
Awake During Sleep Paralysis???

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Yup, had it once. It was probably the most terrifying experience i've ever had.

***hugs*** if you're getting them regulalrly. :(
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
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YES. Has been happening to me every once in a while for years. I only found out what it was not too long ago. There are a lot of websites about it. I am lucky that I don't have it bad. Some people see and hear things... some scientists believe its actually a cause of reports of alien abductions. Many people believe they are awake...their eyes are open, they can see, but they cant move... but they can see and hear figures moving around them.

In my case its more of an annoyance than anything. When it happens, it's usually just as I'm falling asleep. I can feel it coming now so I wake myself up to prevent it. I start getting sort of a dizzy feeling. If I just let it happen, its just as if my body has fallen asleep but my brain hasn't. I'm able to think just fine, I know whats happening, but I can't do anything about it. I become almost totally paralyzed. Sometimes I decide to just try to ignore it (after all, I am just trying to sit still and fall asleep). But that never works. My heart starts pounding and I can't relax. So what I do is concentrate very hard one one muscle. If my feet are touching I can usually get my toes on one foot to move and I try to scratch my other foot with my toenails. I keep doing that till it "wakes up my body." If that doesnt work, I'll concentrate real hard then suddenly try to "jump" to wake myself up.

It's much freakier when it happens as part of a dream. That's what happened the first times I experienced it. I remember very clearly one dream that I died in a car accident. After the big explosion, all i could see was black and i couldnt move or feel anything. I really thought i was dead. Finally woke up covered in sweat.

It doesnt really bother me anymore, especially since I read about it and found out it's pretty common and my case isnt a bad one. It gets really annoying though because if it happens once in a night, it'll happen over and over and over. When all i want to do is sleep, it makes me keep waking myself up to prevent it when i feel it coming.

So what's it like for you?


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You mean waking up and not able to move for a few minutes?

Yeah, that's it... Apparently your body secretes some sort of hormone to "paralyze" you during sleep, but some people (me) produce too much of it and then mentally wake up while the body is still "paralyzed"... Supposedly there is nothing harmful about it, but it's not a fun experience... I think it's generally associated with narcolepsy and other sleep problems in general... It's just a very bizarre thing and I was wondering if many others have the same problem??? (Yeah, I know I'm weird ;-)

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>Just curious if anyone else has trouble with this, or even knows what I'm talking about???

I get it occasionally. usually if I wake up suddenly after a dream. For me it doesn't feel like paralysis; it's more like the idea of trying to move is absurd for a few moments. After 5-10 seconds I can just suddenly move. Maybe I've just learned not to try before I have control again. Oddly I can always move my eyes when this is happening.

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Yeah, only in the last few years was I able to find any info about it on the Net... that was a pretty comforting feeling because up 'til then I thought I must be nuts or something (and I had been dealing with it for YEARS) - so to find out there are people actually studying it was very good...

My experiences vary, but almost always there is something (but I can usually just see a shadow) in the room, and I always think it is there to hurt or kill me, yet I can't move or even scream... and I can always clearly see my surroundings (a former roommate once told me my eyes were half open during one of these, before he shook me and woke me out of it) - the only "hallucination" is usually the shadow and maybe various noises... If there is really anyone in the room with me I am always wondering why they don't wake me up or why they can't hear me (trying to) scream... I always seem to know I am just having one of these dreams, yet it always terrifies me anyway. And I quite often feel as though I'm unable to breathe while it's going on... Sometimes I even find (once I can finally move) that I have turned my face in to the pillow so that I really am obstructing my breath - those are the worst ones...

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As i say, it's only happend to me once and it was the single most frightening experience i've had. i didn't see anything, but was very aware that i was in danger, like something really bad was going to happen and that i HAD to wake up some how. I couldn't move and breathing was very difficult. In my head i was screaming for someone to wake me up. When i finally did wake up, my girlfriend at the time said i had just been moaning a bit. Rather than wake me, she decided to watch TV.. yeah cheers..
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
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It's not so weird. I'd think sleep walking would be worse.

From what I've read, people who sleep walk actually have the opposite problem - they don't produce enough of the hormone that is supposed to make them stay still during sleep...

I guess sleep walking would be worse though, definitely more of a danger to hurt yourself or something...

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>I guess sleep walking would be worse though, definitely more of a
>danger to hurt yourself or something...

According to Amy, I once got up in the middle of the night, drove the van around the block a few times, and went back to sleep. I don't remember doing it. So I guess I have both problems. Hasn't happened since (as far as I know.)

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In my head i was screaming for someone to wake me up. When i finally did wake up, my girlfriend at the time said i had just been moaning a bit. Rather than wake me, she decided to watch TV...

Yep, that's it.... some people who have been around me (when I thought I was loudly screaming) said I was just moaning softly, like I was having a "good" dream ;) and decided not to wake me up ;) Oh well, it's interesting to hear that others have had the same experience...

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When my younger bro was 4 he sleep walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge, stood there for a minute or two and went back to bed. Turns out he thought he was in the bathroom and had taken a leak. :)
He had no memory of this event.:D:D

Occassionally I wake up from vivid nightmares to find myself spun up so tightly in the sheets that the circulation has been cut off in my arms and I can't move. It takes a while to get out.;)

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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According to Amy, I once got up in the middle of the night, drove the van around the block a few times, and went back to sleep. I don't remember doing it. So I guess I have both problems. Hasn't happened since (as far as I know.)

Uh oh... sounds like Bill might be dangerous to be around when he's sleeping... remind me never to camp out at Perris again! :P:P

Well driving a van around is definitely more of a problem than not being able to move while you're sleeping... Yikes!

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I've had just about every sleep related problems at some point or another. After about a year of insomnia, they put me through a 20 hour sleep study. They couldn't find anything. It stopped. I hope it doesn't come back again that bad.

I've woken up twice in sleep paralysis. Both times I had a horrible sense of doom or that something/someone was in the room and I tried to scream but I couldn't.

I've also slept walked, talked and done some pretty weird stuff in my sleep.

From the sleep research I've done, I've heard that when you're in REM sleep, your body paralyses. Its only in REM sleep that this happens, apparently you do this to keep from hurting yourself. REM sleep is stage 5, which is right on the surface of being awake, so it makes sense that one could come out of it and still be paralyzed. But when you sleep walk, talk, etc - that all occurs in stage 4 of sleep, which is the deepest level of sleep - no dreaming or anything that relates to why you are doing it.

Have you talked to your doctor about this?

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I know exactly what your talking about. It's a dream but you feel like your awake but can't move. I've sworn that I've had girlfriends tickling my feet, someone threatining to kill me, and other fun things and then wake up thinking how real it is.

ok I was confused....I only get that right after I wake up and only for a few seconds, but I like I said I have dreams about it weird huh?

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Have you talked to your doctor about this?

No... I'm one of those people who won't go to the doctor unless they're dying or something ;-) But I have been considering trying some sleeping pills lately... (I have insomnia a lot too, and they seem to sorta go together.)

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Its actually quite scary. Doesn't happen to me often, to be honest it mainly occurs if i have smoked a nice fat bowl the night before. (being completely serious) The high is well worth it tho. Just keep me away from SadSue n her strappy in this caseB|

Procrastination is like masturbation it feels good while your doing it but in the end you realize your only fucking urself

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