
Mixed Martial Arts

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Anyone else training in MMA? I started a couple months ago at this small dojo (Shin Gi Do Martial Arts Academy) in Huntington Beach, CA and while I wake up every morning with an entire body ache, I am absolutely addicted. I started at an hour and a half two nights a week and found myself wanting to learn more, faster so am now training four nights a week.

Academy membership is by invite only and the training consists of a good mix of kenpo karate, muy thai kick boxing, aikido, and a strong emphasis on jujitsu.

BTW the pain I feel is due to being in my 30s with a long history of abusing my body through sports but I have never enjoyed being in pain so much. :D

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I would definitely recommend it if your not one of those guys that enjoys being in the gym. With MMA you get a great work out, learn how to defend yourself, and most importantly, you have fun.

I had a small victory tonight. When grappling with my instructor he tried to pass my guard and I got him in a triangle. Not a big deal really except he actually looked surprised when I did it:D. Thinking about it now I could have easily switched it to an arm bar when the triangle wasn't working but it didn't occur to me. NExt time though! :D


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No MMA for me, but I train Jiu-Jitsu whenever I get a chance.

I can't believe you were able to get your instructor in a triangle after only a couple months of training. That doesn't sound very good! :o

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

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