
Describe a Favorite Sexual Fantasy:

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Group sex in a large sphere in space with zero gravity.

you would lose your Amazon advantage in Zero G :P
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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All holes full.

Hi, my name is JP, how can I help?B|

Oh and if you need other assistants, based on her previous post in this thread, I think Chelle might be able to fill a.....er....... role.:P
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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im pretty young but ive had some damn good sex in my day...

on a dirt bike-takes serious balance
on a pool table-watch the balls-the ones on the table
a gymnast- always fun
on the hood of a car-watch for dents
a hot tub-different

well i guess in free fall maybe
or mile high would be different
but i would want the plane unpressurized- adds to the fun

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whips, chains, teasing, torture, safety word, forcefullness


Who is where

Depends on my mood. :P:)

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