water and having it ready. It also has an automatic feature that if the device is sumberged in water it sets of the CO2 cartridges.

I was just thinking that having it under claoting would protect it more.

But the new version of the military wings looks pretty solid. And not much more expensive.

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It may be my inexperiance with water landings but what about a vest worn under your rig and/or the jump suit that is like what most wake boarders/ kayak guys wear, and looks like a flack jacket? From a quick google search it looks like most run around 40-80 bucks depending and what where and when you buy.

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It may be my inexperiance with water landings but what about a vest worn under your rig and/or the jump suit that is like what most wake boarders/ kayak guys wear, and looks like a flack jacket? From a quick google search it looks like most run around 40-80 bucks depending and what where and when you buy.

Think about this for a minute. Your rig should be pretty tight on your body right?????

Are you REALLLY sure you want to put something between that already tight rig with all that webbing.... and your body????

You might want to have a VERY sharp knife handy if you ever try it,

Putting one OVER your harness.. like the Mae West types.... might just get a wee bit in the way if you need to get to those pesky handles.:ph34r:

The other ones... that you see around peoples waist's???

Think about how that is going to float once you inflate it in the water.
Are you going to be able to fight the thing wanting to be on the surface??? Most human beings really do need to keep their heads out of the water.... not their butt's:D:D:D

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I think there's something in the SIMS about flying around bodies of water?

Whats the SIMS? The video game?

Dude, the SIMS is stupid. I don't know why people keep talking about it here.
*I am not afraid of dying... I am afraid of missing life.*
----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.----

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