
What song puts a tear in your eye when you hear it

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The guy singing it Weighed about 350 pounds and played a ukelele. It looked like it was a postage stamp on the side of a semi-trailer. The song and the National Anthem were played back to back. It was said it was Eloys wake up call before coming to Quincy too.By the way you could tell who were veterans, because we alone stopped talking stood up and saluted when our Anthem was played
My personal favorite was by Simon and Garfunkle "Like a bridge over troubled waters" as it was played at a dear friends funeral. It brings back many memories . With a tear and a grin going at the same time.

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Seagull, by Bad Company. The song itself never had a meaning to me until a couple of weeks after 9/11.
I am driving in my car listening to a local classic rock station hear, 93.3 KDKB, and they play that composite with that song and some quotes of various people over-layed on the lyrics.
Don't know why, but I had to pull to the side of the road and cryed like a baby for at least 5 minutes for all of the wasted lives.
I had no connection to that tragic event, other than the one we all have as humans and Americans.

Anyhow, that song now has meaning to me now and I get a tear whenever I hear it.
"I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late."
Mathew Quigley

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Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" because I sang it at my sister's funeral. It's been 14 years, but it still gets to me.

yeah, that's a good one

noting names in the thread I haven't seen before -
"superfletch" is a neat handle. but if it's misspelled or misprounounced it could mean something completely different

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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"Over the Rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, "IZ"
(big Hawaiian ukelele guy).

But if I can't find that one, this always gets me.

Dear penis
I don't think I like you anymore
You used to watch me shave
Now all you do is stare at the floor
Ohh, Dear penis
I dont like you anymore

It used to be you and me
A papertowel and a dirty magazine
That's all we needed to be getting by
Now it seems things have changed
And I think that you're the one to blame
Dear penis
I don't think I like you anymore

He sings:

Dear Rodney
I don't think I like you anymore
'Cause when you get to drinking
You put me places I've never been before
Dear Rodney
I don't like you anymore

Why can't we just get a grip
on our man to hand relationship
Come to terms truly how we feel
If we put our heads together
We just stay home forever
Dear penis I think I like you after all

Oh and Rodney
While you're shaving, shave my balls

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This was played at my Uncle's funeral. I listen to it once a year on the day he passed.

"Goodbye My Friend"
Linda Ronstadt

Oh we never know where life will take us
I know it's just a ride on the wheel
And we never know when death will shake us
And we wonder how it will feel

So goodbye my friend
I know I'll never see you again
But the time together through all the years
Will take away these tears
It's okay now
Goodbye my friend

I've seen a lot things that make me crazy
And I guess I held on to you
We could've run away and left well maybe
But it wasn't time and we both knew

So goodbye my friend
I know I'll never see you again
But the love you gave me through all the years
Will take away these tears
I'm okay now
Goodbye my friend

Life's so fragile and love's so pure
We can't hold on but we try
We watch how quickly it disappears
And we never know why

But I'm okay now
Goodbye my friend
You can go now
Goodbye my friend

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If you had not have fallen
Then I would not have found you
Angel flying too close to the ground
And I patched up your broken wing
And hung around a while
Tried to keep your spirits up
And your fever down
I knew someday that you would fly away
For love's the greatest healer to be found
So leave me if you need to
I will still remember
Angel flying too close to the ground
Fly on, fly on past the speed of sound
I'd rather see you up
Than see you down
Leave me if you need to
I will still remember
Angel flying too close to the ground

By Willie Nelson

A couple other that sad me are...

Icarus Dream Suite by Yngwie Malmsteen

Life By The Drop by Stevie Ray Vaughn

"Dangerous toys are fun but ya could get hurt" -- Vash The Stampede

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If you had not have fallen
Then I would not have found you
Angel flying too close to the ground
And I patched up your broken wing
And hung around a while
Tried to keep your spirits up
And your fever down
I knew someday that you would fly away
For love's the greatest healer to be found
So leave me if you need to
I will still remember
Angel flying too close to the ground
Fly on, fly on past the speed of sound
I'd rather see you up
Than see you down
Leave me if you need to
I will still remember
Angel flying too close to the ground

By Willie Nelson

That's one of my favorite songs to play on my guitar and sing along with when I'm feeling down. (And, knowing that I suck, I only do this when no one else is around. :$)


Life By The Drop by Stevie Ray Vaughn

Yeah, that's a good one too.

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Here's mine

I woke today...
And felt your side of bed
The covers were still warm where you'd been layin'.
You were gone...
My heart was filled with dread.
You might not be sleepin' here again

It's alright, 'cause I love you.
And that's not gonna change.
Run me round, make me hurt again and again.
But I'll still sing you love songs
Written in the letters of your name.
And brave the storm to come,
For it surely looks like rain.

Did you ever waken to the sound
Of street cats makin' love
And guess from their cries
You were listenin' to a fight?
Well, you know...
Hate's just the last thing they're thinkin' of.
They're only trying to make it through the night.


I only want to hold you.
I don't want to tie you down.
Or fence you in the lines
I might have drawn.
It's just that I've gotten used to
Havin' you around.
My landscape would be empty
If you were gone.


Butterfly kisses
So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend!

Hellfish #782, POPS #10664

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