FFlyer 0 #1 January 9, 2006 I know that the recommendations from container manufacturers regarding their canopy sizes is a guidline. So is it possible to go slightly larger or slightly smaller on any given container/canopy combination? As I mentioned in another thread im probably going to get a Safire2 119 in the 'nearish' future. But im jumping an Icon I4 which according to Aerodyne should have a main canopy between 132 - 150 in it. Do you think putting a 119 in it will be a problem other than having to make the closing loop tighter? And getting a new dbag. Has anyone done something like this before? Any problems? My next investment after a new canopy will be a new container, hopefully a mirage. But that is not going to happen any time soon. cheers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BETO74 0 #2 January 9, 2006 Like you said is not recommended but if you decided to go that route you keep the same D-bag, that bag was designed for your specific rig the canopy will more likely fill in the void spaces inside the bag reducing the risk of the lines getting entangle, yes getting tighter closing loop helps, from my experience I had my second cut away and one of the reasons was the canopy was too small for the container also the lines in that canopy were HMA and no properly stowed that caused a tension knot (very nasty one). So be aware of the risks of going against manufactures recommendations.http://web.mac.com/ac057a/iWeb/AC057A/H0M3.html Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
masterrig 1 #3 January 9, 2006 QuoteI know that the recommendations from container manufacturers regarding their canopy sizes is a guidline. So is it possible to go slightly larger or slightly smaller on any given container/canopy combination? As I mentioned in another thread im probably going to get a Safire2 119 in the 'nearish' future. But im jumping an Icon I4 which according to Aerodyne should have a main canopy between 132 - 150 in it. Do you think putting a 119 in it will be a problem other than having to make the closing loop tighter? And getting a new dbag. Has anyone done something like this before? Any problems? My next investment after a new canopy will be a new container, hopefully a mirage. But that is not going to happen any time soon. cheers _______________________________________ Going that small, could be more of a problem, than just shortening the loop. I don't think, you'd be able to make the loop short enough. I think, the over-all appearance would be too loose. Changing the D-bag, is not a good idea, either. The D-bag is made to the inside dimensions of the main container, The idea being, to fill out the container with the packed parachute putting enough perssure to keep the pin in place and not falling out of the closing loop. Try, getting with a rigger and share your ideas with him. JMO Chuck Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riggerrob 643 #4 January 9, 2006 It really depends upon the closing loop configuration. If your loop is attached to the bottom flap, you can probably only go one size (15-20 square feet) large or smaller on your main canopy. If you try going two sizes smaller, your loop will be so loose that it might open pre-maturely. Been there, done, that, spent the rest of the afternoon searching for a bag-locked canopy. If you have a Javelin, you can probably down-size three sizes. Because Javelin closing loops are anchored to a separate strap sewn to the mid-wall, they start with longer loops, ergo you have more room for adjustment. A third option is to ask your local Master Rigger to sew a cushion into your main container. Caution kiddies! Don't try this at home! Complicated compatibility questions are best answered by your local Master Rigger. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The111 1 #5 January 9, 2006 The sizing charts for the Icon aren't even the same recommendations you get if you ask! I got in touch with Aubrey (Aerodyne sales manager until recently) and said I wanted an I3 since I was getting a 132 main and 135 reserve. He said that would be way too tight (even though it is within their "recommendations") and I would have to go with an I4, and that I could fit down to a 117 main in there if I wanted to. He told me he jumped an I3 with a 96 in it. He knows his stuff because he dealt with TONS of demo rigs on a daily basis, so in this case I would contact the company rather than go by their charts.www.WingsuitPhotos.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #6 January 9, 2006 >But im jumping an Icon I4 which according to Aerodyne should have > a main canopy between 132 - 150 in it. Do you think putting a 119 > in it will be a problem other than having to make the closing loop > tighter? And getting a new dbag. I have an Icon I4 and a Nitro 108 in the main container. It is dangerously loose. Flap 3 does not provide protection for the bridle since there is a large gap between flaps 3 and 1. The little tuck tab often comes out in freefall, and I've found the bridle flapping around more than once at pull time. I've tried writing Aerodyne about it; they didn't have much in the way of suggestions. Since I don't want to go smaller than a 135 reserve, I may just have to replace the rig. If you do try to put the 119 in there do NOT change dbags! A larger dbag will help by letting the canopy expand a bit. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FFlyer 0 #7 January 9, 2006 Thanks for all the suggestions. Looks like I have a lot to think about. Ive pm'd Aubrey so hopefully ill get a reply soon. I really didnt know about the whole dbag thing, but after hearing all of you ill definitly keep my current dbag if it turns out that I can use the 119. I really want to get a 119 instead of something bigger. So if its really going to be unsafe I might have to consider selling the container. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davelepka 4 #8 January 9, 2006 If you do try to put a small canopy into a bigger conatiner, watch the flaps. If you tighten the closing loop enough to put adequate tension on the pin, often times you'll have loose flaps that bulge up in the middle, and allow air in, and maybe other stuff out. You can use a smaller d-bag if you pad the conatiner to make up the space. It tricky though. You need to have a rigger do the work, and you need to ensure that the padding will not interfere with the bag, and that it will position the bag properly in the pack try for clean deployments. It's a bitch. How about this: Buy a used container that fits your canopies, and that you can afford. When you have the cash for a new container, stach the used one in the closet as a back up, or stuff it ful of other canopies, and enjoy two rigs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swanee 0 #9 January 11, 2006 My rigger has made an adjustable cushion (velcro closed and adjusted by adding and removing pieces of foam) that is sewn to the bottom of the pack tray. Works great, and allows me to use a smaller canopy in a bigger rig. Easily removed if needed. Hope this helps. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrazyL 0 #10 January 12, 2006 Need a Pack Volume Displacement Mod for your rig. PM me. Might be able to help you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
keithbar 1 #11 October 1, 2014 CrazyLNeed a Pack Volume Displacement Mod for your rig. PM me. Might be able to help you. pm sent. Any perris jumpers know if this. Guy is still rigging ?i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites