
Gas Strike

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I have received a text message from anonymous source saying that the nation is attempting a gas strike on Friday May 2nd.

Any ideas about that??
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

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I dont buy gas for transportation any more. That shows em.

All my vehicles run on bio-diesel.

Now I just need to get a diesel lawn mower and weed eater..

Well the quad is gas.. but I hardly ever use it...hunting season and LP.. and thats it.

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I dont buy gas for transportation any more. That shows em.

All my vehicles run on bio-diesel.

Now I just need to get a diesel lawn mower and weed eater..

Well the quad is gas.. but I hardly ever use it...hunting season and LP.. and thats it.

Good for you. I got some vegatable oil somewhere in the house.......:D

My next car is so going to be a hybrid. Even though I have a honda accord, it is still so damn expensive to fill that sucker up.
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Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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Does it really matter if you buy your gas on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday? Your still going to buy it so they don't really care. If you stopped buying it all together I don't think they would care. If the whole country stopped buying gas for a month that might make a difference. An individual or even a large group of people not buying gas for a day is not going to make a ripple in anything as big as that.

But go ahead and fill up on Thursday instead of Friday if it makes you feel better. ;):D:D

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My gas light came on as I was driving to work this AM... That was an expensive fill up! $11.49 :ph34r:

You are one lucky bastard!

I paid $64.56 to fill up my van..

 $64.56 – $11.49 = $53.07
 $53.07/$23.00 (Jump ticket at ZHills) = 2.307 tickets

Damn!! I wish I could save 2.307 jump tickets.
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Franklin

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You are one lucky bastard!

Sorry, but luck has nothing to do with it...

Without getting all political, we choose to only have 1 car (a 1.8l Integra that gets 30mpg), a bike that gets 45mpg, and I choose to ride my bicycle to work 2-3 times a week (that's 60 to 90 miles on gas saved).

Notice a pattern?

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I wish they would make a diesel powered hybrid...that would make me very very happy.

For now though the diesel beetle gets 45MPG around town for my 50 mile round trip daily commute.

I have been collecting used cooking oil for a local restaurant .. and am building the necessary equipment to make my own...( I refuse to buy one of the pre made units:S:S)

I really need to buy a diesel outboard for my sailboat too. I mean the Honda 2HP is great for getting it into the dock and away from the dock.. but I want to be as energy independent as I can be within a year.

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I wish gas was that cheap. Here in Alberta (you know, where a lot of the dino juice is produced) we're paying 1.25 per litre, which is about 4.70 a gallon. But now I'm sure someone from Europe will chime in, I think they pay more than both of us.
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I wish gas was that cheap. Here in Alberta (you know, where a lot of the dino juice is produced) we're paying 1.25 per litre, which is about 4.70 a gallon. But now I'm sure someone from Europe will chime in, I think they pay more than both of us.

I miss alberta... 1.32 in halifax. (thats just shy of $5/gallon for you non-metric folk)

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Don't bother, it won't work.

If you really want to affect gas prices, stop using as much. Simple supply & demand. Buying it today vs. tomorrow won't change a thing.

Nah...I'm pretty sure we've been consuming less gas for a while now...it's not really as simple as supply and demand. It's how deep they can stick before we say uncle. We haven't said uncle, so they stick it deeper.


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bio diesel is great and all, but what happens when a few hundred of your neighbors gets them and then the restaurants cant keep the supply up? Most gas stations here have about 10k gallon gas tanks underground here. They get emptied out every day. There are about 50 gas stations in town that is about 500,000 gallons of gas sold every day here. There is no way in hell the local restaurants are going through 1% of that a day in cooking oil thats 5,000 gallons. How is bio diesel going to support itself??

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Don't bother, it won't work.

If you really want to affect gas prices, stop using as much. Simple supply & demand. Buying it today vs. tomorrow won't change a thing.

Nah...I'm pretty sure we've been consuming less gas for a while now...it's not really as simple as supply and demand. It's how deep they can stick before we say uncle. We haven't said uncle, so they stick it deeper.


Absolutely correct! In the US, gas consumption is down more than 1% in the last 18 months.

Funny, I read something in the Newark Star Ledger last week stating that BECAUSE consumption is down, it's causing the price to rise! It's official: EVERY excuse has now been used to justify the ever rising cost of fuel!

BTW, I've noticed a marked reduction of traffic by my house, especially after dark.
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