
How do you kill a Yucca plant?

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I know there's already a thread about killing sucker trees, but my problem is with yucca plants. I've got them taking over my perennial gardens and they're really pissing me off. I've googled my ass off and have found nothing, but then again I'm lame at googling. I've dug the damn plants out but in no time they're back and procreating. I've thought of poisoning the roots but I'm concerned I'll kill the perennials.

Now that it is spring I'm out to rid them once and for all. Do any of you fine genius people know how to accomplish this?

Thanks for your help.:)


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I know there's already a thread about killing sucker trees, but my problem is with yucca plants. I've got them taking over my perennial gardens and they're really pissing me off. I've googled my ass off and have found nothing, but then again I'm lame at googling. I've dug the damn plants out but in no time they're back and procreating. I've thought of poisoning the roots but I'm concerned I'll kill the perennials.

Now that it is spring I'm out to rid them once and for all. Do any of you fine genius people know how to accomplish this?

Thanks for your help.:)

A backhoe. My dad had to tear up his backyard to get rid of it.
Be yourself!

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I know there's already a thread about killing sucker trees, but my problem is with yucca plants. I've got them taking over my perennial gardens and they're really pissing me off. I've googled my ass off and have found nothing, but then again I'm lame at googling. I've dug the damn plants out but in no time they're back and procreating. I've thought of poisoning the roots but I'm concerned I'll kill the perennials.

Now that it is spring I'm out to rid them once and for all. Do any of you fine genius people know how to accomplish this?

Thanks for your help.:)



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As any good Mexican Indian will tell you...eat 'em.
You have a cash crop on your hands.

Other than that, a little localized spray of Roundup will do the job. Lightly spray each shoot individually on a non-windy day.

Got some neighbors you don't like? Give 'em a few potted shoots to plant in their garden.

My reality and yours are quite different.
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Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I know there's already a thread about killing sucker trees, but my problem is with yucca plants. I've got them taking over my perennial gardens and they're really pissing me off. I've googled my ass off and have found nothing, but then again I'm lame at googling. I've dug the damn plants out but in no time they're back and procreating. I've thought of poisoning the roots but I'm concerned I'll kill the perennials.

Now that it is spring I'm out to rid them once and for all. Do any of you fine genius people know how to accomplish this?

Thanks for your help.:)

Round Up.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I was thinking more along the lines of using this thing called Dyna.
the propane tank is a good start but if you really wanna get rid of it "dyna might" do the trick.

Have you considered using Sim - yeah that's the one from Texas . . .
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I was gonna say sledgehammer and while you're bashing it scream "die you yippie ki yi motherfucker die!"

But the energy spent doing that isn't worth it. :D

I like popsjumper's solution. Dig them up and plant them in your disliked neighbor's yard! :ph34r:

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I didn't know Yucca plants grew in Massachusetts.:|

Me either! What a surprise! I think one of HIS neighbors doesn't like him and threw them over.

My answer: Butter and garlic, baby. Butter and garlic can solve more problems than you can think up :D~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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Another option.
Cut them off at ground level, drill a substantial hole straight down into the root, fill with table salt, cap with paraffin wax.
Careful with the amount of salt as it can affect the surrounding soil as well.
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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