
How do you kill a Yucca plant?

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Ha! I posted in the thread............

I can't remember how many years ago I dug mine up..........I'm still getting an occasional sprout. I just keep digging them up.

I didn't think they grew in Mass. either!:S

This has been the worst plant I've fought to get rid of.........

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I didn't know Yucca plants grew in Massachusetts.

I'm not sure they do grow in Massachusetts. I believe it's China where they originate and I happen to have the other end.>:(

Anyway, I could kill the gardener who planted them...if he wasn't already dead.[:/]

Well, I dug and dug and dug today, only to break off the root.>:( You know what that means...ugh. I poured some roundup on the root 90 feet down (well not literally 90 feet. It just felt like that.).


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:D:D:DToo funny............I never thought of using roundup.....I guess I didn't want to kill the surrouding plants. I sure hope you killed it.........wait a year or two or three before proclaiming victory!

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Really? Does that work on other plants?

Yes, it's a very economical way to rid your sidewalk of weeds. And environmentally friendly!

Once the latest snowfall melts and things get warmer, I'm going to try that on my sidewalk and some other weeds in my flowerbeds.

Does it work on maple trees? I have what, feels like to me, a MILLION of these sucker trees along the side of my house. I have dug them out and they keep coming back! And I'm talking 5 YEARS of cutting them back and digging them out.

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I'm not sure, but do you know how to catch a unique rabbit? :|


Unique up on it

And a tame rabbit? :|


The tame way

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