
Pilot colours

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Thx Radioshack! Your canopy suits you well!

Here is a pic of my jumpsuit colors. I tried to upload a screenshot of my latest main design idea but it is over 300 kb and I can't figure out how to downsize it. The idea was to get blue and yellow in somehow but still have the orange visibility factor:

neon orange - all 9 cells on the topskin
royal blue - all ribs
neon yellow - all 9 cells on the bottomskin

Would red ribs work better?

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How did you do that, angrypeppers?

On the PC I used alt + (the key above insert) to get the screenshot. But how did you chop off the rest of the screen and lower the byte size? Photoshop? Cool!

Today I am considering the neon orange canopy colors in the Mamba advertising (if it isn't red) or the mixed colors in the Triathlon ad (all neons: purple, pink, orange, yellow).

I don't have Aerodyne fabric samples, but I do have PD fabric samples. Do the following colors correspond? PD on the left, Aerodyne on the right. I know PD has 23 colors and AD only has 15.

black (BLK) = black (BLK)
white (WHT) = white (WHI)
Jade (JAD) = jade (JADE)
Navy Blue (NBL) = Navy Blue (NAVY)
Royal Blue (RBL) = Royal Blue (RBL)
Turquoise (TUR) = Neon Blue (NBLU)
Red (RED) = Red (RED)
Magenta (MAG) or purple (PUR) = neon purple (NPUR)
neon pink (NEP) = neon pink
tangerine (TGR) = neon orange (NORN)
lemon (LEM) = neon yellow (NYEL)
silver (SIL) = Silver (SIL)
gold (GOL) = Gold (GOLD)
kelly green (KGR) = Green (GRE)
lime green (LGR) = Lime Green

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Not long ordered my own Pilot as well, and looking through these pics the scheme I went for is almost identical to Pincheck's on the first page!

Kinda wish I'd seen this thread before I ordered as I imagined the neon yellow being a lot brighter looking.

Order went in about 2-3 weeks ago, do you think I'll still have time to change my mind on colour scheme, if I wanted to?

Can't decide whether I'm not as keen on it seeing it properly, or whether I'm now hesitant cause someone else out there has the same colour scheme as what I ordered!!
Sky Switches - Affordable stills camera tongue switches and conversion adaptors, supporting various brands of camera (Canon, Sony, Nikon, Panasonic).

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@degeneration[Can't decide whether I'm not as keen on it seeing it properly, or whether I'm now hesitant cause someone else out there has the same colour scheme as what I ordered!! ]

Maybe you and pincheck should start up a team! I think his canopy looks great and the yellow couldn't be brighter!! But if you're worried, call Aerodyne.

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The triatholon and the orange and yellow oone have lessened my worries now as they do look a lot more "neon" than the yellow in Pincheck's canopy for some reason.

This is my first custom canopy and there was me thinking I was being all cool and original with my colour scheme and not only does/did Pincheck have exactly the same colours in the same style (except the stabisliers), but the neon yellow and orange one above is also in exactly the same style!!! Gues I'm not as cool and original as I thought!!! :$

Attached is exactly what I went for... but now thinking a neon yellow slider might be nicer... less chance of looking pink when it starts to fade!

Sky Switches - Affordable stills camera tongue switches and conversion adaptors, supporting various brands of camera (Canon, Sony, Nikon, Panasonic).

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@degen: Your choice of style, meaning the endcells and the middle cell are a different color then the other 6 cells, will surely help you pack faster. You won't regret it. I personally am considering something more asymmetrical, but am waffeling. Again, if you want to change your slider color from red to yellow, contact Aerodyne. Maybe it's not too late.

P.S. Anyone have a pic of a yellow canopy with blue ribbing?


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The triatholon and the orange and yellow oone have lessened my worries now as they do look a lot more "neon" than the yellow in Pincheck's canopy for some reason.

This is my first custom canopy and there was me thinking I was being all cool and original with my colour scheme and not only does/did Pincheck have exactly the same colours in the same style (except the stabisliers), but the neon yellow and orange one above is also in exactly the same style!!! Gues I'm not as cool and original as I thought!!! :$

Attached is exactly what I went for... but now thinking a neon yellow slider might be nicer... less chance of looking pink when it starts to fade!

:Dwhy worry mate non of us are going to be original as there are only so many permutations :D Just have fun and stroke it a lot :Pthe canopy that is :)

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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Here are three new ideas. The first is the opposite of sirenoremac:

Picture One:

This design matches my jumpsuit (admittedly only a fraction of the price of the canopy, but what the hell)?

There is one problem though, here in Germany there are fields of yellow rapeseed in the jumping season and if I had a cutaway and the main landed in one of these fields it might be really tough to recover.

Picture Three:
Also asymmetrical, but with yummy sherbet colors and red ribs to complete the sunset look. It successfully avoids the German rapeseed problem.

Picture Four:
Uni-colored neon orange with navy blue ribbing. My best friend has these colors and his is the first canopy you spot after separation. Very high visibility.

As you can see, I tend to like darker cross-braces.

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