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What are you REALLY supposed to be doing right now?

I'm supposed to be editing some photos. It's noon and I planned on getting a 9-11 am nap in but I started goofing off and I'll have to take care of edits around 4-6 then take a dinner break and pick it up from 7-10. But then I have friends to meet at 8pm for drinks and, um, I'll finish tomorrow, but I'll start today...

What are you blowing off? And I know you are..I can hear you breathing! (and see you posting!)~~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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Eating lunch...

I am stuck on the phone with my call center trying to find out WTF they didnt do something that is said to be done per the ticket!

How dare work interfere with my lunch! I am hungry. >:(

She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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I should be standing in line at the post office to pick up my mail which was prematurely forwarded to Colorado, but I think I'll wait until the lunch crowd subsides before I go over there....

I'm the Master Procrastinator!:D


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I am cutting some DNA right now.

I add the dna to the buffer and then add the enzymes (restriction endonucleases), then incubate for one hour at 37C.

My work is done right now, the enzymes take it from here.B|

Speed Racer

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Working, but I'm home painting my bathroom. Right now, I'm waiting for the first coat to dry, but I have to go back soon.

I hate painting. :|

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I'm supposed to be updating this STUPID "Enrichment Opportunities" newsletter for the students here at my school...I'm a student worker.B|

I was told to make this newsletter a month ago...I keep updating it but they haven't told me their "system" of getting it out to the students...NOT THAT HARD but they insist on coming up with a way on their own I suppose...[:/]
...so i decided to pull up another browser and keep it a smaller window so I can check out whats goin on on here and they still think I'm workin;)


I'm not weird...just cool that's all...!!!!

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It's 11PM here, so I should be getting to bed...

Spent the last week goofing off, though, so my guilty conscience has me "working" on redesigning my web page :P Playing around here is officially referred to as research ;)

D.S # 125

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Posting flight schedules for our "Students in Space" program. About 40 college studs coming for us to entertain (that means scare!), and demonstrate their ability to not only fly in a hypobaric chamber to 25,000 feet but fly on our C-9 Zero G aircraft.

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Damn you April. I just got on here for a quick lookie, and I see a thread you started, so naturally I've got to open it.

What should I be doing? Hitting the books for my last final:)
Now get away from me...............................or I'll have to call my lawyer!;)

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Good luck on the exam.

I think I have you ALL beat. I just text msged the guy I'm going to edit and he's not in his studio. Its 10pm. I watched Family Feud, Judge Judy was yelling at people and I went out for dinner and drinks.

Now I'm ready to work but there's no work here. *sigh* but its all good. I don't have atoms to split, no dna or creepy crawlies to tend to, no post office and NO exams to study for.

How come nobody jumped??? what a bunch of slackers!!!
(Mary, good to see you are around and well. I'll call you, if I can stop slacking off!)B|~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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Filling some medications for these sick folks at my Hospital...we had a huge fucking fire in Greenville today, with no one dead (good) but everyone and their damned grandma is claiming smoke inhalation (though it was going straight up) but its b/c our policy for indigent care is you get 7 days FREE meds...which includes narcs. Fucking crackheads swarmed in now, sheesh!!:S:S

...it's not the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone...it's the fact that you don't appreciate what you have until someone appreciates it for you!

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Filling some medications for these sick folks at my Hospital...we had a huge fucking fire in Greenville today, with no one dead (good) but everyone and their damned grandma is claiming smoke inhalation (though it was going straight up) but its b/c our policy for indigent care is you get 7 days FREE meds...which includes narcs. Fucking crackheads swarmed in now, sheesh!!:S:S

I think you win! But you really don't win since they will be bothering you for the next 7 days!!~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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