
Damn This Sport Is Expensive!

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Shit, I just spent a little over $6000 on my first rig.:S If you only paid $2700, then you got off easy.


Yes, I know. However, it is a brand new fully loaded (that means I got pretty much every option possible, even stuff they've never done before) Vector 3 with PD Reserve, Cypres, and Safire 2. It shouldn't be a surprise that it would cost that much.

I understand WHY it cost so much. I don't understand why you would SPEND so much on something that is fairly transitional - with under 100 jumps I doubt you will be hanging on to it enough to enjoy the $6K investment or get good residual value. Of course, to each their own, but to me - THAT'S FUCKING CRAZY.

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Shit, I just spent a little over $6000 on my first rig.:S If you only paid $2700, then you got off easy.


Yes, I know. However, it is a brand new fully loaded (that means I got pretty much every option possible, even stuff they've never done before) Vector 3 with PD Reserve, Cypres, and Safire 2. It shouldn't be a surprise that it would cost that much.

I understand WHY it cost so much. I don't understand why you would SPEND so much on something that is fairly transitional - with under 100 jumps I doubt you will be hanging on to it enough to enjoy the $6K investment or get good residual value. Of course, to each their own, but to me - THAT'S FUCKING CRAZY.

Considering how often I jump, I'll actually probably have this container for quite a while. I'm gonna be loading it at 1.2 right now and with a 150 I'll be loading it at 1.4. I have many other sports I do, I'm a student, and I run my own company... That doesn't put me at the DZ often enough to downsize very far... Safely at least.
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welcome to the jumping world. i did it in reverse...jumped then learn to fly. i went with the E-LSA trike, under 20 grand, can do your own repairs, and low cost to fly...about 30 an hour including fuel, engine tear down costs, and basic repair.:)

Thanks... I think I need to find a local Skydivers Anonymous group - I'm thoroughly addicted B|

I'm going a similar route with the airplane thing - building a Vans RV-8, so I'll be able to do all my own maint. and everything. Still gonna be $50-$80k when I'm done with it, though :S

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In your case, its directed deposited to an airline and several DZ's

You're just envious of this boogie-ing boy.;)

And I'll see you in Lodi in May. YOU will be the flying one, I'll just be making a short drive.:P
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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welcome to the jumping world. i did it in reverse...jumped then learn to fly. i went with the E-LSA trike, under 20 grand, can do your own repairs, and low cost to fly...about 30 an hour including fuel, engine tear down costs, and basic repair.:)

Thanks... I think I need to find a local Skydivers Anonymous group - I'm thoroughly addicted B|

I'm going a similar route with the airplane thing - building a Vans RV-8, so I'll be able to do all my own maint. and everything. Still gonna be $50-$80k when I'm done with it, though :S

nice! what type of engine are you planning to instal? i have seen a few RVs flying around here, very very nice planes. since my land is on hills, no area for runway, i wanted a plane i could trailer and set up, it takes me about 45 mins to set up. i would like someday to pick up a kitfox with foldable wings, and maybe a 912 or 914. :)

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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In your case, its directed deposited to an airline and several DZ's

You're just envious of this boogie-ing boy.;)

And I'll see you in Lodi in May. YOU will be the flying one, I'll just be making a short drive.:P

Is there a boogie going in Lodi on in may?

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All I know is this sport is expensive...even BEFORE you start jumping! I am not able to jump until about 11 more months because of post-grad school, but I've managed to save up $4500 so far towards a rig and training. I still need another 2K to safely cover everything including gear. Even then I will have the monthly expenses associated with jump costs and weekends at the DZ....ayeyeiyei!! :S But it'll be SO worth it!!! :D:D:D:D

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Over the last 7 years, I've spent about 40K on skydiving. (I really haven't jumped much in the last 2-3 years)

How did you spend 40K on 160 jumps, even with gear and training?

Hasn't jumped much in the last 2-3 years...my guess would be ~

REALLY expensive crutches! :ph34r:

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Over the last 7 years, I've spent about 40K on skydiving. (I really haven't jumped much in the last 2-3 years)

How did you spend 40K on 160 jumps, even with gear and training?

Hasn't jumped much in the last 2-3 years...my guess would be ~

REALLY expensive crutches! :ph34r:

perhaps made of titanium? :)
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Over the last 7 years, I've spent about 40K on skydiving. (I really haven't jumped much in the last 2-3 years)

How did you spend 40K on 160 jumps, even with gear and training?

My insurance companies and I have spent over $40,000 on just 1 jump.

No gear or training involved. It's the little things that add up like $2800 for a bone stimulator or $400 for a CT scan. It'd be a lot more if we weren't getting the insurance companies negotiated pricing, like $4500 and $825 respectively.

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Over the last 7 years, I've spent about 40K on skydiving. (I really haven't jumped much in the last 2-3 years)

How did you spend 40K on 160 jumps, even with gear and training?

My insurance companies and I have spent over $40,000 on just 1 jump.

No gear or training involved. It's the little things that add up like $2800 for a bone stimulator or $400 for a CT scan. It'd be a lot more if we weren't getting the insurance companies negotiated pricing, like $4500 and $825 respectively.
I got my bone stimulator for free. Neener, neener, neener. :D
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
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Over the last 7 years, I've spent about 40K on skydiving. (I really haven't jumped much in the last 2-3 years)

How did you spend 40K on 160 jumps, even with gear and training?

My insurance companies and I have spent over $40,000 on just 1 jump.

No gear or training involved. It's the little things that add up like $2800 for a bone stimulator or $400 for a CT scan. It'd be a lot more if we weren't getting the insurance companies negotiated pricing, like $4500 and $825 respectively.
I got my bone stimulator for free. Neener, neener, neener. :D

And I thought I was lucky only having to come up with $953 out of pocket for this plan year's deductible and start of my co-insurance.

I wasn't lucky enough for it to work though. I think I'm in for a bone graft and fresh tibial nail.

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WTF?? Is this still over your September accident??

Of course. I'm not tough enough to stay stupid and repeat that sort of mistake :-)

First there was the nerve damage and resulting pain that kept me non weight bearing for three months. Since then I've gotten pretty good at limping around and was starting to pester my doctor about doing normal things like running and racquetball - figuring if I can jump if I do those things.

He noted an area of suspicion and ordered a CT scan. The CT scan showed a hole so I got the bone stimulator. When the bony bits haven't even touched in six months they aren't too likely to on their own. So when I got another CT scan last week the doctor wasn't too surprised that the hole was still there and he talked most about bone grafts and hardware replacement.

We're going to head up to see a trauma guy in San Francisco for a second opinion in a couple weeks who "might think it's OK to leave the hole alone" although I doubt that.

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Over the last 7 years, I've spent about 40K on skydiving. (I really haven't jumped much in the last 2-3 years)

How did you spend 40K on 160 jumps, even with gear and training?

My profile isn't right. I've got way more jumps, plus a great deal of coaching, 2 rigs, custom made jumpsuits/helmets and camera set up.
"Dancing Argentine Tango is like doing calculus with your feet."
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While the air cast boot is substantially better than a hard cast, it has been a couple months and I am already tired of it. I was told 4 more weeks before I can put any weight on it and 3 months before considered good enough to live an every day life. I hate crutches.

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WTF?? Is this still over your September accident??

Of course. I'm not tough enough to stay stupid and repeat that sort of mistake :-)

Damn.[:/] Hadn't heard about that. What happened?

I thought it was bad when I spent 12 grand on cycling in 1996, due to a damn fool pedestrian jumping out in front of me on a bike trail.>:(
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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