
How Would You React to This? (Job/Boss Related)

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Before I go any further, I need to give a little background info: I teach music at a nationally known rock-oriented school for kids. I've been teaching there since around August last year, and I work there part time (only 3 days a week) for about 2 hours each day. I'm very good at what I do. I don't mean to brag, I just am.

I've been late a couple of times (no more than 5 minutes) in the last few weeks, and while there is no excuse for being late, I ALWAYS call if I'm going to be arriving tardy. I am not a habitually late person - I think it's disrespectful and inconsiderate, so I do my best to always be on time.

The following message was in my in-box last night from the "dean" of the school. The problem I'm having is that I don't know if it was something he sent to all the teachers, or if I was the only recipient. There was no opening to the message, and there were no other names in the "To" or "CC" fields. When I left the school on wednesday, everything was cool, there was no indication that he was upset with me. I have recreated it exactly as it was sent to me, with his name omitted, of course.


Subject: Promptness

"Here is the rule...be sitting and waiting in your designated lesson room WHEN the student arrives. Not five-ten-fifteen minutes late. If you have a 3:45PM lesson be here ay 3:40PM at the latest...if you have a 4:30PM...be hgere at 4:25PM at the latest and so on.
Being late is not an option....espesially on a consistant basis!
Lateness is total bullshit...leave five or ten minutes earlier and get the fuck to your lessons on time or I will replace you without blink an eye.

Serious as a heart attack,


After reading this, I was so angry, I can't begin to describe it. I've had overnight to cool down - now, I'm just fucking baffled.

Since my name wasn't used in the (lack of) greeting, I'm inclined to think it's something he sent to all of us. If I was the only recipient, I'm gone, no question - the only person I'd ever allow to talk to me that way would be a DZO. In either case, his addressing a tardiness problem via email with anger and profanity is unprofessional and unacceptable, in my opinion; you don't talk to employees that way, especially if you're trying to motivate them into more positive behavior. And threatening to replace me (or any of us) "without blink an eye"????

Sorry for this novel, kids - I didn't intend to drag on. I haven't made a decision about this yet, but I do know that I am going up to the school to speak with him about this later today, face to face (not to fight, mind you!)

Give me your wisdom, please. :|

Thanks for reading....

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Hmmm cursing in an email. That could be construed as official communications, and would be evidance of say a hostile work environment.

First off I would request your boss to not use foul language in a written format, or even verbally. He wouldn't tollerate a student cursing at him, so why should the students be held to higher standards than thos who are there to educate them.

Then I would say you have teken the necessary steps to remediate your issue, and it should not happen again.
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Personally, if I were you I would let it go and do my job. Oh and not be late ever again. Weather this was meant for you only or others if you are doing your job and being on time you have nothing to worry about anyways. You're right that it is not professional but some just deal with things differently. Hell one time I had 5 managers talking to me for 20 minutes about me taking the time to move two pallets that took me 5 minutes to do.
He's dead Jim

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Between the time that you left on Wed and when you got this he probably got a call from someone's parent who doesn't appreciate putting money down just to have someone show up late to their child's lesson. As you said, it's disrespectful and inconsiderate and you've done it a couple of times.

So, do you expect to be treated any better if this is how you're treating someone?

But two wrongs don't make it right and this dean needs to learn how to deal with his people. In his position I would have talked to you in person and laid out the big picture. This email was pretty chicken-shit.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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I'd think, "boy, my boss is really mad at me. I better make sure I'm not late again so I can keep my job."

Yes, your boss lacks managerial skills, but look at the bottom line.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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If my boss (at my full-time job) talked to me like that, I'd start looking for another job immediately and watch my tardiness in the meantime. If I had a 6 hour a week job and a boss talked to me like that, my similarly worded retort would include my resignation, and I'd cc: all the other staff on it. There's no way they pay you enough for those six hours to justify tolerating that level of unprofessionalism.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Between the time that you left on Wed and when you got this he probably got a call from someone's parent who doesn't appreciate putting money down just to have someone show up late to their child's lesson. As you said, it's disrespectful and inconsiderate and you've done it a couple of times.

So, do you expect to be treated any better if this is how you're treating someone?

I've only been late about twice in a year's time, and it's never been addressed before, so yes, I do expect the first conversation to be more civil than this, even if it's disciplinary.

Incidentally, the lessons I teach up there make up approximately 30% of the students' actual time at the school.

Please understand, folks, I'm not trying to absolve myself of responsibility for my behavior - I'll take the heat for it, but you don't get to curse at me, period.

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Please understand, folks, I'm not trying to absolve myself of responsibility for my behavior - I'll take the heat for it, but you don't get to curse at me, period.

When a woman stays with a man who hits her, she's basically telling him it's acceptable. If you stay, you're effectively telling him that he's allowed to talk to you like that. I have to imagine this would damage your self-image. Don't be his bitch.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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My first thought would be - Did the Dean of the School leave his computer on or does the Dean just not have good grammer and communication skills.

That said I think that I would talk to him man to man like you are doing and confirm or deny the Dean's involvement. Like you it is very important to me to be treated with respect. Lack of respect is certainly a major indicator of underlying problems.

