
New skydiver looking at rigging

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I just got off student status and did my first 2 solo jumps last weekend (it was awesome). I am jumping a 190 right now but am looking to buy a rig/complete system that I will eventually "grow into" I am a smallish girl (5'5" 114lbs) so I am having difficulty finding a used rig. One of the girls at my DZ is selling her complete system and I would like to get opinions on whether or not it is a good deal.. I don't know much about how much used gear goes for. She posted the listing on the classified here:Mirage G3 MOS w/Sabre2-120 for small person!!
Everything is from 2003 and she is selling it for $4200. Any opinions? I wouldn't be able to jump this rig for quite some time, so I only want to make this future investment if it's a good deal.


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It's not a good deal for you because that main canopy is too small for your exit weight and experience and will likely continue to be too small for you for quite a while.

Read the articles on buying a rig here, and talk to your instructors about appropriate main and reserve canopy sizes before you buy a rig.

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A 120 is way too small for even a small girl to start with. The manufacturere of the Sabre 2 does not recommend this size for you at a student and at a novice stage, only later on. Talk with your instructors please, they may recommend a 150! And even then you need to downsize gradually. Also you don't mention the reserve size in this rig, a very important factor! I wouldn't buy a rig to grow into, a 120 is very small you may not want it, you'll be tempted to jump it too early, you have no clue about what you want yet. FYI - in some European countries nowadays you would need 500 jumps or so AT LEAST before you'd be allowed to jump a canopy that small. Petite girl or not.

With 2 jumps you don't have much insight into what you are looking for yet. Why not wait, talk with your instructors a lot, see what kind and what size of canopy you're comfy with first?

ciel bleu,

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