
Weekend numbers 21-22/06

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Well, actually my 'weekend' was Friday and Saturday.


Friday was midsummernight at my DZ, where we jump from sunrise till sunset (nine am to half past ten pm). We had a Caravan there for the evening; it was great to have twelve skydivers in the air at the same time. Usually we fly a 206 turbine, but even our pilot Jaap cannot fly that fast.
Saturday was all you can jump for 99 euros at Teuge, so I decided to check that out too.

In addition, I finally bought a rig, though I'm not quite decided on the main yet.

Beers owned:
-first jump out of a caravan (at my home DZ)
-bought my first rig
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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15 minutes of tunnel time on Wednesday, 14 jumps Thursday through today, including my 400th today. Another very fucking hot but very fun boogie up in Davis this weekend. Kudos to the whole crew at Skydance for putting on yet another fabulous American Boogie.

Did several great small to mid sized RW jumps Thursday, Friday, and today, and bigger ways with Roger Ponce on Friday. The 400th today was an attempt to do an 8-way with a terribly cute inflatable dragon out the back of the Skyvan ... unfortunately her tail and handles fell off on exit.:S But I still managed to ride the body for a while and it was a great skydive nonetheless.

Now I'm sitting in the Sacramento airport, exhausted at the end of another great boogie, heading back home.

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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1 weekend that I finally didn't have any plans or was sick:4:2

4 fun jumps this weekend! One sitfly with Eric and a 3way hybrid with Aaron and Tara on Saturday followed by icky weather.

Today, practice jumps for the Women's Ohio State RW record-short and interrupted due to weather. My first 12 way with 12 girls followed by an all girl 8 way. Followed by more icky weather. Yuck! But lots of fun! :)


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New girlfriend(well maybe)B|B|

bunch of fun RW and some cool "device" jumps to include the wheel of death that the first participant took out at 9K and the Krisanne 400th deadly puff the disintegrating dragon jump:D

A very FUN weekend Kudos to the SKYDANCE crew for a fun Boogie
John Fosgate
"In the end, its always best to choose the hard right over the easy wrong." LouDiamond
MB 4310

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New girlfriend(well maybe)B|B|

bunch of fun RW and some cool "device" jumps to include the wheel of death that the first participant took out at 9K and the Krisanne 400th deadly puff the disintegrating dragon jump:D

A very FUN weekend Kudos to the SKYDANCE crew for a fun Boogie

5 fabulous jumps followed by one bad landing that totally fubared my knee. Looks like I may be out of commision for the rest of the seasonB|B|B|
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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5 fabulous jumps followed by one bad landing that totally fubared my knee. Looks like I may be out of commision for the rest of the seasonB|B|B|

Cindy fucked her knee royally - badly torn anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments on MRI - will need surgery this week, and out for the season for sure.. She is very bummed, as am I. [:/][:/] Please send her some good vibes.

"We saved your gear. Now you can sell it when you get out of the hospital and upsize!!" "K-Dub"


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0:0:0 In Japan visiting our daughter for a few weeks - no jumping for me, although I brought my logbook just in case I can get to the local dz.

But enough about me ---Cindy!!! that sucks! I have a prescription for numerous jumps with her. I will bring her sake to help take her mind off it. Give her big hugs for me.

. . . . .
"Make it hard again." Doc Ed

“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free” Nikos Kazantzakis

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5 fabulous jumps followed by one bad landing that totally fubared my knee. Looks like I may be out of commision for the rest of the season

Damn. That really sucks. I saw doc's post that says surgery is in order. Take care and heal quick.
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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3 mid sized RW jumps on Friday after work. 2 tandem videos and a 4-way video on Saturday.

Then I played with the lovely ladies shooting video for a 11-way, and an 8-way while the ladies practiced for the Ohio State record on Sunday... I left the plane a just the perfectly wrong time on the second jump and nearly landed on top of them... but after doing a couple of cartwheels (and entertaining my girlfriend in the process who is the only one who saw any of it) I caught some air and everything went smoothly from there.

I also did a tandem vid on sunday... all in all my tandem videos are getting better... I'm learning how to stay closer on exits prior to the TI tossing the drogue... :)
overall a fun weekend... :)

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Pretty good day at the dz - 4 coach ff jumps with Sunman (THANK YOU JOEY) and ash dive for Spencer (Trever's dog), Ridge (Han's dog), Otter (Sam's Cat).

We missed MIC!!! See you this weekend! :P

Muff Brother # 3883, SCR # 14796 ICD # 1 - Pres.
Yeah, I noticed and I think it's funny!

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We missed MIC!!! See you this weekend! :P

awwww. thanks:$
But, really, no need to suck up. Your pineapples are coming along nicely. :PB|
I'm going to try to get out early enough on Friday for at least one jump.
Be patient with the faults of others; they have to be patient with yours.

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6 competition 4 ways--Beer owed for first competition won and getting the most points in a round (Round #2 was 17 points*!!!).

1 Almost 20 way (we got 19 in, and #20 went low) and then turned second point. And I wasn't in the base (finally)!!!

2 fun 4 ways

Also beer owed for paying for a pack job...a first for me. It took me over 450 jump to do it, and I was tired after a long day of competing and the 20 way so I gave it up. Ugh...I can't believe I paid for a pack job.

*Disclaimer...So round #2 was stairstep, round, open, but it was 17 points none the less.

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Awesome weekend!!!!

9 tandems
3 2 way sit fly jumps
2 tandem videos
2 night jumps
1 hop and pop
1 4 way RW

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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