I totally support being on time but being on time is not a black and white issue. Many things can legitimately cause a person to be late. Good managers get the facts first and this usaully helps to keep and retain good people. Of course the alternative is to over react and drive non-chronic abusers to a new company.
Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that statistically half of them are stupider than that.

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the only person I'd ever allow to talk to me that way would be a DZO


Anyway, I am suprised the dean of any school would write an e-mail with profanity in it while addressing an employee, and while I'm not saying was he did was okay, you being late is unacceptable and unprofessional - especially because there is no reason, you're just late.

I would keep a copy of this email for your records and be to your class on time.

Or quit and find a new job.

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I'll take the heat for it, but you don't get to curse at me, period.

It was unproffesional of him. I would imagine he sent it to everyone. I used to have a boss that would tell us,"I know it is none of my people, but we need to stay until quitting time and not be leaving early." The statement above makes me want to say,"Fuck you asshole!" :P

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Ok, here's my perspective on this. You work at a ROCK music oriented school so I am also assuming the people who work and study there are not strangers to profanity among the other associations of rock music and probably use it regularly. So the use of profanity should not offend you but it's use should be an indicator of the senders seriousness. Could it be worded differently to show the same seriousness? Of course but I think the senders intent was meant to get your attention.

Whether the note was directed to you alone or the whole staff, the shoe fits and you have admitted as much. I see this as a general blanket statement addressing the problem in a less "official" manner in hopes you (others) will straighten up BEFORE he is forced to make it official and document it. In the military we often address performance issues with individuals by telling them to "remove their heads from their 4 point of contact" aka "pull your head out of your ass" in hopes they tighten up their shot group before we are forced to call them into the office and put it down on paper.

Either way, I say man up. Don't let the use of profanity cloud the subject, own the fact that you were late and move on. Take the advise that you were given in the e-mail and MAKE SURE you show up the 5 mins prior to the class time(s) from now on and my guess is you will never hear about it again. Show up late again and expect to see something on paper and or your termination notice.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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My first thought would be - Did the Dean of the School leave his computer on or does the Dean just not have good grammer and communication skills.

That said I think that I would talk to him man to man like you are doing and confirm or deny the Dean's involvement. Like you it is very important to me to be treated with respect. Lack of respect is certainly a major indicator of underlying problems.

I can't imagine the dean sending out an email like that company wide. Perhaps ask a coworker about how the dean deals with his employees and see if there is a history of this. I would definitely talk to him about it. But then again I don't take shit from noone. Unfortunately that sometimes means cutting off my nose to spite my face.

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I think you should schedule an appointment at 3:00pm to discuss this and show up at 3:08.:D

I can imagine someone sending this message as the first point of contact about any subject. I would not work for someone like that. Perhaps there was a previous message that he sent and you never got it. I would also think the school would have a huge problem with this.

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I might react to this as unbelievable.

I would replay to that Email and might ask “hey dean --Insert name-- it looks like someone might have gotten a hold of your PC. I received an Email and underline the profanity and say I assume this was not you.

I would take that approach just to make him understand that he is so over the line that you can’t even believe he is this unprofessional.

If he says that is him and the email is to you I believe you know what to do just don’t do it in writing. Incase you need to collect unemployment you might need that email to prove your point.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I'd reply to the e-mail (Include all of the original text) - appologising for your recent transgressions..

BUT - CC his boss and bosses boss.

That it is a most unprofessional, rude e-mail and should not be acceptable to anyone.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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You were late. Then you were late again. You got shit. Suck it up.
Stop being late.

I agree. Your "Late a couple of times, and, only by five minutes", probably, in reality, meant you were late more than that and by more than five minutes. Jeez if you only work part time AND for two hours on those days there really should be no reason for not being able to turn up on time. It pisses me off when I arrange to meet someone and they're late. I look at it this way - If you'd have gone for the bus you would have missed it. It seems more than fair that the dean even gave you a warning. I would just accept it and crack on, at the end of the day it's only a bollocking for something you brought on yourself. It's really not the end of the world.

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Correct but the totally unprofessional response from his manager is way out of order too.

Well, it is out of line, but way out? I think you have to consider the industry segment. It's a school of Rock.
Reminds me of the time I was meeting with my boss on the Site of a major construction project. He told me they had had to stop a management meeting because a guy from the big telecom co. had started crying. "It was like he had never been yelled at in a meeting," said my boss.
"He probably hasn't," was my reply, thinking about the cultural differences between a large telephone monopoly and construction contractors.

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Correct but the totally unprofessional response from his manager is way out of order too.

Well, it is out of line, but way out? I think you have to consider the industry segment. It's a music school of Rockfor children .

Alternately, see changes above. I understand your point, as I used to be a commercial fisherman and am now a scientist for a multi-national, i.e. VERY different cultures. The thing that gets me is this sounds like what should be a reasonably professional environment (otherwise being a few minutes late wouldn't be a big deal.) Personally, I would kiss zero ass for a 6 hour a week job. Apparently my tolerance for disrespect is much lower than a lot of other dz.commers.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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