
Can a dream be a premonition?

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Ever since I was a child my 'lucky' number has been 5. A couple of weeks ago I dreamed about the number 5. I just saw all shapes and sizes of the number five. The next day I noticed in the newspaper that there was a horse called '5 Star' running in the fifth race, and while I am not normally a betting man, I put R555 on him. True enough, he came in 5th!


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Seriously.....hang-out in the bar! I've had dreams of (mostly minor) injuries and though none ever happened, the way it did in the dream....the injuries did happen and within' just a few days. Although the cause was different, the injuries were the same type, in the same place, and looked exactly as they did, in the dream. In each dream, I also felt the pain and it was an accurate preview. I wouldn't take any chances.
"T'was ever thus."

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If you worry about someone long enough, sooner or later they will actually be hurt, and then you can jump up and say; "Aha! I dreamed that this would happen!" But that doesn't make it a premonition.

I don't know if it was a premonition or not, but to just say, "No." makes me wonder how you know.

If you want to believe that premonitions are true, then you have to explain how people can see the future in their dreams. Can you do that?

If anyone could do this with predictability, they'd become millionaires in the stock market. Since I've never heard of this happening, I'm guessing such things are just unpredictable rare coincidences.

Dreams can only be about things that are already in your memory. That's why, for example, you can't dream about dying in a skydiving accident - you always wake up just before impact, scared out of your wits - because your brain doesn't know how to complete the dream.

And since the future is not in your memory, a dream can't predict it.

You may have something on your mind, and because of that you dream about it. Then, every once in a while, later reality on that topic happens to match what you dreamed earlier. But that's not precognition, it's just coincidence.

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Sure you can. I've dreamed of dying before, to the point of actually being dead (not from skydiving, but from being shot).

But the question is, was it just like the real experience? :P

Well, I'll probably find out one of these days. ;) (The death part, but hopefully not the getting shot part. Though I guess that wouldn't be such a bad way to go, if it's quick.)

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Okay, I'll bite. I have had some border-line dreams that made me feel a little psychic, and they were soo v-i-v-i-d. Well, I had another very "vivid" dream that I walked into the hangar and took the Otter for a ride. It was fun but then I didn't make it back to the DZ because I crashed the plane. I felt really bad and Mr. B was not happy.

It didn't happen. Plus, I just don't think they'd let yours truly take the plane for a little spin.

If anything, it has kept me from pursuing any ambitions of flying anything than me or a kite.

Which Otter?:)

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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I received this quote in an email this morning, and it made me think of this thread:


Meaningful coincidences touch a deep feeling in the psyche. These synchronistic events give us a sense that we’re part of a greater whole.

-Jean Shinoda Bolen

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