
Demo Canopies - which one(s)?

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About to demo some canopies and ideally only want 2 to compare.....

Have had 110 rides on a Sabre2 170 from new and now considering either:

PD Sabre2 150
Icarus Safire2 149
Aerodyne Pilot 150
PD Stilleto 150 (maybe)

Is it really worth demo-ing a Sabre2 150 or do you think the Pilot & Safire2 will provide a good comparison to my existing Sabre2 170?

(Note: Planning for 5-8 demo jumps on each canopy)

All suggestions/opinions welcome! :P

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If you are considering purchasing a canopy, demo first. The first three you mentioned will be similar. The Stiletto will be quite different.

New, and even most used canopies are an expensive investment. You don't want to drop that much cash without knowing exactly what you are going to get.

I also recommend leaving price out of the equation until you choose a dealer. It shouldn't be a factor between two different models, but rather a factor in choosing a dealer.

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Demo all three (Pilot, Sabre2, Safire 2). Each one flies and flares a bit differently.

I wouldn't suggest a Stiletto at your jump numbers regardless, but anyway it's not a good idea to go from a Sabre2 170 directly to a Stiletto 150 if you haven't already put numerous jumps on less aggressive 150's - it's best to either downsize or change canopy shape, not to do both at once.

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Why not jump all of them and decide on which one you like?

Over 2 days it will be a nightmare to have them all rigged & unrigged. It's my plan to demo one canopy on the Saturday and another on the Sunday.

Also (my opinion) it's far easier to make an educated judgement on 2 choices rather than bringing a third into the equation....

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It's all of about a 30 second job to put a canopy on risers to your rig. Then attach your Dbag and pack away. If the demo's are not on risers then shame on who ever you are getting the demos from for not putting them on for the convience of their customers.
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It's all of about a 30 second job to put a canopy on risers to your rig. Then attach your Dbag and pack away. If the demo's are not on risers then shame on who ever you are getting the demos from for not putting them on for the convience of their customers.

All the canopies I demo'd came on risers so rigging was not and issue. 3-Ring assembly and a d-gag attachment.

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Here are some tid bits to take into consideration:

Any 150 will feel significantly different than your 170. So if you leave out the Sabre2 150 and compare the other 150s against your Sabre2 170, it will be like apples and oranges.

I'm going to suggest leaving out the Stiletto all together.

The Sabre2 and the Safire2 have longer recovery archs than the Pilot. You have to decide if this is a feature that is desirable for you. Do you want to learn to swoop eventually? If so, then stick with the Sabre2 and try a Safire2 for comparison. If NOT, then try the Pilot vs. a Sabre2.

The openings on all three are great. I feel the Sabre2 is the slowest of the bunch. Takes a little coaxing of the end cells some times.

The Safire2 has a bit long toggle stroke than the Sabre2, if that makes sense.

If you have more detailed questions beyond that, let us know.

Good luck and have fun!

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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If the demo's are not on risers then shame on who ever you are getting the demos from for not putting them on for the convience of their customers.

Well, sometimes, you still need to do some rigging.. we got a demo for Karen on 21 in risers the other week! lol.. Not slamming the manufacturer since one size does not fit all, but we had to do some switching around.

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