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The voodoo only comes big enough to hold a 170, so it may or may not be a good first container for you. The Talon FS has the same harness will a little different shape container, and it does fit larger canopies.

In any case, I have a voodoo v3 with a Sabre2 150 and a Smart 150 in it. It's been a great rig for me. I haven't had any flaps or covers open up while freeflying, and it stays put on my back.

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You may find this article to be helpful.

Don't buy a rig until at least after you've gotten through the student progression and ideally after you've had a chance to jump a few different sport containers and canopies. What one person thinks is the best gear for them may or may not be the best gear for you. The only good way to determine which container and main are the best for you is to jump a variety of them and then decide which you like best.

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I looked at one of those, very attractive price, looks smart and safe however a couple of packers told me they werent too impressed with the quality. the truth in that I dont know. I errd on the side of caution and went for a Wings instead. Very well known, still competitively priced and heard lots of good things about them. Have you had a look at the gear review section of the site? Take the information witha pinch of salt but might give you some ideas then you can ask around at the DZ or have a look at some gear :)

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I just purchased a Voodoo V2 with a Xaos 135 nested in it........I love the way it looks and the way it feels..........I have seen other peoples and were not impressed with some of the material they chose......If you do get one make sure its all cordura...........its a good heavy material and will last......This is the quality issue I've seen with other rigs.
..However I agree with some of the other posts, get a used rig first, when you have enough jumps and don't want to downsize anymore or wont for quite a few jumps. You do not want to pay that much for a rig and then want to downsize beyond the containers size limits. This is a pricey item........work your way down to it.........Unless you have big bucs! Later

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Totally personal opinion here, but...

I've just never really heard good things about wings. They just seem to be a cheaper rig. Out of all the people I know that skydive...I only know 1 person that likes them.

I've always heard alot of good things about Voodoo's...and I'm not just saying that because I own one. It was bought used at a good price.

I'm not saying Voodoo's are all that, if I had the money I'd get a Mirage or Infinity.

But, from what I've seen of my Voodoo...and a friends Wings, IMO Voodoo's are far superior.

Also, I've been told that Wings are more for short and stout people (like said friend, hehe j/k). I've tried one on and it fit really weird. But I've seen they have a new container that is for "taller" jumpers.

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You may find this article to be helpful.

Don't buy a rig until at least after you've gotten through the student progression and ideally after you've had a chance to jump a few different sport containers and canopies. What one person thinks is the best gear for them may or may not be the best gear for you. The only good way to determine which container and main are the best for you is to jump a variety of them and then decide which you like best.

I bought a brand new rig, reserve,main and aad. Mostly because i couldn't find my size(210 - i found only one rig with a 210 in 3 months) here in norway. The sad thing was that I only got 35 jumps last season, mostly due to lack of funds[:/]. It would have been sweet to have some $3000 extra to jump with if I only had got a used rig.

Think about it. You need the jumps! :)
"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return." - Da Vinci

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OK, it might be a bit of DZ culture where I am but they (Wings) are certainly very popular. Ive heard they are one of the most comfortable harness/containers you can buy too so Ive gone with it. I havent got silly amounts of money to spunk on equipment either. A new container was my treat. Interesting to see peoples different preferances. Just proves that you need to go out and get as much info and opinions as you can. Ideally try some or test jump them if possible and make your own mind up

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OK, it might be a bit of DZ culture...

Totally the case for alot of places. Around here (the NW) most people will tell you Infinity's are the most comfortable and best.

You go somewhere else and it's the same for Wings, Javelin, Mirage and so on.

If you try something on and you like it...then get it. Don't always listen to crazy people on DZ.com, including myself.

p.s. wings suck, don't get one! haha just kidding. :P

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